专栏/航海英语对话 总·必背版

航海英语对话 总·必背版

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第一章 普通英语

1. What is your favorite TV program? It is sport  news.

你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?----  我最喜欢的电视节目是体育新闻。

2. What is your favorite web site?

It is www. baidu. com. (点读作 dot)

你最喜欢哪个网站?-----  我最喜欢的网站是百度。

3. What is your favorite day of the week? Why? It is Sunday. Because I can have a rest.

一周之中你最喜欢哪一天?为什么?---- 我最喜欢星期天,因为我可以休息。

4. What is your favorite kind of movie? It is action movie.

你最喜欢哪种类型的电影?---- 我最喜欢的电影类型是动作片。

5. What is your favorite kind of music? It is pop music.

你最喜欢哪种类型的音乐?----- 我最喜欢的音乐类型是流行音乐。

6. What is your favorite magazine? It is Reader.

你最喜欢的杂志是什么?---- 我最喜欢的杂志是读者。

7. What is the population of your hometown? It is about one million.

你家乡的人口是多少?---- 我家乡人口是一百万人。

8. What is the population of your country?

It is about 1.4 billion.(读 one point four billion)

你们国家的人口是多少?----- 我们国家的人口是 14 亿。

9. What’s your hometown like? It is beautiful and clean.

你的家乡怎么样?----- 我的家乡漂亮又干净。

10. What sports do you like to watch on TV? I like to watch football match.

你最喜欢看电视上的哪种运动?----- 我喜欢看足球比赛。

11. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world? I think it is football.

你认为世界上最流行的运动是什么?----- 我认为世界上最流行的运动是足球。

12. Which ports do you often call at?

I often call at Xiamen Port, Qingdao Port and Shanghai port.

你船经常挂靠哪些港口?----- 我船经常挂靠厦门港,青岛港和上海港。

13. What do you think is the most important thing on board? I think it is safety.

你认为在船上最重要的事情是什么?----- 我认为船上最重要的事是安全。

14. What’s your captain’s nationality? He is from China.

你们船长的国籍是哪里?----- 船长是中国人。

15. What’s your seaman’s book number? It is A123456.

你的海员证编号是多少?---- 我的海员证编号是 A123456。

16. Where are you from?

I am from Xiamen Fujian.

你来自哪里?---- 我来自福建厦门市。

17. What do you like most about your job? I like to steer the ship at sea most.

你最喜欢你工作的哪方面?---- 我最喜欢在海上驾驶船舶。

18. What is your favorite food? It is sea food.

你最喜欢的食物是什么?---- 海鲜。

19. What is your favorite movie? It is titanic.

你最喜欢的电影是什么?---- 是《》。

20. What do you expect about your future? I want to become a captain in the future.

未来你期望干什么?-----  我想成为船长。

第二章 常规命令

1. What does “abandon vessel” mean?

It means the order from a captain for leaving the ship, in distress.

弃船是什么意思?---- 意思是在重大危险或遇险情况下,由船长发出的命令

2. What does “foul anchor” mean?

It means the anchor is crossed by its cable or an obstruction.


3. What does “dredging of an anchor” mean?

It means using an anchor along the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel..


4. What does “underway” mean?        

It means that “the ship is not at anchor, or aground, or made fast to the shore.”

在航是什么意思?----- 指船舶不锚泊,不搁浅,也不系岸。

5. What does “dragging of an anchor” mean?

It means that the anchor is moving along the sea bottom and no longer to control the  vessel.


6. What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it? “Anchor is aweigh”.


7. Can you list some orders which are included in Standard Ship Orders?

Yes, I can. Four, such as helm order, anchor order, engine order ,mooring order and so on

船舶标准命令有几种,你能列举一些吗?----  当然,四种,例如舵令,锚令,车钟令等等。

8. How to answer what is the course? Course 125.

如何回答“航向是多少”?---航向 125 度。

9. What does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean?

It means let go all lines forward except the breast line and spring. “船头单绑留横缆和倒缆”是什么意思?---  意思是除了横缆和倒缆外其他全部解掉。

10. If you want to change the position of the headline forward for 3 meters, what do you say?

Shift headline ahead 3 meters

如果你想改变头缆位置,向前移动 3 米,应该怎么说?----  把头缆向前移动 3 米。

11. If you want to heave tight the breast line, what do you say? Take in/Pick up the slack on the breast line. 如果你想绞紧横缆,怎么说?--- 收紧横缆。

