insistence是什么意思 insistence的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  insistence是什么意思 insistence的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 意思说明


  2. 用法说明


  3. 同义词辨析


  4. 用例说明

  (1) His insistence on never giving up inspired me to keep pushing forward. (他的不屈不挠的热情激励我继续努力。)

  (2) Despite my insistence, he refused to listen to my advice. (尽管我坚持,他也拒绝听从我的建议。)

  (3) The speaker’s insistence on the importance of education was met with applause. (演讲者对教育的重要性的强调得到了掌声。)

  (4) She showed great insistence on improving her English, taking cles every day. (她非常坚持提高自己的英语,每天上课。)

  (5) The company’s insistence on quality control has made it one of the most respected in the industry. (公司对质量控制的坚持使它成为了业内最受尊敬的之一。)





  1. He has been firm in his insistence that the project must be completed on time. (他坚决不移地要求这个项目必须按时完成。)

  2. Despite her insistence, he refused to listen to her. (尽管她强烈要求,他仍然拒绝听从她的意见。)

  3. The speaker’s insistence on the importance of education was well-received by the audience. (演讲者对于教育的重要性的强调受到了听众的好评。)

  insistence的意思是”坚持 、守株人”,还经常被翻译为执着,发音是[in’sist?ns],insistence来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到15个与insistence相关的例句。


  例句:Bugsy and Yew have given up skydiving, at the bride’s insistence. (和紫杉中的已经放弃跳伞,在新坚持。)


  例句:Your insistence that I questioned him, again, ruined our entire dinner. (你们坚持要我问他,好吧,毁掉了我们整个约会)


  例句:To shakeoff the question he began to talk of their own plans, their future, and Mrs. Welland’s insistence on a longengagement. (为了甩掉这个问题,他开始谈论他们自己的计划,他们的未来,以及韦兰太太坚持要延长订婚期的事。)


  例句:But despite my insistence, he refused to reveal the origin of the fortune he administered on my behalf at the request of Father Dinis. (翻译:但尽管我一再追问,他拒绝透露 那笔他应狄神父的请求 代我管理的钱的来源)

  1. To shakeoff the question he began to talk of their own plans, their future, and Mrs. Welland’s insistence on a longengagement. (翻译:为了甩掉这个问题,他开始谈论他们自己的计划,他们的未来,以及韦兰太太坚持要延长订婚期的事。)

  2. But despite my insistence, he refused to reveal the origin of the fortune he administered on my behalf at the request of Father Dinis. (翻译:但尽管我一再追问,他拒绝透露 那笔他应狄神父的请求 代我管理的钱的来源)

  3. She is pushing back against society’s insistence that she exist simply for men’s pleasure or for reproduction. (翻译:她在抗争社会固有观点: 女人的存在只是为了取悦男人, 或者为了生孩子。)

  4. Answering to Anad’s telepathic insistence, Max, Miriya, and Aurora were already halfway across the square. (翻译:作为对阿纳德坚持主张的回答,麦克斯,米利亚和奥罗拉已经走到广场的一半了。)

  5. Then, his insistence to glee to the small city of Zoar , he was worldly-minded. (翻译:罗得舍天使指示的山上不去,坚持要逃往又小又近的琐珥城,这点也显出他世俗的心。)

  6. Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s chief of staff, softened the president’s previous insistence on such a plan by floating a compromise. (翻译:的幕僚长拉姆伊.曼纽尔,软化了总统之前对这一计划的坚持并作出一个妥协。)

  7. Efforts to revive the Start talks were fitful under Mr Bush and complicated by his insistence on building a missile defence shield. (翻译:重开削减战略武器条约谈判的努力时断时续,同时由于他坚持建立防御系统而使情况变得愈发复杂。)

  8. Parents different responsibility demand have no outstandingly difference on insistence, but on the total score and the rest factors. (翻译:父母的不同要求对中学生家庭责任心的影响,除了坚持性因子,在其它因子和总分上都有显著性差异。)

  9. This is not pedantry, but a quiet insistence that Africans can no longer be lumped together as one. (翻译:这不仅仅是瞎讲究,而是非洲各国不再总被看成一个整集得无声坚持。)

  10. Wed like to cooperate create splendid cities h inh with friends of all circles, eternal insistence br image. (翻译:公司本着永不褪色的执着,永远延续的品牌,愿与各界朋友真诚合作,携手共创美妙的城市。)

  11. The human mind, aroused by an insistence for meaning, seeks and finds nothing but contradiction and nonsense. (翻译:人类思想 因为强调意义而产生动力 去寻找 却只找到否定和毫无意义)

  12. their insistence on its continuing relevance and power was one of the key stumbling blocks in Copenhagen. (翻译:发达国家坚持认为发展中国家日益强大,应该履行义务,这是哥本哈根大会的主要绊脚石之一。)

  13. “Some of Santos’s insistence on not being defined by his race, his pride in it even as he rises above it, came from that,” Attie said. (翻译:圣多斯坚持不以种族定义自己,他超越了种族概念;而同时他又为自己的种族而骄傲。这些都来自阿克塞罗德的回答。)

  14. Successs often lies in their insistence. (翻译:成功往往在于自己的坚持。)

  15. And so after complaints and insistence of trying to get this work destroyed, it was finally the year that Michelangelo died that the Church finally found a compromise, a way to save the painting, and that was in putting up these extra 30 covers, and that happens to be the origin of fig-leafing. (翻译:在不停地抱怨 和试图毁坏这幅作品的声音中 在米开朗基罗去世那xx年, 教堂终于找到了折衷的办法 可以挽救这幅画作。即增加三十多处遮盖, 这也是无花果叶遮盖的原型。)


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