742 Reviews
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The Flashbacks
I was really looking fwd to this after seeing it pop up on Netflix. The 1st four episodes were great, fifth and sixth really annoyed me, way too many flashbacks! Could have been great, sadly I was disappointed.
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Beautiful Scenery
nivkaplanbooks28 July 2022
Way to many flashbacks! I mean, it just does not move forward. Both actresses are good but the boyfriend makes you want to go to sleep. The place is beautiful and the series starts promising but the it goes back and forth for ever...
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Writing while episode 3 is on.
tahitilooksnice28 July 2022
I'm writing while episode 3 is running because basically I'm bored with the show already. Yet another flashback is showing. So far this show is mostly flashbacks with a little bit of beginner camping thrown in. And by camping I mean yelling and swearing. Turning it off now.
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Very average
ride-897-72935929 July 2022
Started out promising but by episode 2 I found myself fast forwarding the flashback garbage and just watching the "surviving" the wilderness bits and even those were pretty rubbish. This could have been a very good series if it had focused on the survival outdoor aspect of it, but the constant flashbacks totally destroyed it for me. By episode 3 I just got bored with it. Cant be bothered watching any more of it. Netflix has seemed to be travelling on a downhill spiral lately with their below average offerings.
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Survival in the wilderness of life
This show isn't just about surviving in the wilderness, it's about surviving life in general. There are plenty of reviews saying how disappointing it is that there is too much flashback and not enough of the surviving in the outdoors. They are missing the point. During a tough physical experience in the wilderness our protagonist searches the trials and tribulations of her past. It's well done, nice acting, thoughtful and thought provoking. Don't tune in if you are only looking for macho survival.
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Keep Breathing Review
LazyDaisee-368821 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
She's lost in the wilderness but this series spends most of the time looking back on her life.

The problem is that there really isn't much to look back at...she had a manic depressive mum and a sick dad (sob) but now she's grown up and honestly just not likable.

She works in a boring money oriented job (securities lawyer) and she beyond rude and even abusive to everyone she meets (colleagues, doctor, pediatrician)

And her BF came across as more than a little bit desperate and manipulative.

So why are we supposed to care what happens to her? And I didn't...
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catarinakulborg12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, it's not for everyone, and there are bits and pieces that definitely come across as a bit unrealistic - you'd think if they were going to make survival in the wilderness a focal point, they'd do more research.

(The scene where she tries to lift a makeshift pot of boiling water with her bare hands, burns herself, and then decides to PUT OUT THE FIRE to let it cool down astounded me. Use your shirt as a makeshift oven-mitt, woman!! I mean she could've at least tried that first. Man, that one's gonna be bugging me for months. XD)

That being said, I think it's a pretty beautifully told story of a young woman going through some serious sh-t, gets stranded alone, is forced to face her inner demons, and finds a new perspective on life. If you stop expecting this series to be like an actual, accurate survival-guide and instead just go with the flow, you might rather enjoy it. I think the acting's overall pretty good (though some characters could use a bit more personality imo) and while some of the survival-methods she employs had me raising my eyebrow in scepticism, it's still pretty exciting watching her struggle and find "solutions" (regardless of how fathomable they are). I'm definitely rooting for her.

To sum up: I think it's pretty decent! It's not going to challenge your intellect or lead to any major epiphanies, but it's engaging enough. I started watching last night and was pretty excited to keep watching this afternoon when I got back from work. :) Good show for a cozy Friday night in.
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Omg send help!
Racingphan24 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My wife put this show on and then fell asleep. I was left to slog through this boring trainwreck.

A survival show with flashbacks that are so boring, I just want to jump out the window and end my misery, but I live in the first floor.

Netflix is over. Done.

I'd love to change the channel, but I know when my wife wakes up, she'll want a recap of what happened.

I hate this show so much.
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For people who appreciate storytelling
jvz198431 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Story appreciators jump in blind, stop reading now. The story told is only for a small part about the survival, it's way more about the girl and how she got there (mentally). The flashbacks tell the history. And honestly the further you get in, the better it gets. The girl's acting is quite good. Some other's not bad but predictable lines.
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Unrealistic and laughable!
bertler-128 July 2022
Outrageous survival story that leads to a strenuous and confusing self-discovery trip.

The survival elements are mostly completely unrealistic and hair-raising. Many details are so outrageous that one wonders who writes such screenplays without blushing... Lots of boring flashbacks are used to fill the running time and inflate the thin story.
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Survival on a physical and emotional note
rannaluv-79-7118911 August 2022
The reason why a lot of people didn't like this series is because they thought it would be a show about a woman surviving in the wilderness. That's it. But the real survival is the one she struggles with inside, and every event that happens in the wilderness plays a part in her letting go and getting through her trauma from childhood to adulthood. There are a lot of flash backs. But it's vital to why she keeps waking up each day and pushes through to keep alive.

First it's about being tough.

Then it's about finally freeing yourself of the pain you hang on to.

