appease是什么意思 appease的翻译、中文解释

  appease是什么意思 appease的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  ”Appease” 这个单词的意思是“平息,缓和,抚慰,姑息”,以下是3个方面的说明:

  1. 用于平息愤怒或矛盾



  - The boss tried to appease his angry employees by offering a bonus. (老板试图通过提供奖金来安抚愤怒的员工。)

  - The government promised to take action to appease the protesters. (承诺采取行动来平息者。)

  - She tried to appease her upset friend by apologizing. (她试图通过道歉来安抚心情不好的朋友。)

  2. 代表对某人或团体的让步



  - Neville Chamberlain’s strategy of appeat failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II. (内维尔 ·张伯伦的绥靖政策未能阻止二战的爆发。)

  - The company tried to appease its customers by offering a refund policy. (公司通过提供退款政策来姑息其客户。)

  - The government’s decision to appease the interest groups angered many citizens. (姑息利益集团的决定激怒了许多公民。)

  3. 用于表达平静或平和

  在书面语中,”appease” 极少直接用于描述人际关系,而常常用来表示一些事物的状态,如海洋、风暴等等的平静。


  - The sea appeared to have been appeased after the storm. (风暴过后,大海显得平静了。)

  - The sound of the rain helped to appease her troubled mind. (雨声帮助她安抚心灵的困扰。)

  - The music served to appease the nerves of the audience. (音乐有助于安抚观众的紧张情绪。)





  1. The government tried to appease the angry protesters by promising to investigate the matter thoroughly. (试图通过承诺彻底调查此事来安抚愤怒的者。)

  2. The teacher gave the students extra recess time to appease their restlessness. (老师给学生们额外的课间休息时间,以缓和他们的焦躁不安。)

  3. The company offered a discount to appease the unhappy customers. (公司提供了折扣来安抚不满意的客户。)

  appease在中文中有”平息 、绥靖”的意思,其中文解释还有”缓和”的意思,在线读音是[?’pi:z],appease是一个英语动词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到70个与appease相关的例句。


  例句:She is not just a person I want to appease and to make sure she feels comfortable. (她不只是一个我想去安抚 确定她觉得安心的人)


  例句:Nothing we have to do in order to appease the Indians makes much sense, sir. (为了平定印第安人 我们必须做这些没有道理的事情)


  例句:It was Samhain, when we danced and killed the best of our livestock to appease the gods for a new season. (那是夏末节 我们起舞 并祭献最好的牲畜 以满足神灵 祈求下季平顺)


  例句:In this distress, he began to appease the LORD, his God. He humbled himself abjectly before the God of his fathers. (翻译:默纳舍在这患难中,呼求了上主他的,在他祖先的前,大发谦卑。)

  1. It was Samhain, when we danced and killed the best of our livestock to appease the gods for a new season. (翻译:那是夏末节 我们起舞 并祭献最好的牲畜 以满足神灵 祈求下季平顺)

  2. In this distress, he began to appease the LORD, his God. He humbled himself abjectly before the God of his fathers. (翻译:默纳舍在这患难中,呼求了上主他的,在他祖先的前,大发谦卑。)

  3. The lesson? It is often easier to appease a foreign government than to fight it in the global commons. (翻译:在全球共同财产中,通常迎合一个外国比与之抗争更容易。)

  4. The Oriental Pavillion offers a selection of Thai, Indonesian, and Chinese food sure to appease the taste buds. (翻译:东方馆提供了一个选择的泰国,印尼,和中国食品一定要安抚味蕾。)

  5. Inadvertently, President Obama has exposed the hypocrisy in world opinion, particularly European opinion, which he was trying to appease. (翻译:不经意中,揭露了他尝试去讨好的世界特别是欧洲的伪善。)

  6. Good intentions and conventional formulas, so often used to appease our conscience, are not enough. (翻译:好的意图和传统的方式 常常被用来安抚我们的良知, 但这还远远不够。)

  7. Or is it simply a move to appease its critics? (翻译:或者说此举只是为了平息对它的批评? )

  8. The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime. (翻译:普遍认为,这一举措是试图安抚批评政权的人。)

  9. Did Ms. Lange provide you with funds to appease the Taliban? (翻译:Lange女士有没有向你们提供资金 去向妥协?)

  10. If you wish to appease the gods, you must have one upon the sands (翻译:如果想让神明高兴,那就要选择个上档次的!)

  11. Re-opening the EU treaties may be an understandable bid to appease the red bogey men of Karlsruhe. (翻译:重新启动欧盟条约修订议程或为一个可以理解的讨好卡尔斯鲁厄的红衣官们的尝试。)

  12. “What you gain by trying to appease one person can cause resentment and low morale among the rest of your staff,” Domeyer says. (翻译:杜美稚表示:“你挽留了一个人,最后却会让其他人满腹怨气、士气低落。” )

  13. This was money used to appease a cold war ally long after it became clear President Mobutu was stashing it in Swiss banks . (翻译:尽管外界早就知道,蒙博托总统把钱存在瑞士银行里,这些资金是用来讨好这位冷战盟友的。)

  14. The only way off is to appease its three alien overlords, Tee, Eff, and Arr, by giving them the correct artifacts. (翻译:离开的唯一方法是把正确的工艺品, 给三个外星统治者T,F和R, 从而取悦他们。)

  15. We have angered the sandwich gods and only a sacrifice will appease them! (翻译:现在三明治上帝发怒了 只有献祭才能让他们息怒)

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