12. Which order is an equivalent to “send out the headline”? Pay out the head line. 与“送出头缆”相同意思的命令是哪个?---送出头缆。

13. Which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line” ?

Cast off stern line


14. What does “Anchor is foul” mean?答案同第 2 题。

15. If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report? Anchor is brought up. 如果锚已经坚实的抓牢海底,你应如何报告?---锚抓牢。

16. If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what do you report? The bow is clear.

如果抛锚之前锚周围没有障碍物,你怎么报告?--- 锚清爽。

17. When the anchor is heaved out of water and just above it, what do you report? The anchor is out of water./ The anchor is up. 如果绞锚刚刚达到水面之上,应如何报告?--- 锚出水。

18. If you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report?

Reply:“stand by both engines”, report: “both engines stand by”.

如果你被下达“备双车”,你应如何复述和报告?---- 复诵“备双车”,报告“双车已备好”。

23. If you are ordered “stop engine”, how should you reply and report? Reply:“stop engine”, report: “engine stopped”.


24. What does “finished with engine” mean?

It means the movement of the engine is no longer required. “完车”是什么意思?---- 意思是不再需要主机运动。



第三章 进出港业务

16. What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for? Ship’s identity, LOA, ETA, arrival draft and so on.

引航站通常会询问船舶的什么信息? ---船舶的识别码、全长、预计到港时间、到港时吃水等。

17. What should be reported to the pilot station?

什么信息需报告给引航站。(答案同第 16 题)

18. What should be confirmed from the pilot station? Pilot’s boarding time and place.

什么信息需从引航站确认? ----引航员登船时间和地点。

19. What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?

Confirm embarking time and place; stand by engine and prepare pilot ladder, and so on.


20. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? It is “G” flag.

当船上需要引航员升起什么旗? ----升起 G 旗。

21. What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? The flag “H” is hoisted. 当引航员到船上时升起什么 旗? ----升起 H 旗。

22. How can a ship get in touch with a port authority before her arrival? By Telex or VHF.

在到港前船舶应怎样与港口取得联系? -----通过电报或甚高频。

23. What should an officer report to the pilot station before her arrival?

抵港之前应该向引水站报告什么?( 答案同第 16 题) 27.What kind of information is usually provided by pilot station?

It provides time and place of embarkation, the order of rigging pilot ladder and so on.

引航站通常提供什么信息?------ 引航站提供登船的时间和地点,安装引水梯的命令等。



第四章 靠离泊作业

1. Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters? No, it would damage the brake.

如果水深 75 米,你会从锚链筒抛锚吗?-----不能,抛锚会损坏刹车。

2. Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?

The ship may be icebound and the anchor may not be brought up .


3. What’s the call sign of your ship? ----BDPT

你船的呼号是什么?Bravo, Delta, Papa, Tango.

4. What’s the ship’s nationality? ---- Chinese


5. What’s your IMO number of your ship?----- 1231234 (7 位数) 你船的 IMO 编号是什么?

6. What type is your vessel?----A bulk-carrier.


7. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?------By Telex or VHF.

在到港前船舶应怎样与港口取得联系?--- 通过电报或甚高频。

8. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?

----Ship’s name, call sign, draught and so on.

在船驶入 VTS 区时,需要报告什么?--- 船名、呼号、吃水等。

9. If you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report?同 2-21

12. What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?----It stands for Estimated Time of Departure.

缩写词 ETD 代表什么?--- 预计离港时间。

13. Can you list at least three mooring lines?

----Yes, I can, such as head line, stern line, spring line and so on.


14. You are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention to the VTS. Using a standard message marker and a phrase, what should you say?

-----Say “QUESTION. Is it permitted to enter fairway” 


--- 说“QUESTION. 是否允许进入航道?”





第五章 装卸作业

1. What is the loading capacity of your vessel?

----It is 100.000 tons.

你船的装货能力是多少?-----装载能力是 100.000 吨

2. What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have?

---- My vessel has crane and derricks.


3. Please list some cargo papers.

--- Hatch list, bill of lading, cargo manifest and so on.


4. Please describe the general nature of general cargo?

----genereal cargo are the cargoes with different types, different natures, different packages, and small capacity.


5. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo.

