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PENICILLINS. Chapter 19. INTRODUCTION TO PENICILLINS. Antibacterial agents which inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis Discovered by Fleming from a fungal colony (1928) Shown to be non toxic and antibacterial Isolated and purified by Florey and Chain (1938)

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  1. PENICILLINS Chapter 19

  2. INTRODUCTION TO PENICILLINS • Antibacterial agents which inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis • Discovered by Fleming from a fungal colony (1928) • Shown to be non toxic and antibacterial • Isolated and purified by Florey and Chain (1938) • First successful clinical trial (1941) • Produced by large scale fermentation (1944) • Structure established by X-ray crystallography (1945) • Full synthesis developed by Sheehan (1957) • Isolation of 6-APA by Beechams (1958-60) • - development of semi-synthetic penicillins • Discovery of clavulanic acid and b-lactamase inhibitors

  3. R = Benzyl penicillin (Pen G) 6-Aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) 6-Aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) 6-Aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) R = Acyl side chain Acyl side chain Acyl side chain Acyl side chain Thiazolidine ring Thiazolidine ring Phenoxymethyl penicillin (Pen V) b-Lactam ring Penicillin G present in corn steep liquor Penicillin V (first orally active penicillin) STRUCTURE Side chain varies depending on carboxylic acid present in fermentation medium

  4. Shape of Penicillin G Folded ‘envelope’ shape

  5. CYS CYS VAL Biosynthesis of Penicillins

  6. Properties of Penicillin G • Active vs. Gram +ve bacilli and some Gram -vecocci • Non toxic • Limited range of activity • Not orally active - must be injected • Sensitive to b-lactamases • (enzymes which hydrolyse the b-lactam ring) • Some patients are allergic • Inactive vs. Staphylococci Drug Development • Aims • To increase chemical stability for oral administration • To increase resistance to b-lactamases • To increase the range of activity

  7. SAR • Conclusions • Amide and carboxylic acid are involved in binding • Carboxylic acid binds as the carboxylate ion • Mechanism of action involves the b-lactam ring • Activity related to b-lactam ring strain (subject to stability factors) • Bicyclic system increases b-lactam ring strain • Not much variation in structure is possible • Variations are limited to the side chain (R)

  8. Covalent bond formed to transpeptidase enzyme • Irreversible inhibition Mechanism of action • Penicillins inhibit a bacterial enzyme called the transpeptidase enzyme which is involved in the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall • The b-lactam ring is involved in the mechanism of inhibition • Penicillin becomes covalently linked to the enzyme’s active site leading to irreversible inhibition

  9. NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala L-Ala D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu D-Glu L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys L-Lys Bond formation inhibited by penicillin Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis

  10. Cross linking Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis

  11. Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis • Penicillin inhibits final crosslinking stage of cell wall synthesis • It reacts with the transpeptidase enzyme to form an irreversible covalent bond • Inhibition of transpeptidase leads to a weakened cell wall • Cells swell due to water entering the cell, then burst (lysis) • Penicillin possibly acts as an analogue of the L-Ala-g-D-Glu portion of the pentapeptide chain. However, the carboxylate group that is essential to penicillin activity is not present in this portion

  12. Normal Mechanism Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis Alternative theory- Pencillin mimics D-Ala-D-Ala.

  13. Mechanism inhibited by penicillin Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis Alternative theory- Pencillin mimics D-Ala-D-Ala.

  14. Penicillin Acyl-D-Ala-D-Ala But 6-methylpenicillin is inactive despite being a closer analogue Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis Penicillin can be seen to mimic acyl-D-Ala-D-Ala

  15. D - A l a - D - A l a Blocked H O Acylation O O H Active Site O H Mechanism of action - bacterial cell wall synthesis Penicillin may act as an ‘umbrella’ inhibitor

  16. Gram +ve and Gram -ve Cell Walls • Penicillins have to cross the bacterial cell wall in order to reach their target enzyme • Cell walls are porous and are not a barrier • The cell walls of Gram +ve bacteria are thicker than Gram -ve cell walls, but the former are more susceptible to penicillins

  17. Thick porous cell wall • Thick cell wall • No outer membrane • More susceptible to penicillins Cell membrane Cell Gram +ve and Gram -ve Cell Walls Gram +ve bacteria

  18. Hydrophobic barrier Outer membrane Porin Lactamase L L L enzymes Periplasmic space Thin cell wall L Cell membrane Cell • Thin cell wall • Hydrophobic outer membrane • More resistant to penicillins Gram +ve and Gram -ve Cell Walls Gram -ve bacteria

