lecturing是什么意思 lecturing的翻译、中文解释

  lecturing是什么意思 lecturing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




  1. give a lecture 给予讲座

  2. attend a lecture 参加讲座

  3. deliver a lecture 发表讲座

  4. lecture series 讲座系列

  5. guest lecture 特邀讲座

  短语:Lecturing session 讲课时间



  1. He spends most of his time lecturing on philosophy at the university.他在大学里主要讲解哲学。

  2. She was asked to give a lecture on social media at the conference.她被要求在会议上就社交媒体发表讲座。

  3. I’m attending a lecture on the history of art tomorrow.我明天会参加一场关于艺术史的讲座。

  4. The professor delivered a lecture on climate change to a packed auditorium.教授在座无虚席的礼堂做了一场关于气候变化的讲座。

  5. The guest lecture was given by a renowned physicist from Harvard University.这场特邀讲座是由哈佛大学著名物理学家主讲的。




  1. I don’t want to be lectured about my mistakes again.


  2. The professor is lecturing on American literature this semester.


  3. It’s not effective to keep lecturing someone without offering concrete solutions.




  例句:The cult of lecturing dully, like the cult of writing dully, goes back, of course, some years. (当然,像推崇呆板的写作一样,推崇枯燥无味的讲课也有好几年的历史了。)


  例句:I’m talking about you lecturing me about what David did to Gary, and then turning around and acting a million times worse yourself. (我说的是你因为 大卫打了盖瑞而训斥我 但你私底下的行为 却坏上一百万倍)


  例句:Now the groups, it’s not like me lecturing, but what happens is women, they come together — under the support and guidance of our mentor mothers — they come together, and they share their personal experiences. (现在, 这些团队,并这不像我在讲课一样, 而是, 女人们自己走到一起, 通过我们的母亲指导员的支持和引导 她们走到一起, 分享各自的经验.)


  例句:Poulet would be lecturing along, of raising their hand, at least this is what my friend noticed. (翻译:波利特会一直讲,其实你们也会养成这种习惯,by,the,way,,you,can,form,this,habit,,too—,至少这是我的朋友注意到的。)

  1. Now the groups, it’s not like me lecturing, but what happens is women, they come together — under the support and guidance of our mentor mothers — they come together, and they share their personal experiences. (翻译:现在, 这些团队,并这不像我在讲课一样, 而是, 女人们自己走到一起, 通过我们的母亲指导员的支持和引导 她们走到一起, 分享各自的经验.)

  2. Poulet would be lecturing along, of raising their hand, at least this is what my friend noticed. (翻译:波利特会一直讲,其实你们也会养成这种习惯,by,the,way,,you,can,form,this,habit,,too—,至少这是我的朋友注意到的。)

  3. Determination of limiting audibility range in lecturing hall having natural speech acoustics (翻译:语言用厅堂在自然发声条件下听闻极限距离的确定)

  4. King Ptolemy prohibited Hegesias from lecturing, lest he depopulate the country. (翻译:国王托勒密因此禁止何基西亚斯讲课,以避免其哲学使国家人口下降。)

  5. He said China wanted an end to what it sees as ‘paternalistic lecturing’ from the U. S. (翻译:他说,中国希望美国结束所谓的“家长式说教”。)

  6. If you are done lecturing me, (翻译:If you are done lecturing me, 如果你教训完我了)

  7. U. S. officials have largely avoided publicly lecturing Beijing on the currency, for fear such a move would backfire. (翻译:美国官员大多避免就币汇率问题公开谴责中国,因为担心产生事与愿违的后果。)

  8. So, the next time you find yourself lecturing me about this organization… please try to remember why I created it. (翻译:下次你想 就这个组织教训我时 请想想我为什么创建它)

  9. In a huge auditorium, Professor Mantz is miked, lecturing to an audience of a couple hundred students. (翻译:在一间巨大的礼堂里,曼茨教授用麦克风为两百多名学生讲课。)

  10. For instance, if he does not like greens, do not force him to eat them by lecturing about the goodness of greens. (翻译:比如说,他不喜欢绿色,就不要强迫他因为绿色食物的好处而吃生菜。)

  11. Lecturing week after week, as part of the pedagogic routine, is more of a test than people realise. (翻译:完成一周接一周的课程安排是比人们认识的困难的多的考验。)

  12. Now the groups, it’s not like me lecturing, but what happens is women, they come together — under the support and guidance of our mentor mothers — they come together, and they share their personal experiences. (翻译:现在, 这些团队,并这不像我在讲课一样, 而是, 女人们自己走到一起, 通过我们的母亲指导员的支持和引导 她们走到一起, 分享各自的经验. )

  13. In a huge 2 auditorium, Professor Mantz is 3 miked, lecturing to an audience of a couple hundred students. (翻译:在一间巨大的礼堂里,曼茨教授用麦克风为两百多名学生讲课。)

  14. I hardly think he’d be lecturing at the Sorbonne if he’s a pseudo-intellectual. (翻译:吉尔,我很难认为 他要是个伪知识分子, 会被邀请来索邦讲学)

  15. Lecturing week after week, as part of the pedagogic routine, is more of a test than people realise. (翻译:完成一周接一周的课程安排是比人们认识的困难的多的考验。)


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