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发布时间:2020-08-27 点击次数:774

                                                                          Inspection of display cabinets

如今网络购物不但方便了大家的生活和工作任务,同时也造成了一些网购时的问题,就好比买了一双鞋如何去辨别是正品还是高仿一样。在网上购置了 蛋糕展示柜,验货是个重要的内容,在此来说说蛋糕展示柜验货注意事项。

Nowadays, online shopping not only facilitates everyone's life and work tasks, but also causes some online shopping problems, just like buying a pair of shoes to distinguish whether it is genuine or high imitation. I purchased the cake display cabinet online, and inspection is an important content. Here, I will talk about the precautions for the cake display cabinet inspection.

         1、首先,自然要先对照下 蛋糕展示柜的装柜单,看下您购置的蛋糕展示柜的附件能否完全。在确认附件完全之后,可以参照具体浏览产品运用阐明书,依照阐明书的要求停机查看。

First of all compare purchase order, check whether the attachments and information are complete. Then read carefully and check with reference to the specified book.

2、接上去,咱们要从外观开端查看 蛋糕展示柜,外观上,要求:蛋糕展示柜的柜体和柜门的周围应平直,拆卸应结实,柜门封条应该密封严实,其转动轴与轴销之间的间隙配合良好,用手推拉柜门遭到密封带时,手感应灵便,然而也要感来的阻力,即要容易拉开,又要保障其密封性,避免蛋糕展现柜任务时冷气泄露。蛋糕展现柜外表涂层(喷漆或喷粉)的色泽应平均,光洁,不应有麻点,锈蚀,碰伤或划伤的痕迹。蛋糕展示柜的电镀件应光洁,细密,不应有镀层零落等状况。柜门、柜体和门襟等处,发泡液不得外漏。内胆和门胆的外表应平坦,光亮。


Secondly about exterior , clam:the whole and the door should be straight, firmly assembled .The cabinet door tape should have good sealing. The clearance between the rotating shaft and the shaft pin is well matched. When the cabinet door is pushed and pulled by hand, the hand feels flexible, but it must also feel the resistance, that is, it must be easy to pull, and it must be sealed to prevent cakes. Air-conditioning leaks when the showcase is working. The color of the surface coating of the cake display cabinet should be uniform and bright, and there should be no pitting, rust, bruise or scratch marks. The electroplated parts of the cake display cabinet should be bright and dense, and there should be no plating off. The foaming liquid must not leak outside the cabinet door, cabinet body and placket. The surface of the inner liner and door liner should be smooth and clean.
        3、上面是对 蛋糕展示柜功能的检测,包括蛋糕展示柜的制冷功能和电气功能。将蛋糕展示柜摆放好后,接通电源,查看灯开关和照明灯。蛋糕展现柜的紧缩机即开端运行,测验一下蛋糕展现柜的各电器部件能否正常任务。
        Next to check cake showcase about Including the refrigeration cold power and electrical performance. After placing the cake display cabinet, turn on the power and check the light switch and lighting. The compressor of the cake display cabinet starts to operate, check whether the electrical components of the cake display cabinet are working properly.
        4、通常 蛋糕展示柜都要通过短途或长途运输,所以到货后要静置4个小时以上能力开机运转蛋糕展现柜,否则能够呈现制冷毛病。接通电源,认真听紧缩机在启动和运行时的声响能否政正常,制冷效果能否合乎预期,能否有管路互相撞击的声响。通常蛋糕展现柜出厂都通过调试,不会呈现表单。启动时声响较大是正常景象,正式运转会恢复正常,假如还是声响较大,要检查蛋糕展现柜能否摆放安稳。假如 蛋糕展示柜运转有异常,应立刻切断电源,与客服联络。

Usually cake display cabinets have to be transported over long distances or short distances, so after arrival, the cake display cabinet must be left for more than 4 hours before it can be turned on. Otherwise, refrigeration failure may occur. Turn on the power and listen carefully to see if the sound of the compressor is normal when starting and running, if the cooling effect is in line with expectations, and if there is a sound of pipes colliding with each other. Usually the cake display cabinet has been debugged before leaving the factory and there will be no problems. It is normal for the sound to be louder during startup, and it will return to normal during the official operation. If it is still louder, check whether the cake display cabinet is placed smoothly. If there is any abnormal operation of the cake display cabinet, you should immediately cut off the power supply and contact customer service.

上一篇: 【长迎资讯】压面机与面条机的区别
下一篇: 【长迎资讯】应急情况下给切片机磨刀





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