----Bulk cargo is the cargo without package when under transport, such as ore, coal and so on.


6. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?

----SWL stands for Safe Working Load. SWL 的全称是什么?-----安全工作负荷

7. What does “union purchase” mean?

----It means a rig in which a pair of derricks is used in combination, also known as “coupled derricks” or “married falls”(双吊杆作业)

----it means that two derricks work together.


8. What does the abbreviation of COW stand for?

----COW stands for crude oil washing(原油洗舱). COW 全称是什么?-----原油洗舱

9. What kind of liquid cargo is classified as flammable cargo?

----Cargo with its flashing point at 60°C or below .

哪种货是易燃货?----闪点在 60°C 及以下的货物是易燃液体货。

10. What can be used to remove spillage?

---- Oil–cleaning materials, such as sponge, saw dust, and so on.

什么能被用来清除溢油?----- 清油材料,比如海绵,木屑等。

11. What’s your maximum permitted draft?

----18 meters

最大吃水是多少?———18 米。

12. Would a cargo with a high “flash point” be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”?

-----No. A cargo with a low “flash point” would be of more concern.


13. Before you enter into an “enclosed space”, what safety precautions should you take?

-----Ventilate the space and check the oxygen.


26. (同第 5 题)Could you please say something about bulk cargo?

----Yes, I can. Bulk cargo is the cargo without package when under transport, such as ore, coal and so on.

你能描述一下散货吗?-----是的,我能。散货是指运输过程中未经包装的货物,比如,矿石,煤炭等 等。

27. Where should heavier loads be placed?

-----They should be placed in the lower hold.


30.What does a confined space refer to?

-----confined space is  the long and narrow space often containing harmful gases. In order to avoid accidents, it is usually prohibited to enter.





第六章 航行

1. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping?

-----To ensure that the watchman keeps watch according to rules.

-----To make responsibilities clear and summarize experience.


-----确保值班人员按照规则值班。 /  澄清责任,总结经验。

2. What does VHF stand for?

VHF stands for very high frequency. VHF 代表什么? ----甚高频。

3. How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge maneuver already took place but has not been over?

The handover must be deferred until the action is over.



4. What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the Bridge? The most dangerous situation  and the intended actions. 船长一到达驾驶台,就希望从值班驾驶员那里获得什么信息? 船舶面临的最危急的威胁,打算采取的行动。

5. Why is it important to sound fog signals?

Because it is necessary to warn nearby ships in poor visibility.


6. When would you sound the general signals?

When the vessel is carrying out drills or in real emergencies.


7. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some.

Equipment failure, distress call, heavy traffic, poor visibility and so on..


----  设备失灵,接到遇险呼叫,交通拥挤, 能见度不良等。

8. A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way? Fishing trawler has the right of way.


9. Can you define the very important term “underway”?

Yes, I can. It means the vessel is not at anchor, or aground or made fast to the shore.



10. How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally? According to the bearing and range of the coming vessel..

值班驾驶员一般怎样判定碰撞危险? -----根据来船的方位和距离。

11. What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?

---Five short and blasts.

警告他船有碰撞危险的声号是什么?-----5 短声。

12. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.

----The distance and bearing of an object can be detected by radar, and the courses of vessels can be indicated by compasses, and ship’s position can be located by GPS, and so on.


----物标的距离和方位可以经雷达测得,航向可通过罗经指示,船位可用 GPS 定位等等。

13. Describe the proper way of using VHF.

----When sending massages, set the calling channel, press the PTT button and speak. When receiving massages, release the button and listen. Before changing from speaking to listening, you should say “over”


----发送信息时,设置呼叫频道,按下 PTT 按钮,开始讲话。接收信息时,释放 PTT 按钮并收听。 讲话状态转为收听状态之前,要说“over”.

14. How to rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication? Say “Mistake”, then “Correction”, plus the correct message.

在甚高频通信中,怎么纠正错误?---- 说“错误”然后说“改正”,再加上正确的信息。

15. How to give an emphasis the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?

----Say “Repeat”, then the important part of the message.


16. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping?  

*-----To ensure that the watchman keeps watch according to rules.

-----To make responsibilities clear and summarize experience.


*-----确保值班人员按照规则值班。 /  澄清责任,总结经验。

17. Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch?

----I will keep security watch, such as anti-piracy.



