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1、word企业文化用语英文翻译标准文本一、理念体系局部1、 追求全球技术领先,实现宗申精良制造;We pursue global leadership in technology and lean manufacturing.2、 实现个人、企业、社会的和谐开展;We value the harmony among the individual, business and society. 3、 求真务实,科学创新;Our business is driven by integrity and innovation. 4、敬业、拼搏、创新;Devotion, Profession and Inn

2、ovation 5、生产组织最优化、制造价值最大化;Optimize the organization of production; Maximize the value of manufacturing.6、终结组装旧模式、开启制造新时代Terminate the old mode of assembling, initiate a new era of manufacturing. 7、制造理念Manufacture philosophy精良制造,制造精品;Lean manufacturing makes excellent products.8.国际合作 精良制造 Internation

3、al cooperation brings lean manufacturing9、把好质量每一道关;Quality es from the care of details. 10、要经营企业、先经营团队Before managing your business, manage your people first. 11、质量铸就品牌、服务赢得市场Brand is created by quality, market is gained by service. 12心存壮志建百年企业、脚踏实地树一流品牌Make a centennial Zongshen and world-class bra

4、nds.13、过程定成败,结果论英雄;Success is achieved in the process but a winner is judged by results. 14、细节决定成败,过程决定结果。Success es from care of details, result from process.15、事无巨细,事必躬亲;Care both the vital and trivial. 16、抢占制高点、拓展新局面;Challenge the higherand turn a new folio.17、树企业形象、铸国际品牌;Improve the corporate pr

5、ofile and make an international Zongshen.18、把握市场趋势、领导市场潮流;Lead the market by satisfying the market. 19、努力与收益对等,机遇与挑战并存No pains, no gains; opportunity and challenge are twins.20、上下沟通达成共识, 左右协调求进步munication leads to agreement; coordination makes improvement.21、战高温,夺高产,奋战一百天,力争突破20万台Be dedicated to ach

6、ievingthe daily capacity of 200,000 units in one hundred days against the hot weather.建 议删除该句话,已失去时效性22、人倒我不倒, 产量创新高Diligence makes record high output.23、品质看得见, 过程是关键Good quality is achieved in the process.决不制造工业垃圾No industrial waste!24、坚持原如此, 执行标准,严谨高效, 持续改良Adherence& pliance, rigor & efficiency, c

7、ontinuous improvement.25、质量关系你我他, 一人疏忽害大家Quality is a matter of everyone; a single omission disqualifies the whole team. 26、走精良制造之路,圆百年宗申之梦。Make a centennial Zongshen by lean manufacturing. 27、 精良制造之路 建国际合作平台Lean manufacturing is the foundation for international partnership. 28、技术领先、标准统一、作风严谨、品质优良。L

8、eading technology andconsistency, rigor and superior quality29、质量决定效益、过程决定成败。Good quality is the real profit and an optimized process leads to success. 30、质量改良无止境、顾客满意我满意。Quality is never too improved; customer satisfaction is our mitment. 31、质量源于细节。High quality es from the care of details. 32、产品、人品

9、,品品求精;今天、明天,天天进取。Good people make good products; improvement has no last day. 33、作业标准化、管理精细化、工作流程化。Standard operating procedures, detailed management, and streamline process flow 34、简单的事一直做下去,很不简单!容易的事一直做下去,很不容易!Doing the simplest work well is the greatest and persistence in the easiest task is neve

10、r easy. 35、面对问题找方法,不要找借口。No excuse but solution. 36、什么问题都可以商量,唯独质量不可以商量。The quality can be never promised. 37、第一次把事情做对,追求零缺陷。Do it correctly at the first time to achieve zero defects.38、管理改变企业,品质成就未来。Management tells a pany and quality tells the future. 39、用户是检验产品的唯一标准。The satisfaction of customers

11、is the only standard for examining products.40、以质量求生存、向管理要效益、靠诚信谋开展。Quality is the foundation for existence, management for profit, integrity for growth.42、面对顾客的抱怨,需养成反省、反省、再反省的职业习惯。Be accustomed to asking yourself why repetitively in the case of customer plaint.43、宗申战略目标Strategic GoalA、做行业领头企业,做国内一

