discernible是什么意思 discernible的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  discernible是什么意思 discernible的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:But that would be a mistake, because he had not had the chance to discover this little street, where in the thicket behind the the plants lovingly tended by the owners barely discernible hides the famous door with the number 15A.

  翻译:他可能是错的 Il aurait bien tort, 因为他没有机会 car il n’aurait pas la chance 欣赏这条隐藏的 de découvrir cette petite rue bien cachée ou。



  例句:Well, there’s no discernible pattern that i can see, but it shouldn’t be too hard to run the numbers and check.

  翻译:我没能看出有什么规律啊 不过输进电脑里验证应该是没什么难度。



  例句:And then they stood at two hilltops, two miles distant, and they did the same thing, on the umption from Galileo that if light had a discernible speed, he’d notice a delay in the light coming back from his istant’s lamp.

  翻译:距离两英里,然后做同样的事情 按照伽利略的假设,如果光线拥有可识别速度, 他就会注意到从助手那里返回光线的延时。


  4.可识别的 、计

  例句:And it’s a story that has no discernible beginning, no foreseeable end.

  翻译:这个故事没有明显开端 也没有可预见的结束。


  discernible一般作为名词使用,如在minimum discernible signal([电] 最小可办讯号)、discernible law(可捉摸的规律)、discernible signal([计] 可识别信号)等常见短语中出现较多。

  minimum discernible signal[电] 最小可办讯号discernible law可捉摸的规律discernible signal[计] 可识别信号minimum discernible signal[电] 最小可办讯号1. And then they stood at two hilltops, two miles distant, and they did the same thing, on the umption from Galileo that if light had a discernible speed, he’d notice a delay in the light coming back from his istant’s lamp.

  翻译:距离两英里,然后做同样的事情 按照伽利略的假设,如果光线拥有可识别速度, 他就会注意到从助手那里返回光线的延时。

  2. And it’s a story that has no discernible beginning, no foreseeable end.

  翻译:这个故事没有明显开端 也没有可预见的结束。

  3. – No cameras, light on personnel, absence of discernible weapons.

  翻译:没有摄像头 人手不多 没发现明显的武器。

  4. There’s no discernible rules.


  5. “Can an aging, Hollywood, juvenile actor with a right-wing script defeat Richard Nixon, a professional politician who currently represents no discernible interest except his own?”

  翻译:一位手拿右翼剧本的,过气好莱坞青年演员… 能否击败专业家理查德·? 最近表现出对任何事件都没兴趣,除了对他自己。

  6. There’s been cases documented where someone’s buried beneath snow or been underwater… and had apparently expired– no discernible pulse, no breathing– and then spontaneously revived.

  翻译:有案例 – 罕见的情况下,授予 – 如果有人被压埋 雪,显然已过期。

  7. Placed on the shelves in no discernible order.


  8. How do you open a hatch that has no handle, no latch, no discernible way of opening it?

  翻译:你该怎么打开一道 没有把手、没有门闩 也没有任何开启机制的门。

  9. Are barely discernible because of their size.


  10. i’ll repeat it. “There will be no discernible traces left of the recent occurrence by that time. “

  翻译:这句话 到时餐厅里会跟往常一样 不会留下任何异样的痕迹。

  11. And certain crystals, like turquoise, don’t grow into any discernible geometric shape in most environmental conditions, even given adequate space.

  翻译:而某些晶体,如绿松石, 在大多数环境条件下, 不会长成任何可识别的几何形状, 即使有足够的空间也不会。

  12. Part of that nationwide initiative to rob small, charming pubs of any discernible character.

  翻译:全国性提案的一部分 同化那些个性的小酒吧。

  13. A strapping farm boy with brains, integrity, no discernible style of his own?


  14. in low Earth orbit, all sorts of structures, like bridges, highways and airports are visible, and the Great Wall is only barely discernible.

  翻译:在地球地轨道上,各种建筑物 如桥梁,高速公路以及机场均可看见 而长城却若隐若现。

  15. i mean, we can data-stream mine all day long and still not find a discernible pattern in all this muck.

  翻译:我们即使整天挖掘这些数据流 也不一定找得出一种可以识别的模式。

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