18. Describe the bridge shift change.

---The relieved officer should tell the relieving officer about the ship’s navigation status, and make sure that the relieving officer can perform his duty.








第七章 海上呼叫

1. What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operations?

It means the course directed by the OSC (on-scene commander) or CSS (coordinator of surface search) at the beginning of a search.



2. What does SAR stand for?

SAR stands for Search and Rescue.

SAR 代表什么? ----SAR 代表搜寻和搜救。

3. What is INMARSAT short for?

INMARSAT stands for International Maritime Satellite Organization. INMARSAT 代表什么? ----INMARSAT 代表国际海事卫星(组织)。

4. What does UTC stand for?

UTC stands for Universal Time Coordinated. UTC 代表什么?---- 世界协调时。

5. Can you list three or more search patterns?

----Yes, I can. Such as square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel search pattern and so on.

你能列举 3 种或者 3 种以上的搜寻模式吗?


6. What does a “hampered vessel” mean?

---It means a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. “操纵受限船”是什么意思?----- 操纵能力受限的船舶。

7. What does MMSI stand for?

--- MMSI stands for Maritime Mobile Service Identities MMSI 代表什么?-----海上移动电台识别。

8. What does OSC stand for?

---OSC stands for on-scene commander. OSC 代表什么? ----- 现场指挥者。

9. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say?

---“Stand by on Channel 16”.

在甚高频通信中,当你要求接收者保持在 16 频道,你要怎么说?

-----守听甚高频 16 频道。

10. How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?

---Say “Mistake ” then “Correction” plus the correct message.



11. How do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?

---Say “Repeat”, plus the important part of the message.



12. What does MAYDAY calling mean in marine communications?

---It means the vessel is in distress and requires immediate assistance.

航海通信中,MAYDAY 呼叫是什么意思?


13. What should be included in MAYDAY messages?

---Ship’s name, call sign, ship’s position, distress nature, the assistance she needs and so on. MAYDAY  信息包括什么内容?----船名,呼号,船位,遇险性质,所需援助等。

14. What does PAN-PAN calling mean in marine communications?

---It means information or warnings may be very urgent.

航海通信中,PAN-PAN 呼叫是什么意思?---- 信息或警告内容很紧急。

15. What does SECURITE calling mean in marine communications?

---It means messages concerning safety of navigation.

航海通信中,SECURITE 呼叫是什么意思?---- 关于航行安全的信息。

16. What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel?

---Put on lifejackets.

弃船时,建议乘客穿什么? ---- 穿上救生衣。

17. What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel?

---By smoke signal, fire, fog signal and so on.

弃船后可以用什么方法吸引注意力?---- 烟雾信号,火焰,雾号等。

18. A ship is signalling you with his ‘Aldis lamp’ (Morse lamp) the letter ‘U’. What is the message for you?

---My vessel is running into danger.

一船用 Aldis 灯(Morse 灯)发出字母 U,那是什么信号?(字母 U:你正在进入危险中。)----我船 正在驶近危险。

19. What is INMARSAT short for?

---INMARSAT stands for International Maritime Satellite Organization. INMARSAT 代表什么? ---- INMARSAT 代表国际海事卫星(组织)。

20. What does RCC stand for?

---RCC stands for Rescue Coordination Center. RCC 代表什么?---- 搜救协调中心。

21. Can you list three or more search patterns?

----Yes, I can. Such as square search pattern, sector search pattern, parallel search pattern and so on. 你能列举 3 种或者 3 种以上的搜寻模式吗? 是的,我能,比如,方形,扇形,平行搜救模式等。

第八章 事故处理

1. What does “SOPEP” mean?

---Ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

SOPEP 什么意思?--------船舶油污应急计划

2. Generally speaking, which is responsible for damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?

the vessel underway is responsible for the damage.

通常来说,系泊船和在航船碰撞之后,谁应该对损坏负责? -----在航船对损坏负责。

3. How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ship? Once a month.


4. What does “fire patrol” mean? Patrol to find the sign of fire.


5. How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested? Once a month.


6. For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds? Sound the alarm, close the hold and release the CO2.


22. When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed. Give three examples.

Watertight doors, fire doors and ventilators and so on.

当有紧急集合时,有几个地方必须关闭,请列举 3 个例子。----- 水密门,防火门,通风筒等。

23. What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation of Collision Occurrence to the Captain of the other vessel?

to make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.