12、流企业,做世界百年企业。Try to bee a leader of the industry, a pany highly reputed nationally and worldwide.44、把小企业当大企业办,末日不远;把大企业当小企业办,前途无限。Run a small business luxuriously and the bankruptcy is ing up; run a big business moderately and prosperity is near. 45、预防为主、控制过程、持续改良、追求卓越。质量方针Prevention focused, process

13、 control, continuous improvement, and pursuit of excellence. 46、激情、责任、规X、细节、效率Passion, responsibility, standard, detail, efficiency47、提升品质,降低本钱,强化管理,增加效益Improve Quality, Reduce Cost, Enhance Management, and Promote Benefit48、细微之处,精心操作,点点滴滴,严把质量Be precise at each point and control the quality of each

14、 procedure.49、什么问题都可以商量,唯独质量问题不可以商量Quality can never be promised.50、完毕粗制滥造,实现精良制造No waste manufacturing but lean manufacturing. 51、严格管理,精心组织,认真操作,铸就实力,光大“宗申品牌It is strict management, artful organization, and careful operation that empower and highlight “Zongshen Brand.53、不合格品绝不流入下道工序No defective pro

15、ducts into the next production procedure.54、标准作业 控制过程 落实细节 持续改善Standard operation, process control, precise in details, continuous improvement55、没有文化内涵的企业绝不可能有生存的机会A business without corporate culture will not survive. 56、精心组织 细心操作 热心改善 恒心坚持Well organized and careful operation, dedicated to improvem

16、ent and sustenance57、高素质员工 制造高质量产品Right people make right products.58、一流素质的员工,才能创造出一流的产品First-class people make first class products.59、实物质量是检测我们工作质量的标准Product inspects the quality of our work. 60、精益求精 创造卓越品质 一丝不苟 追求尽善尽美We keep improvement in everything we do; we pursue excellence and perfection.61、

17、用户是检验产品的唯一标准Customer satisfaction is the real standard of product quality. 62、管理改变企业 品质成就未来Management tells a pany and quality tells the future. 63、检测产品品质 要延伸到点滴细微之处Inspect the quality of a product at each detail. 64、完毕粗制滥造,实现精良制造。No waste manufacturing but lean manufacturing.65、构建质量管理平台,打造宗申价值工程。Es

18、tablish a platform for quality control to improve the Value of Zongshen66、构建管理平台,打造宗申价值工程。Establish a platform for managementto improve the Value of Zongshen67、构建国际合作平台、打造宗申价值工程Establish a platform for international cooperationto improve the Value of Zongshen68、国际宗申 百年品牌International Zongshen, Cente

19、nnial Zongshen67、强化过程、注重细节Control the process and focus on details.68、工程不按期完工就是赔本Delayed pletion is a loss.69、搭建国际化精良制造平台Create our international lean manufacturing platform. 70、精心策划、精心管理、精心验收Well designed planning,managing and inspection71、务实、求新、节约、高效Pragmatic, Innovative, Thrifty and Efficient72、追

20、求精细管理,缔造百年品牌。Pursue fine management and make a centennial Zongshen. 73、服务理念Service Philosophy宗申服务Zongshen Service终身奉献Lifetime Devotion74、管理模式Management Model压力式管理Directive Management激励式管理Incentive-focused Management创新式管理Innovative Management75、国际合作年宗旨Missions in the International Cooperation Year 开启

21、制造新时代Mark a new era of manufacturing谱写开展新篇章Turn a new folio of development76、核心价值观Core Values引领时代潮流Lead the fashion创造完美价值Make perfection77、经营理念Operational Values产品是平台Product is a platform; 服务是商品Service is goods.78、企业使命Our Mission创造速度和能量Record both speed and power; 追求极限和极致Pursue excellence and perfec

22、tion;造福人类Benefit human beings; 以科技创造动感之美Reveal the beauty of motion with technology. 79、企业定位Our Vision潜心打造世界一流的大规模、低本钱、高质量、差异化、精良型制造基地We will make internationally leading lean manufacturing base boasting high capacity, low cost, high quality, and high differentiation.80、质量方针Quality Policy树立产品超群的企业形象

23、We will promote a corporate profile featuring outstanding products.全心全意为顾客服务We are mitted to serve the customers.83、宗申精神文化原如此Our Culture追求极限追求完美追求领先We pursue excellence, perfection, and leadership.84、产品物化人品以人为本创品牌Products reveal people: a brand is based on its people. 85、创新铸就品牌之魂Innovation: the soul

