Module 3 Unit 6 The secret of good health 单词短语句型知识点讲解(含答案)

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Module 3 Unit 6 The secret of good health 单词短语句型知识点讲解(含答案)


六上Unit 6 The secret to good health
掌握单元音 [e] 与 [ ] 的发音技巧, 并能读出相关单词;
掌握Unit 6的单词短语及句型用法;
Part 1 Happy Sounds
音标 常考字母/字母组合 例词
[e] a any many
e help elephant felt experience better
ea heavy healthy headache noon
[ ] a fat animal sat
( ) 1. [e] A. share B. hand C. less D. band
( ) 2. [ ] A. any B. angry C. many D. grandparent
( ) 3. [e] A. sad B .fever C. get D .bad
( ) 4. [ ] A. egg B. anybody C. fan D. send
friendly, candy, send, less, land, any, better, met, many, headache, bed
[ ]____________________________________________________________________________
Part 2 Review:words & phrases & sentences
知识点讲解 1:词汇归类
(A) 名词:
(1)(医生):英文:__________ 【拓】poster(海报)
(2)(护士)英文:________ injection (注射)
(4)(秘密)英文:__________ stitches (缝线)
(5)(节食) 英文:__________ acupuncture (针灸,针刺)
(6)(锻炼) 英文:__________ scratch (擦伤)
(7)(笑容) 英文:____________ advice (建议);不可数
(8)(疾病) 英文:____________ suggestion (建议)可数
(B) 动词、形容词:
(1)(保持) 英文:__________ (过去式:__________)
(2)(油腻的) 英文:__________
(3)(担心) 英文:__________ (过去式:__________)
(4)(认为) 英文:__________ (过去式:__________)
(5)(简单的) 英文:__________(反义词:_________)
(6)(感觉) 英文:__________ (过去式:__________)
(7)(更多的) 英文:__________ (较少的:_________)
(8)(富有的) 英文:__________ (9)(明智的) 英文:__________
(C) 副词:(最后地)英文:____________ (甚至)英文:________________
1. Do you know the s_____________ to good health
2. You can do some s____________ things to stay healthy.
3. You should take e_____________ for an hour everyday.
4. He never w______________ too much and always has a s_____________ on his face.
5. Don’t eat too much o___________ food, it’s b____ for your health.
6. F______________, Mr. Li t_____________ the most i_________________ thing for a healthy life is to be happy.
7. He has lost of money. Though he is w_________, he is not w____________.
( ) 1. A. secret B. doctor C. nurse D. teacher
( ) 2. A. feel B. keep C. stay D. health
( ) 3. A. oily B. sweet C. diet D. important
( ) 4. A. final B. even C. friendly D. careful
( ) 5. A. more B. less C. least D. better
知识点讲解 2:短语集结
(1)保持健康 _______________ (2)保持良好的饮食习惯 _____________________
(3)担心太多 ___________________ (4)脸带笑容 _____________________
(5)至少 __________________ (6)远离... _____________________
(7)对...有害 ______________________ (8)...的秘密 ______________________
1. Eating too much sweet and ______________________________ (油腻食品) is bad for our health.
2. Lily __________________________________________ (保持一个良好的饮食习惯). So she is very healthy.
3. David likes ______________________________________ (做大量的运动).
4. She always ______________________________________ (保证充足的睡眠).
5. You should ______________________________________ (喝茶或水), not coke or coffee.
6. _______________________ (做运动) can _________________________ (保持健康).
知识点讲解 3:句型分析
Mr Li is not a doctor or a nurse. 李先生既不是医生也不是护士。
并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。但有时and 也可用于否定句。请注意其不同特点:
There is no air or water in the moon.
There is no air and no water on the moon.
在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。
We can visit the World Park or travel around the world.
Is that an apple or an orange 那是苹果还是桔子
or用于否定句中,代替and ,表示"和"的意思。如:
I don't like bread , rice or porridge.我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥。
Hurry up, or you'll be late.快点,否则你要迟到啦。
The secret to good health.
在这里secret是名词,意思是“秘诀;秘密”,后面的介词用to,表示“...的秘诀”;“同款”句子还有:the key to the door.
He says you can do some simple things to stay healthy.
例如:He came home to get his basketball.
My mother gets up early to cook breakfast for us.
例如:He takes plenty of exercise to stay healthy.
How can you stay so slim all these years
【拓】stay还可意为“停留”,例如:stay at home 待在家
例如:How long will you stay in Guangzhou
The most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy.
注意本句中“to do”的用法。
例如:My dream is to travel around the world.