你给他船船长准备船舶碰撞事实确认书的目的是什么? ----使事实更清晰,避免可能的争议。

24. What shall be usually attended to the report on the collision accident? abstract of Log Book, witnesses, and pictures. 什么通常被附在碰撞事故报告上?-------日志摘要,证人,照片

25. What actions will you take after a collision with another vessel?

----coordinate actions between the two vessels, stand by rescue.


26. What is your first response when you detect a fire? sound fire alarm nearby

当你探测到火灾,第一反应是什么? -------鸣放消防报警

27. What are the ways to refloat a grounded vessel?

1) wait for high tide.

2) transfer some cargoes, bunkers or deballast

3) ask for tug assistance.

脱浅的方法是什么?-----1) 等待高潮 2) 过驳货物、燃油或排放压载水 3)  寻求拖轮援助

28. What are the typical deficiencies identified in security drills?

------Damage to the cargo or equipment, unauthorized access to ship, attacks from

seaward, and so on.



29. How do you coordinate handling of cargoes and ship’s store with crew and PFSO?

---Conduct SSP according to the security level and monitor the handling with them.



30. What are the security concerns and potential threats to oil tankers navigating in narrow straits?

----Explosion, pollution, collision and so on.



31. Where can you find more information on maritime security?

---From ISPS code, IMO Latest News.


----ISPS 规则信息,IMO 最新消息。

32. What appliance should be used to put out the fire?

----Fire extinguisher, fire hose, fire blankest and so on.


33. What assistance is required if a fire on ship loses control?

----Fire-fighting assistance.








第九章 海上救生与求生

1. How often will the lifeboat be launched into water? Once 3 months.


2. What does “EPIRB” stand for?

EPIRB stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. EPIRB 代表什么? ----EPIRB 代表应急无线电示位标。

3. What does SAR stand for?

SAR stands for Search and Rescue.

SAR 代表什么? ----SAR 代表搜寻和搜救。

4. What altitude must a ‘rocket parachute flare’ reach to comply with regulation? Over 300 meters. 为了遵守规则,火箭降落伞火焰信号必须达到什么高度?---300  米以上。

5. Can you give a briefing on how to put on lifejackets?

Put it on and tie fast with the reflection belt outside, and check the whistle and self-igniting light.

你能简单介绍一下怎么穿救生衣吗? -----穿上并系紧,反光带在外侧,检查哨子和自亮灯。

6. What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance?

At least 4 projectiles(抛射体), the throwing capacity is at least 230ms, the breaking strength(破断强度) is at least 2KNs.

抛绳器的最低要求是什么?----至少有 4 个抛射体,抛射距离至少 230 米,破断强度至少为 2 千牛。

7. Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels? Yes, I can. Such as hungry, thirsty, coldness and so on.

你能列举弃船时,对船员的威胁吗? -----是的,比如饥饿,口渴,寒冷等。

8. What type of oil is used in certain rescue operations to prevent the seas breaking? Storm oil, such as vegetable oil.

哪些油在某些搜救行动中可以镇浪? -------镇浪油,比如植物油。

9. If you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect of being rescued, how soon should you issue food and water?

After 24 hours.

如果你在救生艇上,没有希望很快获救,多久之后才能分发食物和水?----24  小时以后。

10. What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat? Check the medicines regularly and renew them in time. 为了确保每个救生艇上有药品,该如何做? ----定期检查,及时更新。

11. Could you please list some equipment in an open lifeboat?(同第 4 题)

12. What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board? At least one motor lifeboat.


13. What is the minimum quantity of life jackets required on board ship?

*Lifesaving equipment  













第十章 修船与船舶保养

1. What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involve ?

-----It involves the health of crew.

船舶食物服务与供应和什么有关? ----事关全体船员的健康。

2. What relevant provisions should the responsible crewmembers be familiar with?

------SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL and so on.

负责的船员应熟悉哪些相关规定?-----SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL 等。

3. How would you conveniently, check the compass error in pilotage waters?

-----By comparing true course with compass course.

在引航水域,你如何方便的检查出罗经误差? -----通过对比真航向与罗航向。

4. What is a voyage repair?

-----Voyage repair is the repair in the ship yard due to the excessive wear of the ship’s hull or part of the equipment affecting her normal operation during ship’s operation.



