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1、Coordination and Subordination 1.当我们提及同等重要的两件或多件事情或观点时,我们多采用由并列连词连接的并列分句(coordinate clauses),这种方法称为并列(coordination)。而在表达一个主句中更加重要的观点或以从句来表达不太重要的观点时,我们会使用从属(subordination)的方法。采用何种方法取决于我们所需要表达的观点之间的内部关系。 试比较以下三句。 e.g: This rich man went to church every Sunday, and he never donated a cent for the benef

2、it of his neighborhood. This rich man went to church every Sunday, but he never donated a cent for the benefit of his neighborhood. Although he was rich and went to church every Sunday, he never donated a cent for the benefit of his neighborhood. Types of Sentence (句子的类型)1.陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句.(declarati

3、ve, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences)2.简单句,并列句,复合句,和并列复合句(simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences)3.松散句,圆周句和对偶句(loose, periodic, and balanced sentences)4.短句和长句(short and long sentences) 1.陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句.根据来分,句子可分为陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句.陈述句: 陈述观点和事实疑问句: 提出问题祈使句:表达命令和请求

4、感叹句:抒发强烈的感情 2.简单句,并列句,复合句,和并列复合句按句子结构划分简单句:一个主语和一个谓语动词,但可以有几个宾语,定语或状语。如:We encouraged our children to be brave. 但是如下句子:He and his brothers went to town and bought a pile of books.有的语法书做简单句,有的做并列句。 并列句包含两个或者更多个的独立从句(或简单句)。这些意思 相关的独立从句用并列连词(and, but, or)或分号等连接起来。意思相关的各从句不相互矛盾,大致同等重要,并按一定顺序排列。如:Lin loo

5、ks like Li; however, they are not related.He can go to Canada to have further education or he has the choice to stay. 复合句包含一个主句和一个或者更多的从句。主句和从句从连词来显示它们的关系。从句可以充当全句的主语,宾语,表语,定语或状语。如: The one who sat in front of me is Mr. Chen. Even the wisest one, who was usually quick in thinking and action, was sil

6、ent this time. 并列复合句包含至少两个主语和一个从句,即并列句和复合句的组合。如:Actually, not all Americans hold all these values, and those who do may hold other, and at times contradictory, values that affect their ways of behaving. 写作中这种类型句子要注意的地方 1. 简单句强劲有力,意思清楚,和长句子一起用还会使句式富于变化。 简单句一般用于表达需要强调或重要的意思。 2. 长的并列复合句可以容纳多种修饰词能清楚并准确地

7、表达复杂的意思。 改写下列句子,把短句变为并列句、复合句或带有分词短语、介词短语或其他短语的句子: 1. Xu comes from a working-class family. He enrolled in college last fall. 2. The dean issued a bulletin. It said the library would remain open at weekend. 3. Last night was a wild night. The thunder roared. The wind blew a gale. The rain fell in tor

8、rents. 4. There are icicles on the trees. The temperature must have fallen considerable during the night . 5. He returned to his hometown. He had been away for 12 years. He looked in vain for the familiar landmarks. 6. We have made some progress. We still have a long way to go. 7. The sky was cloudl

9、ess. The sun was shining brightly. 8. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane. About one third of them were foreigners. 9. The girl began to learn to play piano when she was a child. Her mother was a famous pianist. 10. Napoleon was born in Corsica in 1769. At that time the island

10、had just been acquired by France. 3.松散句,圆周句和对偶句(loose, periodic, and balanced sentences)从修辞的角度来看,句子有松散句,圆周句和对偶句(loose, periodic, and balanced sentences)之分。 松散句(loose sentences)把主要意思放在次要意思之前,先说最重要的事情,读者看到前面的词就知道这个句子的内容。(即重要的先说) He knew he had little chance of getting the job, although he wanted it mo

11、re than anything else in the world. The willow somehow suggested a young woman, with her long hair flowing in the wind. 圆周句(periodic sentences)把最重要的安排在最后面或靠后的位置,读者只有看完整句话才知道意思。 With her long hair flowing in the wind, the willow somehow suggested a young woman. Although he wanted the job more than an