Keep a good diet. 保持一个良好的饮食习惯。
on diet 节食;减肥 balanced diet 均衡饮食
Eat more vegetables and less meat. 多吃蔬菜,少吃肉。
more是many/much的比较级 more than 多于 more and more 越来越多
less是little的比较级 less than 少于 less and less 越来越少
many和much 的最高级是___________; little的最高级是____________ few的比较级和最高级分别是__________ ______________
First, get plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours each night.
分析: at least意思是“至少,不是少于”,是副词短语,可以修饰动词或整个句子,用来强调程度或数量。
He never worries too much and always has a smile on his face.
“too much”表示“太多”,修饰不可数名词或动词,本句中是修饰__________。
【拓】much too 意为”太”,修饰形容词或副词。
例如:much too hot 太热 much too slowly 太慢
【拓】a lot of 修饰名词,a lot 修饰动词(例如:think a lot )
练一练:用too much, much too, too many 填空
Don’t drink ________________, it’s bad for your health.
Today is ______________ cold, so I don’t want to go outside.
You run ______________ fast, I can’t catch you.
There are ____________ people in the street, it’s so crowded.
How old does Mr Li look 李先生看起来多大了?
分析:这是How old引导的特殊疑问句,how old的意思是“多大”,用来询问年龄。回答时可以用“主语+be动词+数字+year(s) old.” 如:----How old are you ----I’m eleven years old.
How组合 用法 例句
How long 意为“多长”,提问长度。意为”多长时间” How long is the ship 这艘船多长?---How long can I keep the books ---For two weeks.
How far 意为”多远”,提问路程 ---How far is it from your home to school --- It’s about 15 minutes’ walk.
How soon 意为”多久”,提问时间 ---How soon will you come back ---In 2 hours.
How often 意为”多久一次”,提问频率 ---How often do you swim ---Every day./Once a week.
How many 意为“多少”提问可数名词的数量。 How many pens do you have
How much 意为“多少”,提问不可数名词的数量或价格。 How much water do you want ” 你要多少水?How much is it 多少钱?
( )1. ______________ is the pen --- It’s 15 centimeters(厘米).
How much B. How long C. How many
( )2. ______________ did the book cost you ---Thirty dollars.
How much B. How many C. How far
( )3. ______________ will you stay here ---For two hours.
How soon B. How far C. How long
( )4. ______________ will you leave Guangzhou ---In half an hour.
How soon B. How far C. How long
( )5. ______________ do you watch TV --- Twice a week.
How often B. How long C. How soon
( )6. __________ bottles of water are there in the fridge ---Three.
How much B. How many C. How far
( )7. __________ juice do you have ---Just a little.
A. How much B. How many C. How often
( )1. The most important thing for you is ____________ a rest.
to take B. take C. takes
( )2. Don’t eat _____________ oily food.
too much B. a few C. too many
( )3. Uncle Tom is not a worker ___________ a teacher.
it B. and C. or
( )4. Mr Zhang always has a smile ________ his face.
for B. on C. in
( )5. Susan always worries ________________.
too much B. too many C. plenty of
( )6. People should eat _______________ vegetables and ___________ meat.
much, less B. more, many C. more, less
( )7. Mary drinks ___________ tea every day.
too many B. a lot C. plenty of
( )8. I sleep ___________ 8 hours each night.
least B. at least C. little
( ) 9. She quickly cooked the supper, 7 cleaned the house.
A. but B. and C. or
( )10. Can you find the answer _________ the question
in B. on C. to
( )11. I eat plenty of vegetables and take plenty of exercise ______ stay healthy.
for B. to C. in
( )12. My father takes exercise ____________ more than one hour every day.
A. for B. to C. in
( )13. We should not eat too much sweet __________ oily food.
and B .or C. with
( )14. ---Who has _______________ apples ,Tom, Jerry or Lucy ---Tom. He has only one.
least B. the least C. less
Chips are bad for your health.
The girl likes to surf the Internet in winter holiday.
The boys are planting trees in the park.
My father goes fishing once a month.
You should drink plenty of water every day.
