caption是什么意思 caption的翻译、中文解释

  caption是什么意思 caption的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  词组搭配:caption writer(字幕撰写人)、photo caption(照片说明)、caption contest(图片说明比赛)

  短语:to write a caption(撰写说明)



  1. The caption under the photo explained that it was taken at a party.(图片下的说明文字解释了这是在一次聚会上拍摄的。)

  2. The caption for the headline read “New York City hit by mive snowstorm”.(标题下的说明文字写着“纽约市遭受大规模暴风雪袭击”。)

  3. She works as a caption writer for a television station.(她在一家电视台担任字幕撰写工作。)

  4. The student won the caption contest by submitting a funny and creative description of the picture.(这位学生通过提交一个搞笑而富有创意的图片描述赢得了图片说明比赛。)

  5. Can yoead the caption in this book? The font is quite small.(你能读这本书中的说明文字吗?字体很小。)





  1. The caption of the photo describes the location and date of the image.


  2. The caption at the bottom of the screen provided a translation of the foreign language being spoken.


  3. The magazine cover had a catchy caption that made me want to pick it up and read it.




  例句:Caption: a reed collector in the marshlands. (描述:沼泽地的芦苇收集者。)


  例句:As before, it’s up to you to provide the caption. (像以前一样,由您来提供一个标题。)


  例句:Caption: CIVIC DUTY: a Romanian woman finished voting in Baleni, Romania, Sunday in the European elections. (描述:公民投票:上周日在罗马尼亚巴勒尼,一名当地妇女参加完欧洲议会选举的投票。)


  例句:”The managers are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting and maintaining a balance for the rest of the pyramid, ” a caption explains. (翻译:经理们总在这个金字塔的底端,支持和保障金字塔的其他部分的平衡。)

  caption一般作为名词、动词使用,如在edged caption(标题加勾边的字幕)、distribution caption([计] 分类标志, 散发标志)、fault caption(故障字幕)等常见短语中出现较多。

  edged caption标题加勾边的字幕distribution caption[计] 分类标志, 散发标志fault caption故障字幕film caption影片字幕identification caption识别字幕scale caption比例尺标释station caption台标foreign language caption外文字幕1. Caption: CIVIC DUTY: a Romanian woman finished voting in Baleni, Romania, Sunday in the European elections. (翻译:描述:公民投票:上周日在罗马尼亚巴勒尼,一名当地妇女参加完欧洲议会选举的投票。)

  2. “The managers are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting and maintaining a balance for the rest of the pyramid, ” a caption explains. (翻译:经理们总在这个金字塔的底端,支持和保障金字塔的其他部分的平衡。)

  3. Caption: Dirkou market is awash with car-maintenance objects thanks to the heavy traffic from Libyan and Nigerien drivers plying the migration route. (翻译:描述:迪尔库到处都有汽车配件店,这要归功于尼日尔和利比亚司机在迁移路上的来回奔波。)

  4. The next day I saw his picture in the Daily News, beneath a caption stating that he had been “mugged” . (翻译:第二天我在《每日新闻》上看到了他的照片。上面的标题写着他被“了”。)

  5. title: This gives the GreyBox overlay a caption. (翻译:title:这会给 GreyBox 覆盖层一个标题。)

  6. Optionally, change the orientation of the caption by setting the TextAlign property. (翻译:还可以选择通过设置TextAlign属性来更改标题的方向。)

  7. Control includes border styles, gridline styles, fonts, caption properties, data alignment, and alternating background colors between rows. (翻译:控件的格式设置包括边框样式、网格线样式、字体、标题属性、数据对和行间的交替背景色。)

  8. Caption : Suits you sir, a crocked Ronaldo on crutches opts for a white suit at awards ceremony in California in 2008. (翻译:描述:一个一瘸一拐的罗纳尔多拄着双拐身着白色套装在颁奖仪式上,于xx年在加利福尼亚州。)

  9. Caption: 5. A watery path leads to the West Mebon temple on an artificial island in the West Baray. (翻译:描述:5。通向西湖中人造岛屿上的西美蓬寺德一条水路。)

  10. Acadia National Park, Maine Long Caption: Sunlight filters through a fog-shrouded swath of Acadia National Park, Maine. (翻译:国家公园图片画廊。阿卡迪亚国家公园,缅因州长的标题:日光渗透越过一层雾覆盖的足迹在阿卡迪亚国家公园,缅因州。)

  11. Suddenly, the camp of the front a explode of sedition, my Pa killed a monster, the caption sees toward the front. (翻译:忽地,前方的阵营一阵动,我啪的打死了一个怪物,抬头朝着前面看去。)

  12. In tests, humans prefer the computer-generated caption one out of four times. (翻译:统计表明,四分之一的人更喜欢电脑做的图片说明 )

  13. He typed in the handwritten caption from one image, “Drayton Hall, ” and realized that the plantation still stood. (翻译:他键入一张画作上的手写字母——“德雷顿艺术馆,”随后意识到这个种植园依然健在。)

  14. Caption: the journey from Agadez to Dirkou is about 650km (400 miles) and from there it is another 500km to the Algerian border. (翻译:描述:从阿加德兹到迪尔库的距离是650公里,而从迪尔库到阿尔及利亚的边境还有500公里。)

  15. NASA image by Robert Simmon. Caption by Rebecca Lindsey. (翻译:美国航空航天局图像由·西蒙提供文字说明:丽贝卡·林赛。)

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