And also: The videography and scenery are beautiful. The music on point. It was a gorgeous show that deserves more than the low reviews. Don't be afraid to watch it- you might cry like I did at the end.
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Well done
rbstern30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The beauty in this mini-series is the weaving of three stories about the main character, Liv: 1) Her present day life (plane crash/survival scenario), 2) her recent life of hyperworking lawyer, the death of her father, and a new love life, 3) and finally, her life as a child, in a home broken by a manic-depressive mother.

This movie got my attention for for the plane crash/survival angle. But as the story unfolded, I began appreciating the backstory of who Liv is. The things that make her personal life a shambles are the things that equip her to survive in the wild. Not because of skills, but rather because of her will.

The storytellers do a great job of weaving the supporting characters into the survival scenes, appearing as alter-egos for Liv's conscience. Some of it is wry (dead plane passenger Sam), poignant (her father), manic (her mother), and romantic (Danny).

I can understand why this series would disappoint many viewers. Some of the survival stuff is unrealistic, and the flashback storytelling is over-the-top at times.

Overall, I found it engaging and entertaining. Masterpiece? No. But worth the time, if your expectations are reasonable.
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martymoves14 March 2023
Just finished episode 4 and I am so sick of the pointless storyline. I'm so tired of being fed narrative in every facet of life.

This had potential, but i have fast-forward through more than I have watched at this point. Just when you think its going somewhere good, you get slammed with pointless backstory; which innevitably won't make any sense until 'the true story is revealed' at the end.

Effffff this nonsense. I can't believe Warner Brothers produced this crap. Its not edgy, dark or cool. Its Inate, annoying and boring AF.

I feel bad that the lead actress does a good job, really does, and it goes absolutely nowhere. What incredible drivel.

Don't bother watching this unless you are a masochist. You've been warned.

Overall 4/10 Entertainment Value 2.5/10 - The extra .5 is because the lead does a really good job, thus far (as of episode 4, not sure I can stomach the rest, we'll see).
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Comically unrealistic
Nevergivea1028 July 2022
I am so close to canceling Netflix. Another boring, unrealistic, far too long series. Some of the things are so ridiculous I was actually laughing. Pass on this one just like every other recent Netflix release. Netflix: if it's not a stand up comedian or a terrible documentary, it's junk like this.
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boring and annoying
info-19036-161232 August 2022
Could have been great...but very average and boring instead. Backstory and backflashes are useless, uninteresting and distracting. The show is not about a woman that crashes with a plane in the wild and needs to survive...that would have been cool actually, and was what the trailer made u think. Instead the show is about a woman dealing with woman problems and an emotional relationship drama...seriously why????? Its just boring as hell.
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Mostly drama
carinnalowther30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is some thrill and a good chunk of adventure. But its mostly drama. If you accept that is what it is, then its a fun little show. My only complaint is that I think there should have been 1 more episode with her return. The last 5 minutes didn't feel like it was enough.
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Boring Flashbacks Throughout
Moscado28 July 2022
The acting is quite good and the series could have been much better without the flashbacks. %80 of the scenes are pointless flashbacks which bores one to death. I have just finished episode 3 and I am already thinking of quitting.
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Part survival, part revival
gliderguy1 August 2022
Liz, a NY attorney on a quest to get to a remote Alaskan village, talks to men in taking her on a private charter after the airline cancels her flight. The charter plane has mechanical problems and crashes into a lake. Liz and one other passenger survives, but he dies after being rescued by Liz.

The series alternates between her increasingly desperate attempts at surviving the wilderness and her past life, both as a child and as a professional. Some will find the numerous flashbacks as annoying, but they are key in understanding Liz's character.

The acting by all is excellent, as is the cinematography and the beauty of the location. It would have been better done, however, as a two hour movie.
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walt disney meets one flew over the cuckoos next
malcolmdfreeman15 March 2023
This was a dissappointing movie

It turned out to not a survival story as expecting , as that part just didnt seem real , more like walt disney movie

Its flasbacks where annoying FYI i dont like flashbacks unless they absolutley neccessary but this was a story in flashbacks which is the worst kind..

But i disagree with thse who gave it 8 & 9 that liked it . The flashbacks werent about dealing with life , they were about a woman whose mother was crazy and her daughter (protagonist) was struggling not to be the same.

If i wanted to watch that sort of crap drama i would have chosen a different movie.
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I enjoyed it except...
kerryharlan-598483 August 2022
I honestly enjoyed this. Yes it is unrealist but that applies to a good majority of TV shows/movies out there. It has a good message and it needs the flashbacks to explain her story. My only complaint is the ending which in my opinion was very unsatisfying. They really could have done better with that.
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Ironically, I wanted to stop breathing while watching this show.
savanaraef2 September 2022
This is the worst series I have ever watched on Netflix and I will tell you why without spoiling it. (Or at least what I think is not spoiling it)

1. The whole series is filled (and I mean like 80%) with pointless flashbacks that add NOTHING to the story.

2. From what I see, the main character is a professional diver and can hold her breath for more than 3 minutes. Wow!

3. Since the whole series is a flashback galore, the show tries to make us feel bad for her after being stranded. The main character is highly unlike able and unbelievably boring. How am I supposed to show any sympathy towards her?