  19. Resistance to Penicillins • Factors • Gram -ve bacteria have a lipopolysaccharide outer membrane preventing access to the cell wall • Penicillins can only cross via porins in the outer membrane • Porins allow small hydrophilic molecules such as zwitterions to cross • High levels of transpeptidase enzyme may be present • The transpeptidase enzyme may have a low affinity for penicillins • (e.g. PBP 2a for S. aureus) • Presence of b-lactamases • Concentration of b-lactamases in periplasmic space • Mutations • Transfer of b-lactamases between strains • Efflux mechanisms pumping penicillin out of periplasmic space

  20. Penicillin Analogues - Preparation • 1) By fermentation • Vary the carboxylic acid in the fermentation medium • Limited to unbranched acids at the a-position i.e. RCH2CO2H • Tedious and slow • 2) By total synthesis • Only 1% overall yield • Impractical • 3) By semi-synthetic procedures • Use a naturally occurring structure as the starting material for analogue synthesis

  21. Penicillin acylase or chemical hydrolysis Fermentation Semi-synthetic penicillins Penicillin Analogues - Preparation

  22. Penicillin Analogues - Preparation Problem - How does one hydrolyse the side chain by chemical means in presence of a labileb-lactam ring? Answer - Activate the side chain first to make it more reactive Note - Reaction with PCl5 requires the involvement of a lone pair of electrons from nitrogen. Not possible for the b-lactam nitrogen.

  23. Problems with Penicillin G • It is sensitive to stomach acids • It is sensitive to b-lactamases - enzymes which hydrolyse the b-lactam ring • It has a limited range of activity

  24. Acid or enzyme Relieves ring strain Problem 1 - Acid Sensitivity Reasons for sensitivity 1) Ring strain

  25. Tertiary amide Unreactive b-Lactam Folded ring system Impossibly strained Problem 1 - Sensitivity Reasons for sensitivity 2) Reactive b-lactam carbonyl group Does not behave like a tertiary amide X • Interaction of nitrogen’s lone pair with the carbonyl group is not possible • Results in a reactive carbonyl group

  26. Further reactions Problem 1 - Sensitivity Reasons for sensitivity Acyl side chain Neighboring group participation in the hydrolysis mechanism

  27. Decreases nucleophilicity Problem 1 - Sensitivity Conclusions • The b-lactam ring is essential for activity and must be retained • Cannot tackle factors 1 and 2 • Can only tackle factor 3 Strategy Vary the acyl side group (R) to make it electron-withdrawing to decrease the nucleophilicity of the carbonyl oxygen

  28. electronegative oxygen Penicillin V (orally active) • Better acid stability and orally active • But sensitive to b-lactamases • Slightly less active than penicillin G • Allergy problems with some patients Very successful semi-synthetic penicillins e.g. ampicillin, oxacillin Problem 1 - Sensitivity Examples

  29. b-Lactamase Problem 2 - Sensitivity to b-Lactamases b-Lactamases • Enzymes that inactivate penicillins by opening b-lactam rings • Allow bacteria to be resistant to penicillin • Transferable between bacterial strains (i.e. bacteria can acquire resistance) • Important with respect to Staphylococcus aureus infections in hospitals • 80% Staph. infections in hospitals were resistant to penicillin and other antibacterial agents by 1960 • Mechanism of action for lactamases is identical to the mechanism of inhibition for the target enzyme • But product is removed efficiently from the lactamase active site

  30. Bulky group Enzyme Problem 2 - Sensitivity to b-Lactamases Strategy • Use of steric shields • Block access of penicillin to the active site of the enzyme by introducing bulky groups to the side chain • Size of shield is crucial to inhibit reaction of penicillins with b-lactamases, but not with the target transpeptidase enzyme

  31. ortho groups important Problem 2 - Sensitivity to b-Lactamases Examples - Methicillin (Beechams - 1960) • Methoxy groups block access to b-lactamases but not to transpeptidases • Binds less readily to transpeptidases compared to penicillin G • Lower activity compared to Pen G against Pen G sensitive bacteria • Poor activity vs. some streptococci • Inactive vs. Gram -ve bacteria • Poor range of activity • Active against some penicillin G resistant strains (e.g. Staphylococcus) • Acid sensitive since there is no electron-withdrawing group • Orally inactive and must be injected

