

The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!秦始皇兵马俑博物馆上是中国最大的古代军事博物馆。1961年,中华人民共和国国务院将秦始皇陵定为全国文物重点保护单位。对秦始皇陵园第一次全面的考古勘察始于。1962年,考古人员绘制出了陵园第一张平面布局图,经探测,陵园范围有56.25平方公里,相当于近78个故宫,引起考古界轰动。1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界八大奇迹”令全世界人惊叹,令全中国人自豪!The terra-cotta warriors pit is located in east of xian have 6 km west south, west village.porcelain from qin qin shihuang DiLing 1225 meters, is one of the largest group cemetery PeiZangKeng, pit which buried vast warriors in group is the epitome of the qin dynasty powerful army. 1974 west village.porcelain farmers was found during drilling shock and the terra-cotta warriors. It is made up of three different sizes of the pit composition, respectively Numbers for 1 pit, no.2 pit, no.3 pit. Three total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, the pit pit with reality, and the true horses were similar in size of TaoMa hooped head-dress, about 8,000 pieces, practical weapon tens of thousands.秦始皇兵马俑坑位于西安市临潼区城东6公里的西杨村南,西距秦始皇帝陵1225米,是秦始皇陵园中最大的一组陪葬坑,坑中所埋藏的浩大俑群是秦王朝强大军队的缩影。 1974年西杨村农民打井时发现了震惊中外的秦始皇兵马俑。它是由三个大小不同的坑组成,分别编号为一号坑、二号坑、三号坑。三个俑坑总面积近20000平方米,坑内共有同真人、真马大小相似的陶俑、陶马约8000件,实用兵器数以万计。

The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!
The terra-cotta warriors pit is located in east of xian have 6 km west south, west village.porcelain from qin qin shihuang DiLing 1225 meters, is one of the largest group cemetery PeiZangKeng, pit which buried vast warriors in group is the epitome of the qin dynasty powerful army. 1974 west village.porcelain farmers was found during drilling shock and the terra-cotta warriors. It is made up of three different sizes of the pit composition, respectively Numbers for 1 pit, no.2 pit, no.3 pit. Three total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, the pit pit with reality, and the true horses were similar in size of TaoMa hooped head-dress, about 8,000 pieces, practical weapon tens of thousands.
秦始皇兵马俑坑位于西安市临潼区城东6公里的西杨村南,西距秦始皇帝陵1225米,是秦始皇陵园中最大的一组陪葬坑,坑中所埋藏的浩大俑群是秦王朝强大军队的缩影。 1974年西杨村农民打井时发现了震惊中外的秦始皇兵马俑。它是由三个大小不同的坑组成,分别编号为一号坑、二号坑、三号坑。三个俑坑总面积近20000平方米,坑内共有同真人、真马大小相似的陶俑、陶马约8000件,实用兵器数以万计。

The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!
The terra-cotta warriors pit is located in east of xian have 6 km west south, west village.porcelain from qin qin shihuang DiLing 1225 meters, is one of the largest group cemetery PeiZangKeng, pit which buried vast warriors in group is the epitome of the qin dynasty powerful army. 1974 west village.porcelain farmers was found during drilling shock and the terra-cotta warriors. It is made up of three different sizes of the pit composition, respectively Numbers for 1 pit, no.2 pit, no.3 pit. Three total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, the pit pit with reality, and the true horses were similar in size of TaoMa hooped head-dress, about 8,000 pieces, practical weapon tens of thousands.
秦始皇兵马俑坑位于西安市临潼区城东6公里的西杨村南,西距秦始皇帝陵1225米,是秦始皇陵园中最大的一组陪葬坑,坑中所埋藏的浩大俑群是秦王朝强大军队的缩影。 1974年西杨村农民打井时发现了震惊中外的秦始皇兵马俑。它是由三个大小不同的坑组成,分别编号为一号坑、二号坑、三号坑。三个俑坑总面积近20000平方米,坑内共有同真人、真马大小相似的陶俑、陶马约8000件,实用兵器数以万计。

The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!
The terra-cotta warriors pit is located in east of xian have 6 km west south, west village.porcelain from qin qin shihuang DiLing 1225 meters, is one of the largest group cemetery PeiZangKeng, pit which buried vast warriors in group is the epitome of the qin dynasty powerful army. 1974 west village.porcelain farmers was found during drilling shock and the terra-cotta warriors. It is made up of three different sizes of the pit composition, respectively Numbers for 1 pit, no.2 pit, no.3 pit. Three total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, the pit pit with reality, and the true horses were similar in size of TaoMa hooped head-dress, about 8,000 pieces, practical weapon tens of thousands.
秦始皇兵马俑坑位于西安市临潼区城东6公里的西杨村南,西距秦始皇帝陵1225米,是秦始皇陵园中最大的一组陪葬坑,坑中所埋藏的浩大俑群是秦王朝强大军队的缩影。 1974年西杨村农民打井时发现了震惊中外的秦始皇兵马俑。它是由三个大小不同的坑组成,分别编号为一号坑、二号坑、三号坑。三个俑坑总面积近20000平方米,坑内共有同真人、真马大小相似的陶俑、陶马约8000件,实用兵器数以万计。

The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!
The terra-cotta warriors pit is located in east of xian have 6 km west south, west village.porcelain from qin qin shihuang DiLing 1225 meters, is one of the largest group cemetery PeiZangKeng, pit which buried vast warriors in group is the epitome of the qin dynasty powerful army. 1974 west village.porcelain farmers was found during drilling shock and the terra-cotta warriors. It is made up of three different sizes of the pit composition, respectively Numbers for 1 pit, no.2 pit, no.3 pit. Three total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, the pit pit with reality, and the true horses were similar in size of TaoMa hooped head-dress, about 8,000 pieces, practical weapon tens of thousands.
秦始皇兵马俑坑位于西安市临潼区城东6公里的西杨村南,西距秦始皇帝陵1225米,是秦始皇陵园中最大的一组陪葬坑,坑中所埋藏的浩大俑群是秦王朝强大军队的缩影。 1974年西杨村农民打井时发现了震惊中外的秦始皇兵马俑。它是由三个大小不同的坑组成,分别编号为一号坑、二号坑、三号坑。三个俑坑总面积近20000平方米,坑内共有同真人、真马大小相似的陶俑、陶马约8000件,实用兵器数以万计。

The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!



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