Part 3 Writing 你知道如何让预防感冒吗?赶快写下来和大家分享吧,要求不少于50词。
( C ) 1. [e] A. share B. hand C. less D. band
( B ) 2. [ ] A. any B. angry C. many D. grandparent
( C ) 3. [e] A. sad B .fever C. get D .bad
( C ) 4. [ ] A. egg B. anybody C. fan D. send
friendly, candy, send, less, land, any, better, met, many, headache, bed
[e] friendly send less any better met many headache bed
[ ] candy, land
知识点讲解 1:词汇归类
(A) 名词:
(1)(医生):英文:__doctor________ 【拓】poster(海报)
(2)(护士)英文:___nurse_____ injection (注射)
(4)(秘密)英文:___secret_______ stitches (缝线)
(5)(节食) 英文:__diet________ acupuncture (针灸,针刺)
(6)(锻炼) 英文:__exercise________ scratch (擦伤)
(7)(笑容) 英文:__smile__________ advice (建议);不可数
(8)(疾病) 英文:__illness__________ suggestion (建议)可数
(B) 动词、形容词:
(1)(保持) 英文:___keep_______ (过去式:__kept________)
(2)(油腻的) 英文:__oily________
(3)(担心) 英文:___worry_______ (过去式:_worried_________)
(4)(认为) 英文:___think_______ (过去式:__thought________)
(5)(简单的) 英文:_simple_________(反义词:_difficult________)
(6)(感觉) 英文:___feel_______ (过去式:_felt_________)
(7)(更多的) 英文:__more________ (较少的:__less_______)
(8)(富有的) 英文:___wealthy_______ (9)(明智的) 英文:__wise________
(C) 副词:(最后地)英文:__finally__________ (甚至)英文:_____even___________
1. Do you know the secret_____________ to good health
2. You can do some simple____________ things to stay healthy.
3. You should take exercise_____________ for an hour everyday.
4. He never worries______________ too much and always has a smile_____________ on his face.
5. Don’t eat too much oily___________ food, it’s bad____ for your health.
6. Finally______________, Mr. Li thinks_____________ the most important_________________ thing for a healthy life is to be happy..
7. He has lost of money. Though he is wealthy_________, he is not wise____________.
( A ) 1. A. secret B. doctor C. nurse D. teacher
( D ) 2. A. feel B. keep C. stay D. health
( C ) 3. A. oily B. sweet C. diet D. important
( B ) 4. A. final B. even C. friendly D. careful
( C ) 5. A. more B. less C. least D. better
1. Eating too much sweet and oily food (油腻食品) is bad for our health.
2. Lily keeps a good diet (保持一个良好的饮食习惯). So she is very healthy.
3. David likes doing plenty of exercise (做大量的运动).
4. She always gets plenty of sleep (保证充足的睡眠).
5. You should drink tea or water (喝茶或水), not coke or coffee.
6. Doing exercise (做运动) can keep healthy (保持健康).
练一练:用too much, much too, too many 填空
Don’t drink __too much______________, it’s bad for your health.
Today is __much too____________ cold, so I don’t want to go outside.
You run ___much too____ fast, I can’t catch you.
There are ___too many___ people in the street, it’s so crowded.
( B )1. ______________ is the pen --- It’s 15 centimeters.
How much B. How long C. How many
( A )2. ______________ did the book cost you ---Thirty dollars.
How much B. How many C. How far
( C )3. ______________ will you stay here ---For two hours.
How soon B. How far C. How long
( A )4. ______________ will you leave Guangzhou ---In half an hour.
How soon B. How far C. How long
( A )5. ______________ do you watch TV --- Twice a week.
How often B. How long C. How soon
( B )6. __________ bottles of water are there in the fridge ---Three.
How much B. How many
( A )7. __________ juice do you have ---Just a little.
A. How much B. How many
( A )1. The most important thing for you is ____________ a rest.
to take B. take C. takes
( A )2. Don’t eat _____________ oily food.
too much B. a few C. too many
( C )3. Uncle Tom is not a worker ___________ a teacher.
it B. and C. or
( B )4. Mr Zhang always has a smile ________ his face.
for B. on C. in
( A )5. Susan always worries ________________.
too much B. too many C. plenty of
( C )6. People should eat _______________ vegetables and ___________ meat.
much, less B. more, many C. more, less
( C )7. Mary drinks ___________ tea every day.
too many B. a lot C. plenty of
( B )8. I sleep ___________ 8 hours each night.
least B. at least C. little
( B ) 9. She quickly cooked the supper, cleaned the house.
A. but B. and C. or
( C )10. Can you fine the answer _________ the question
in B. on C. to
( B )11. I eat plenty of vegetables and take plenty of exercise ______ stay healthy.
for B. to C. in
( A )12. My father takes exercise ____________ more than one hour every day.
A. for B. to C. in
( B )13. We should not eat too much sweet __________ oily food.
and B .or C. with
( B )14. ---Who has _______________ apples Tom, Jerry or Lucy ---Tom. He has only one.
least B. the least C. less




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