  32. Problem 2 - Sensitivity to b-Lactamases Examples - Oxacillin Oxacillin R = R' = H Cloxacillin R = Cl, R' = H Flucloxacillin R = Cl, R' = F • Orally active and acid resistant • Resistant to b-lactamases • Active vs. Staphylococcus aureus • Less active than other penicillins • Inactive vs. Gram -ve bacteria • Nature of R & R’ influences absorption and plasma protein binding • Cloxacillin better absorbed than oxacillin • Flucloxacillin less bound to plasma protein, leading to higher levels of free drug

  33. Problem 3 - Range of Activity Factors 1) Cell wall may have a coat preventing access to the cell 2) Excess transpeptidase enzyme may be present 3) Resistant transpeptidase enzyme (modified structure) 4) Presence of b-lactamases 5) Transfer of b-lactamases between strains 6) Efflux mechanisms • Strategy • The number of factors involved make a single strategy impossible • Use trial and error by varying R groups on the side chain • Successful in producing broad spectrum antibiotics • Results demonstrate general rules for broad spectrum activity.

  34. Problem 3 - Range of Activity Results of varying R in Pen G 1) Hydrophobic side chains result in high activity vs. Gram +ve bacteria and poor activity vs. Gram -ve bacteria 2) Increasing hydrophobicity has little effect on Gram +ve activity but lowers Gram -ve activity 3) Increasing hydrophilic character has little effect on Gram +ve activity but increases Gram -ve activity 4) Hydrophilic groups at the a-position (e.g. NH2, OH, CO2H) increase activity vs Gram -ve bacteria

  35. Problem 3 - Range of Activity Examples of Broad Spectrum Penicillins Class 1 - NH2 at the a-position Ampicillin and amoxicillin (Beechams, 1964) Ampicillin (Penbritin) 2nd most used penicillin Amoxicillin (Amoxil)

  36. Problem 3 - Range of Activity Examples of Broad Spectrum Penicillins • Active vs Gram +ve bacteria and Gram -ve bacteria which do not produce b-lactamases • Acid resistant and orally active • Non toxic • Sensitive to b-lactamases • Increased polarity due to extra amino group • Poor absorption through the gut wall • Disruption of gut flora leading to diarrhea • Inactive vs. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Properties

  37. Problem 3 - Range of Activity Prodrugs of Ampicillin (Leo Pharmaceuticals - 1969) • Properties • Increased cell membrane permeability • Polar carboxylic acid group is masked by the ester • Ester is metabolised in the body by esterases to give the free drug

  38. PEN PEN H C OH O C O O O O PEN C C O O C C H H C M e 2 2 3 O Formaldehyde Problem 3 - Range of Activity Mechanism of prodrug activation • Extended ester is less shielded by the penicillin nucleus • Hydrolysed product is chemically unstable and degrades • Methyl ester of ampicillin is not hydrolysed in the body • Bulky penicillin nucleus acts as a steric shield for methyl ester

  39. Problem 3 - Range of Activity Examples of broad spectrum penicillins Class 2 - CO2H at the a-position (carboxypenicillins) Examples R = H Carbenicillin R = Ph Carfecillin • Carfecillin = prodrug for carbenicillin • Active over a wider range of Gram -ve bacteria than ampicillin • Active vs. Pseudomonas aeruginosa • Resistant to most b-lactamases • Less active vs Gram +ve bacteria (note the hydrophilic group) • Acid sensitive and must be injected • Stereochemistry at the a-position is important • CO2H at the a-position is ionised at blood pH

  40. TICARCILLIN Problem 3 - Range of Activity Examples of broad spectrum penicillins Class 2 - CO2H at the a-position (carboxypenicillins) Examples • Administered by injection • Identical antibacterial spectrum to carbenicillin • Smaller doses required compared to carbenicillin • More effective against P. aeruginosa • Fewer side effects • Can be administered with clavulanic acid

  41. Class 3 - Urea group at the a-position (ureidopenicillins) Examples Azlocillin Mezlocillin Piperacillin Problem 3 - Range of Activity Examples of broad spectrum penicillins • Administered by injection • Generally more active than carboxypenicillins vs. streptococci and Haemophilus species • Generally have similar activity vs Gram -ve aerobic rods • Generally more active vs other Gram -ve bacteria • Azlocillin is effective vs P. aeruginosa • Piperacillin can be administered alongside tazobactam

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