24、 of a brand.86、高效物流Efficient logistics87、准确测试Accurate testing88、精心装配Elaborate assembly89、精准检测Precise inspection90、服务让品牌增值Service: the value adder of a brand91、赛车为品牌增辉Racing: the pride of a brand92、没有文化内涵的企业、决不可能有生存的机会A business without corporate culture will not survive.94、没有完美的系统、只有完善的应用No perfect

25、system but perfect application. 95、科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.96、子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!Time and tide wait for no one!97、无所不能 尽在应用科学Almighty applied sciences98、网络畅通生产命脉Network is the key for high efficient production. 99、软件创造价值Software creates value.100、企业宗旨Corporate

26、 Tenet不争第一 永求唯一Not the number one but the only one. 101、企业理念Corporate Philosophy以人为本忠信诚和严谨高效某某创新People, Honest and Loyalty, Rigor and Efficiency, Factualism and Innovation102、警示语Adages我们不要夜郎自大No arrogance or ignorance!我们要接纳新观念Know and accept the new ones. 总经办General Managers Office102、警示语Adages我们不要夜

27、郎自大No arrogance or ignorance!我们要接纳新观念Know and accept the new ones. 我们不做井底之蛙No ignorance!我们要树立新文化Have our new culture我们不当现代阿QNo modern AH-Q我们要确定新目标Have our new goal103、全球大营销,中国一个村,世界才是宗申的大舞台China is part of the world: the latter is the real stage where Zongshen performs.104、联袂哈雷,打造国际市场双赢联盟Partnership

28、 with HarleyDavidson makes a win-win alliance in theworld market.105、携手比亚乔,谱写国际合作新篇章Cooperation with Piaggio turns a new folio in international cooperation history. ,整理,整顿,清扫,修身seiketsu, seiri, seiton, seiso, sitsuke107、科技铸就动力 Technology makes power.108、完美技术 缔造强劲动力Perfect technology creates superior

29、 power. 109、装配作业不标准 生产效率就底下Low efficiency is often the result of nonpliance with SOP.110、精心设计、精心验证、精心试制 Sophisticated design, validation and trial production111、中国龙宗申梦 Dragon of China, Dream of Zongshen112、追求极限 追求完美 追求领先We pursue excellence, perfection, and leadership.113、直面竞争 勇于突破Achieve breakthrou

30、gh against petition. 114、国际合作新形象The New look of International Cooperation115、差之毫厘,谬以千里。中国古训An error with the breadth of a single hair can lead you a thousand Li astray.-An ancient Chinese saying116、不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江河。中国古训A thousand trip begins with one step .-An ancient Chinese saying117、千里之堤,溃于蚁

31、穴。中国古训A little leak will sink a great ship . -An ancient Chinese saying118、天下难事,必做于易,天下大事,必做于细。老子The toughest task must start with the easiest; the greatest with the most trivial detail. 119、成也细节,败也细节。彼得杜拉克Details can be either prosperity or adversity.120、魔鬼就在细节之中,天堂也在细节之中。维亚康姆总裁雷石东Both devils and a

32、ngels can be found in details.121、成功的秘诀不在于大的战略决策,而在于做好细致工作的韧劲。李嘉诚The key to success lies not in great strategies but in the tenacity to do careful work.122、所谓庸才,只是放错位置的天才!What is a mediocre person? A genius at the wrong position!123、人人都是天才 庸才是放错了位置的天才Everyone is genius; a mediocre person is only a g

33、enius at the wrong position124、国际合作让品牌走向世界International Cooperation: let Zongshen brand march to the world.126、创新-铸就品牌之魂 Innovation is the soul of a brand. 127、精良制造保卫品牌生命Lean manufacturing is the body guard of a brand.128、全心全意 至真某某 Devotion and mitment, Integrity and Loyalty129. 支持 Support130. 精工 Ex

34、cellent workmanship 131生产装配线上的作业工人 Workers on the assembly line 134. 征战在赛场上的宗申摩托车队 The Zongshen Team in racing135. 袁总监与员工在一起 Mrs. Zuo, the CFO of Zonghsen , together with her employee136.科技铸就动力 Technology makes power.137.开展 Development138、和谐开展 精细运作 Harmonious Development and Delicate Operation139.宗申