4. Every single character (there's like 5) in the show are a snooze fest. Especially the boyfriend.

5. The whole dialog consists of the main character dropping the F bomb for no reason at all.

6. The show also has dead people talking to the main character. Come on now.

7. The main character finds something extremely valuable and then decides to use it to help make a fire, despite there being millions of sticks around her.

8. The main character should have died from hypothermia in ep 1/2.

9. I still don't understand why she couldn't wait for the next flight at the start of ep 1. The reasoning didn't seem to be urgent.

10. The main character should have died in ep 4/5. The fact that she just got up perfectly fine was baffling to me. Her bones should be crushed.

11. Here we go again in the last ep. She should have already died twice now. What happened should have for sure finished her but I guess she's immortal.

12. The main character is a nobody with 0 friends and she has an obnoxious personality. Her acting wasn't horrible, but it was very hard to watch.

13. This is supposedly a survival thriller, yet we probably see about 2 actual survival scenes in the whole series.

14. The ending was predictable and how every survival (not in this case) movie goes. The whole series is a snooze fest, but perfect for background noise!
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Clearly not for all audiences
foxtwc1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think the average reviewer was ready for this film, possibly they never will be. But for some it will resonate.

What you will find with this series:

Liv is so busy with her material life and running from her childhood trauma that she has become cold and distant to all of those around her. This gives her control over her life but only over the shallow parts of life ... career focus.

Liv has some trauma from her childhood related to her moms mental illness. She yearned for her moms acceptance but her mom was too narcissistic with her illness that she couldn't reflect back the love her daughter needed. Her mom refused to address her illness and caused a lot of pain to Liv and her dad. And Liv not understanding it in her youth took out her moms abandonment on her dad.

Liv is barely able to take care of herself in the wild. Her time in Girl Scouts as a child instilled some skills that she is able to use. I found the survival scenes to be gritty and mostly real for what the series needed to be. The NWT are no joke and survival would be tough but not impossible. As far as being dumped unprepared into the wilderness I found her situation to be pretty hopeless but found her actions to be realistic given her predicament. Many people commenting find her walking in circles to be unrealistic .... Obviously they have not been in the wild where there are no landmarks to follow for miles, there is a reason people use compasses in the woods. Your natural gate has a dominant leg and that leg covers a bit more distant than your other leg. So yes given enough room you would easily walk in a circle if you had zero experience walking through a forest.

Amongst all of the above Liv goes through a transformation into adulthood. Anyone who knows about serious trauma ... you need to face your pain and process it to move on otherwise you are stuck at the same maturity level you were at when the trauma was indicted.

In this sense Liv is so afraid of being abandoned that she never lets anyone get close. She didn't realize just how much her dad did to be there for her even if he was not always at his best.

In both flashbacks and her thoughts about what she wish she could say and do now you see how Liv was in her past towards people, arrogant ... cold ... distant. A person driven to perfection at work ... yet clumsy with her personal relationships. And with her reflections you see her open up to those people who were in her life to say what she really means ... to express her thoughts.

Through those flashbacks and reflections you see Liv begin to work through her trauma to define who she is rather than her trying to live under the yearning approval from a mother who long left her behind. And what emerges is a new Liv who is more confident with herself and how she sees herself in the world. For anyone who has been in a life threatening situation you will recognize this type of growth and the epiphanies that come with it ... the learning of what is really important in life.

I have to say this series is way above average. I can understand that most people will take a shallow approach to it and not see the work as it's meant. Partly because they can't connect with how people process trauma, partly because they don't know the mental growth that comes from life and death situations.
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Not an action survival...
jenny-talksalot31 July 2022
...if that is what you are expecting.

I notice a lot of reviews are based upon that kind of expectation. If that is what you're looking for thisbis not for you. If you are able to stay open minded and unbiased, this is a great story that deals with a plethora of topics including rebirth, self discovery, and the flashbacks are needed in order to set the scene of mental torture leading to lack of self worth and reevaluation of one's life choices. This is not an action packed horror/thriller, it is a slow but meaningful exploration of human nature and spirutual survival.
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Couldn't finish
ottawa1014 August 2022
I tried but turned it off mid way in episode 4. Nothing, I repeat nothing ruins a program more than flashbacks. I felt the acting was very good but just can't handle flashbacks. One or two per episode pushes the limit. 5 a minute makes it unwatchable. It took 4 days for me to get through episode 3, I really wanted to find out what was going on but couldn't do it.
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It didn't work
Adeeb-ghazal29 July 2022
The acting and cinematography are ok , but .... What ever the film was trying to achieve by splitting the movie into flashback /reality 50/50 didn't work... There was not enough material in the reality scenes to make the viewer exited , ( we were waiting to see some real surviving action , tense) we were always up shied with more unrelated flashbacks) Even when some flashbacks were justified it didn't work ...

The excessive flashbacks works only if they have the real material or it support explains the current events, here it didn't have neither his nor that ...

My final suggestion, save the time and avoid.
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