
f35和f22哪个 厉害


2、总体而言,F-22比F-35尺寸更大,推重比更大,隐身性能更好,机动性更强,具有超音速巡航的能力,适合空战;F-35隐身材料和涂层的成本更低且更易维护,红外隐身较差,低空亚声速性能更强,综合 航电系统暂时更强,适合作为战斗攻击机使用。




【英文介绍/For English】:

1. The F-22 should be stronger. At the beginning of the design, the F-22 was designed to form a high-low match with the F-35. Of course, the focus is different. The F-22 focuses on air superiority fighters, and the F-35 focuses on multi-purpose fighters.

2. In general, the F-22 is larger than the F-35, with a larger thrust-to-weight ratio, better stealth performance, stronger maneuverability, and the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds, suitable for air combat; F-35 stealth materials and coatings The cost is lower and easier to maintain, the infrared stealth is poor, the low-altitude subsonic performance is stronger, the integrated avionics system is temporarily stronger, and it is suitable for use as a combat attack aircraft.

3. The F35 does not have supersonic cruise and super maneuverability, and it is not strictly a fifth-generation aircraft. The F35 is a fighter-bomber, and the F22 is an air superiority fighter that focuses on capturing air supremacy. There are obvious mission differences between the two. In a sense, it is just a simplified version of the F22, which can be seen from the fact that the United States regards the F35 as an export model. But the avionics system of F35 is more advanced than that of F22. F35 is matched with F22 to make up for the serious shortage of F22, similar to China's J-20 and J-31.