35、集团重组某某通宝汽车制造某某 Zongshen Group restructured Anhui Tongbao Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.140、国家总理温家宝亲切会见左宗申先生Premier Wen Jiabao with Zuo Zongshen, Chairman of Zongshen二、翻译部门内容1、宗申产业集团采购中心 Zongshen Group Purchasing Center2、宗申产业集团建设开展中心Zongshen Group Construction and Development Center3、宗申产业集团行政管理中心

36、Zongshen Group Administrative Center 4、副总裁办公室 Vice Presidents Office5、洽谈室 Reception6、会议室 Conference Room二会议室 Conference Room2一会议室 Conference Room17、外联部Public Relations Department8、法律部Legal Affairs Department9、行政部Administration Department10、人力资源部 Human Resources Department11、培训中心Training Centre12、培训室

37、Training Room13、企业文化建设部Corporate Culture Department14、工会Labour Union 15、妇联Womens Federation16党委CPC Zongshen mittee17、总经理室 General Manager18、副总经理室Deputy General Manager19副总经理 Deputy General Manager20、总经办 Administration Office21、财务部 Financial Department 22、财务本钱部 Finance and Cost Department23、品技部 Quali

38、ty and Technology Department24、生产部Production Department22、物资部 Material Department25、机电房Power control Room26、结算室Settlement27、储物间Storage28、检测室Inspection29、粉碎室Crushing30、配电室Power Distribution31、洗手间Toilet32、资本运营办公室Capital Management Office项目管理部Project management Department产权管理部Property Right management

39、Department投资合作部Investment & Cooperation Department副总裁办公室Vice Presidents Office33、总裁秘书处Presidents Secretariat 34、审计部 Auditing Department 35、信息总工程师办公室Chief IT Engineers Office36、信息中心IT Center37、国际合作部International Cooperation Department39、宗申产业集团生产制造系统Zonghsen Industrial Group Manufacturing Division保证部P

40、roduction supporting Department、计调部Planning & Scheduling Department、副总裁办公室Vice Presidents Office40、展厅Show Room行政办公室Administrative Office41、总裁办公室Presidents Office42、宗申产业集团质量系统Zongshen Industrial Group Quality Control Division质量总工程师办公室Chief QC Engineers Office;体系管理部Quality System Management Department

41、;品控部QC Department;供给商技术支持部Supplier Technical Assistance Department43、集团行政部二郎分部Erlang Section, Zonghsen Indutrial Group Administrative Department44、动力部Power Products Department45、质管部QC Department46、出口产品管理部Export Department47、信息部(信息部网络组)IT Department (Networking Section, IT Department)48、技术部技术部数据组Tech

42、nology Department (Data Section, Technology Department)49、计划物资保障部 Material supply Department 50、洽谈区Negotiation Area51、信息策划部Information & Planning Department52、零件销售部Parts sales Department53、质量技术管理部Quality & Technology Department54、市场支持部Market Support Department55、综合业务部General Business Department56、单证

43、储运部Documents, Shipping Department57、欧洲地区Europe Market Department58、美洲地区American Market Department59、通机出口部 GPM export Department60、进口贸易部Import Department61、综合部Administrative Department62、总经理助理Assistant to General Manager63、机房Central Server System64、资料室Data Center65、阅览室 Reading Room66、接待处Reception 67、

44、行政人资部:Administrative and HR Department68、工程部:Engineering Department69、营销策划部:Department of Marketing and Planning70、机要室:Confidential Affairs Department71、资料中心 Data Center72、电器设计室 Electrical Design73、项目管理部 Project Department74、标准设计室 Standard Preparation 中文有问题75、工作区 Working Area76、军工技术部 Military Produc

45、ts Technology Department77、电喷设计室 Fuel Injection System Design78、博士后工作站Postdoctoral Work Station79、新品资源部 New ponent Outsourcing Department80、知识产权部 IPR Department81、橡塑专业室 Rubber & Plastic Design82、热机专业室 Thermal Engine Design83、标准管理部 Standard Management Department84、CAE室 CAE85、茶水间 Tea & Coffee86、摄影室 Ph

46、otography87、工业设计部 Industrial Design Department88、油泥工作室 Clay Model Workroom89、扫描室 Scanning Room90、宗申某某大学联合传动实验室Zongshen-CQU Transmission Co-Lab91、宗申某某大学联合气道与燃烧实验室Zongshen-TJU Manifold and bustion Co-Lab92、宗申嘉利联合灯光实验室Zongshen-Jiali Lighting Co-Lab93、宗申凯凌联合制动器实验室Zongshen-Kailing Brake Co-Lab94、通道 Passa

