discouraged是什么意思 discouraged的翻译、中文解释

discouraged是什么意思 discouraged的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




– become discouraged:变得气馁、沮丧;

– feel discouraged:感到气馁、失望;

– discouraged worker:失业者、失业工人。


– get discouraged:变得沮丧;

– be discouraged by:被……打击;

– become discouraged with:对……失去信心。



1. He became discouraged and gave up his dream of becoming a professional athlete.(他感到失望,放弃了成为职业运动员的梦想。)

2. She’s discouraged about the job market and doesn’t think she’ll ever find a good job.(她对就业市场感到沮丧,觉得自己永远找不到好工作。)

3. The team was discouraged after losing their fourth game in a row.(球队在连续输了四场比赛后感到气馁。)

4. I was discouraged by the long and difficult path to achieving my goals.(我对实现我的目标的漫长和困难的道路感到气馁。)

5. The teacher’s words of encouragement helped to lift the students’ spirits when they were feeling discouraged.(老师的鼓励之言帮助了学生们在感到气馁时振作起来。)




1. She felt discouraged after receiving yet another rejection letter from the company. (她收到公司的又一封拒绝信之后感到气馁。)

2. The team was discouraged by their loss in the championship game. (球队在冠军赛中输了,感到十分泄气。)

3. Despite the difficulties, she refused to be discouraged and kept working towards her goal. (尽管遇到了困难,她不愿意灰心丧气,一直朝着自己的目标努力。)



例句:God told Joshua, “Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! ” (Joshua 1: 9 CEV). (神告诉约书亚,“不要惧怕,也不要惊惶!”)


例句:In predictive environments, learning is often discouraged. You lay out things in advance and then follow that design. (在可预知的环境中,学习是不被鼓励的。你把事情预先安排好,然后照做就是了。)


例句:Do not be discouraged by set backs and delay tactics used by the dark hats, as their days in power are numbered at this late stage. (不要因为挫折沮丧,最后一段时间黑暗势力的日子屈指可数,他们用延迟作为一项战术。)


例句:Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult. (翻译:如果练习太难,学习者就可能感到很没信心。)

discouraged一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在discouraged workers(失望劳工)、discouraged worker hypothesis([网络] 气馁之工作者假设;失望工人假设;假说)等常见短语中出现较多。

discouraged workers 失望劳工 discouraged worker hypothesis [网络] 气馁之工作者假设;失望工人假设;假说

1. Do not be discouraged by set backs and delay tactics used by the dark hats, as their days in power are numbered at this late stage. (翻译:不要因为挫折沮丧,最后一段时间黑暗势力的日子屈指可数,他们用延迟作为一项战术。)

2. Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult. (翻译:如果练习太难,学习者就可能感到很没信心。)

3. I hear that in instances of contamination over 600 rems close physical contact is discouraged. (翻译:我听说在实例 超过600雷姆的污染… … …亲密的身体接触 是气馁。)

4. ♪you with the sad eyes don’t be discouraged (翻译:♪Catydid sing like a symphony♪ ♪Porch swing swaying like Tenessee lulaby♪ ♪Melody blowing through a wilow tree♪)

5. Yeah, I must have killed about 30 of them painted varmints before they got discouraged. (翻译:是的 我一定干掉三十个花脸坏蛋 在他们屁滚尿流之前)

6. Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there. (翻译:早婚早育在那里不再遭到反对了。)

7. Because the next Charlie Parker would never be discouraged. (翻译:因为下一个查理. 帕克永远不会气馁 Because the next Charlie Parker would never be discouraged.)

8. But chartists will not be completely discouraged. (翻译:但图表分析师不会因此完全气馁。)

9. Because Western scientists are discouraged or all-out barred from working in unstable places. (翻译:因为西方科学家不被鼓励,甚至被禁止 在不稳定的地区进行工作。)

10. Anyone seeing you in that outfit, Moneypenny, would certainly be discouraged from leaving the country. (翻译:钱班霓 任何人看到你这打扮… 一定都舍不得离开的)

11. She was totally discouraged. (翻译:她完全泄气了。)

12. And, for one, I’m not discouraged by this, by any means, because we know that new physics has to be out there. (翻译:并且,为1, 我不是这个气馁, 通过任式,因为我们知道 新物理学 有到这里来了。)

13. He well knew the futility of trying to contend against witches, so he gave up discouraged. (翻译:他深知与女巫斗争是徒劳无益的,所以他灰心丧气地放弃了。)

14. It annoyed my mother to see him rewrite the same page, it discouraged him. (翻译:看到他老是改写同一页纸妈妈就发脾气 而这就让他气馁)

15. When several leads prove disappointing… she gives up, discouraged. (翻译:在发现了一些线索、 但结果却令人失望之后, 她放弃了寻找,深感沮丧。)


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