LEAD and Be an Anti-Racist

#FightRacism              #StandUp4HumanRights

There are 4 types of racism and they often work in tandem to reinforce racist ideas, behaviors, actions, and policies.

Types of Racism: 

Becoming an Antiracist

Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. In the absence of making antiracist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of White supremacy and unequal institutions and society.

Becoming Anti-Racist

Source: https://www.antiracismkit.com.au/self

9 Important Elements of Antiracist Education

Source: Infographic © NMAAHC. Data source: “ Multicultural Education vs Anti-Racist Education: The Debate in Canada,” Social Education 58(6), 1994, pp. 354-358. National Council for the Social Studies.

Must Read Books on Anti-Racism

How to be an Antiracist By Ibram X. Kendi

How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi explores how racism intersects with class, culture, biology, and geography, and how those intersections affect how we see the world. Kendi frames the book as an autobiography, identifying and examining the devastating consequences of racism so that we can oppose them in our systems and in ourselves.  To be an anti-racist, one must support anti-racist policy through actions or by expressing anti-racist ideas.

Becoming a White Antiracist

Becoming a White Antiracist will be useful to anyone trying to create conversations around race, teach about white supremacy, arrange staff and development workshops on racism, and help colleagues explore how to create an antiracist culture or environment. This work happens in schools, colleges and universities, and we suspect many readers will be located in K-12 and higher education.

Me and White Supremacy

Author Layla F. Saad wrote Me and White Supremacy to encourage people who hold white privilege to examine their (often unconscious) racist thoughts and behaviors through a unique, 28-day reflection process complete with journaling prompts. This guided journal, which includes the book’s original weekly prompts and lots of space for note-taking and free-writing, is the perfect place to beg in your anti-racist journey.

Witnessing Whiteness

Whitenessing Whiteness consider what it means to be White, describes and critiques strategies used to avoid race issues, and identifies the detrimental effect of avoiding race on cross-race collaborations.

How to Teach Kids about Racism

How to Teach Kids about Racism was created to be suitable for children under the age of 5 up to young 18-year-olds,  has specific sections where the reader can find the lessons fit for their children’s age. The contents found in this book are primarily instructions and analogies that you can use to initiate and engage the conversation with your children.

Must Hear Podcasts on Anti-Racism

Seeing White

Seeing White

The Anti-Racist Educator

The Anti-Racist Educator

Code Switch

Code Switch – NPR

While Black

While Black

Self-Evident Asian Americas Stories

Self Evident: Asian America’s Stories

Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit

Must See Websites on Anti-Racism

  • Fight Racism
  • Experiences Canada
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada
  • Trying Together
  • Anti-Racist Art Teachers
  • Racism Stops with Me (Australian)

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