47、ge95、上下温实验室 Hi-Low Temperature Lab96、车体部件实验室 Vehicle ponents Lab97、测试区 Test Area98、CVT实验室 CVT Lab99、发动机总设计师 Chief Engineer, Engine100、主任 Director 101、副主任 Vice Director102、库房 Warehouse103、办公区 Office Area104、接待室 Reception 105、营销部 Marketing Department106、售后服务中心: After-Sales Service Center107、设备动力部:Equi

48、pment & Power Department 108、计调中心:Planning & Scheduling Center109、物管部:Material Management Department 110、生产部:Production Department111、采购部:Purchasing Department112、中央控制室 Central Control RoomA. 运行区 Operating AreaB. 工作区 Working Area113、技术部Technology Department114、质管部 QC Department115、项目研发室 Project R&D1

49、16、临时吸烟区 Smoking Area117. 某某宗申通用动力机械某某Chongqing Zongshen General Power Machinery Co., Ltd.118.宗申通机 ZS GPM119、休息区: Rest Area120、辅料库房:Auxiliary Material Storage四、集团警示标牌禁止摄影摄像 No Camera or Video!请勿进入:Access Denied!禁止吸烟No Smoking!禁止烟火No Fire or smoke!禁止带火种No Fire!禁止放易燃物No Inflammables!禁止启动Dont Start!禁止合

50、闸Dont Switch On!禁止触摸Do not touch!禁止攀登No Climbing!禁止入内Access Denied!禁止通行Blocked!禁止靠近Keep away!注意安全Caution! Danger!当心火灾Caution!Fire!当心爆炸Caution!Explosion!当心腐蚀Caution! Corrosion!当心中毒Caution! Poisoning!当心触电Danger! Electric Shock!当心伤手Watch your hand!当心坠落Caution! Danger of Falling!当心落物Caution! Falling Obj

51、ects!当心滑跌Caution! Slippery!必须戴防护眼镜Protective Goggles required!必须戴防尘口罩Dustproof Mask Required!必须戴护耳器Ear ProtectorRequired!必须戴安全帽Safety Helmet!必须戴防护手套Protective Gloves!紧急出口Emergency Exit吸烟区Smoking Area高压区域Danger! High Voltage!禁止逗留Keep Clear!压缩空气pressed Air冷却回水Cooling Water Outlet冷却进水Cooling Water Inle

52、t水管Water Pipe雨水管Rainwater Pipe排烟管Exhaust Pipe配电柜Power Distribution Board测试附件Testing Accessories清洁用品Cleaning Tools工装夹具Tooling and Fixture已试发动机Engine Tested 待试发动机 Engine to Test 封样附件Prototype Accessories排放仪Exhaust Tester衣帽柜Locker废旧物品Wastes杂件Miscellaneous 保养用品Maintenance Supplies样机 Prototype汽油管道阀门 Gaso

53、line Valve文件资料柜Document Cabinet维修保养中In Maintenance检测仪器Test Instruments电启动实验箱 Electric-Starting Experiment Chamber工作台 Worktable请按开关 Please Press switch 数据造型设计 Data Structure Design悬挂设计 Suspension System Design制动设计 Brake System Design供油系统 Fuel Supply System行走设计 Driving System Design操纵系统 Operation Syst

54、em电器设计 Electrical Part Design车架设计 Frame System Design 进排气系统 Air Intake & Exhaust System缸体缸头 Cylinder Body and Head 推广服务 Promoting Service箱体箱盖设计 Crankcase and Crankcase Cover Design 润滑冷却设计 Lubricating and Cooling System Design承载系统设计 Loading System Design 变速系统设计 TransmissionSystem Design附件设计 Accessory

55、 System Design 配气系统设计 Valve Mechanism Design请刷卡 Please enter your CARD接待处 Reception 展厅 Show Room接待厅 Reception非工作人员 Staff Only宗申技术中心欢迎你 Wele to Zongshen R&D Center制冷空压站房 Refrigeration & Air pressor Station样件制作区 Sample Parts Production喷漆间 Painting焊接区 Welding样机装配区 Prototype Assembly临时物料暂存区 Temporary St

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