12、ything else in the world, he knew he had little chance of getting it. More Examples She decided to study English though she was interested in music. Although she was interested in music, she finally decided to study English.第一个句子的第一个部分是完整的结构,除去第二部分仍然成立,为松散句。第二个句子第一部分只是从句,起来修饰说明的作用,加上第二部分才是完整的句子,为圆周句

13、。 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.(?) 平衡句(balanced sentences)平衡句是并列句和并列复合句的一种。句中的各部分结构相同,但是意义相互对立。 The humid summers drained my strength; the mild winters renewed my energy. As the years went by, the mansion faded fr

14、om their memories, and the new home occupied their efforts. 松散句比较易懂,简单,自然和直接。圆周句比较复杂,着重,正式和文雅。对偶句的语气强劲有力,因为包含相反的意思,节奏和谐而悦耳,容易给人留下深刻的印象。如:Let us be ruthless in our criticism, cruel to personal vanities, indifferent to age, rank or experience if these stand in our way. On hearing the news, he was ange

15、red, and I was saddened. 指出下列各句的类型(松散,圆周,对偶句) 1. She missed the step and sprained her ankle.2. Badly frightened by the explosion, the boy rushed out of the laboratory.3. The Wangs must have gone away for the summer holidays, for we have not seen them for a long time.4. It will not be done by the Gov

16、ernment; it cannot be done by Parliament. 5. Our friends, who had started before us, promised that they would meet us, but when we arrived at the bus stop, they were nowhere to be seen. 4.短句和长句(short and long sentences)根据句子长短来分短句:语气强而有力,令人瞩目,适宜陈述重要的事实和想法。长句:含有修饰词,能准确表达复杂的思想,适宜于解释观点,理论或描写有很多细节的事物。但是对

17、于中国学生来讲,因为受到母语影响,学会写长句表达连贯,通顺的意思才是锻炼的重点。 试比较。 I like reading novels. They often tell me interesting and moving stories. Some stories are also instructive. They describe good and evil people. They describe the bright side and the dark side of life. They help me distinguish between right and wrong. In

18、 this way they have helped me to understand people and life. As a result, I seem to become wiser. I like reading novels because they often tell me interesting and moving stories. Moreover, some stories are also instructive. By describing good and evil people, and the bright side and the dark side of

19、 life, they help me distinguish between rightand wrong and understand people and life. Reading them has perhaps made me wiser. 简单句,短句成复杂句,长句的小方法:a. 根据关系,加合并词。如:John was a charming young man. He was quite intelligent, too.The little boy has defeated many grown-ups at chess. He is only eleven. Not onl

20、y was John a charming young man, but he was also quite intelligent. The little boy has defeated many grown-ups at chess, although he is only eleven. b. 根据英语的习惯和句子结构,重组句子。 I returned to my room. There was a note under my door. It was from Bill. He said he was in the town looking for a job. He hadnt f

21、ound anything. When I returned to my room, I found a note from Bill under my door. He said he was in the town looking for a job, but hadnt found anything yet. c.用不同的语法结构 When he left he was a beggar. When he returned he was a millionaire. He left a beggar and returned a millionaire. d. 利用从属关系,合并成复合句

22、 Mark Twain was a well-known American writer. His experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped to become a famous writer. Mark Twain,whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a well-known American writer

23、. 在造句时长短句交插, 增加句型结构变化,就可以避免在表达方式上的幼稚、单调和贫乏,使句子以及文章丰富多彩。 (1)Advertising can be a service to the customer. (2) This is true when advertisements give reliable information about the goods advertised. (3) Such information is needed if the customer is to make a sensible choice when he buys. (4) It is usef

24、ul in that it lets him know of the kinds of goods in the shops. (5) Printed advertisements do this job best. (6) Customers can collect them and compare them.(7)They can be taken along to shops and their claims checked against the actual goods in the shops. 在这段文字里,长句和短句、简单句和复合句交替使用,句子有长有短,句型有简单句 (句1、句5和句6),有复合句(句2、句3、句4和句7),文章因此而生动流畅。

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