5. What is a major repair?

-----Major repair is a thorough, systematical repair to the ship’s hull and all the major equipment as required by the ship’s survey for safe operation.



6. What is an annual repair?

----Annual repair is a dock repair project subject to the ship’s periodical survey and annual survey.


7. What is a repair list?

----Repair list is a basic technical document for ship’s repair. It shows the items to be repaired and other relevant information.


8. What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators, pipes and funnels?

-----Radiators, pipes and funnels applied with insulating paint 散热器,管路和烟囱上通常刷什么漆?-----散热器,管路和烟囱刷上绝缘漆。 14.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s bottom?

-----Ship’s bottom should be applied with one coat of anti-corrosive paint and one coat of tropical ant-fouling paint.


15. What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains?

-----Bituminous solution


16. Can you list at least five kinds of paint?

-----Anti-corrosive paint; primer; anti-fouling paint; anti-galvanic paint; boot-topping paint, ,and so on.


22.What is used to measure the thickness of hull plates?

-----With ultrasonic wave

什么用于测量船体板的厚度? ------超声波 




第十一章  港口国检查

1. Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: the validity of loadline certificate,the compliance of the draft and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于载重线检查的项目吗?


2. Can you list some items to be checked for navigational equipment in PSC inspection ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: the working condition of ARPA, compass, steering gear and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于助航设备检查的项目吗?


3. Can you list some items to be checked for life-saving appliances in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: lifebuoys, liferafts, lifejackets, lifeboats and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于救生设备检查的项目吗?


4. Can you list some items to be checked for fire-fighting arrangement in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: extinguishers, fire mains, fire hose, nozzle and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于消防设备检查的项目吗?


5. Can you list some items to be checked for radio equipment in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: EPIRB , SART, DSC and VHF and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于无线电设备检查的项目吗?


6. Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: The sanitary condition of galley, cabins, mess room and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于生活区检查的项目吗?


7. Can you list some items to be checked for MARPOL & Chemical in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: The record of garbage, oily water, SOPEP and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于 MARPOL 公约和化学品检查的项目吗?


8. What are the key items to be checked within your duties onboard?

-----Fire-fighting equipment and life-saving equipment and so on.



9. Where should the Muster Lists be exhibited on board?

-----The bridge, the engine room, the mess room and so on.

应变部署表应张贴在哪里? ----驾驶台、机舱、餐厅等。

10. Can you list some items to be checked for hull, machinery & cargo gear in PSC inspections ?

-----Yes, I can. Such as: Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, the water-tightness of hull, deck and hatch cover ,and so on.

你能列出 PSC 检查中对于船体,机器,装卸货设备检查的项目吗?

----是的,比如:货船构造安全证书,货船设备安全证书,船体,甲板,舱盖的水密性。 16.What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of the crew ?

------The crew with normal eyesight can read newspapers in any place of the room in good weather.








第十二章 船舶保安

1. What does SSO stand for?

It stands for the Ship Security Officer. 船舶保安员

2. What does SSP stand for?

It stands for the Ship Security plan. 船舶保安计划

3. What does DOC stand for?

It stands for the Document of compliance. 符合证明

4. What does SSAS stand for?

It stands for the Ship Security Alert System. 船舶保安报警系统

5. What does CSO stand for?

It stands for the Company Security Officer. 公司保安员

6. What does ISSC stand for?

It stands for the International Ship Security Certificate. 国际船舶保安证书

7. What does CSR stand for?

It stands for the Continuous Synopsis Record. 连续概要记录

8. Can you list some restricted areas on board?

Yes, I can. Such as: the bridge, engine room, steering house,cargo hatches, and so on.

你能列出船上的限制区吗? 是的。比如:驾驶台、机舱、操舵室、货舱等。

9. Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer? Yes, I can. Such as: training and drills, SSP, and so on.


10. Can you list some main ship security equipments ?

Yes, I can. Such as: SSAS, AIS, Security Lighting, and so on.


11. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 1 as a ship security officer ? Yes, I can. Such as: he should monitor the restricted areas, deck areas, the  surrounding  areas,  the handling of cargo, ensure the security communication, and so on. 你能描述一下作为一名船舶保安员对保安等级 1 的总体安排和反应吗?


12. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 2 as a ship security officer ? Yes, I can. Such as: check the cargo, assign security lookouts, limit the number of accessing points,  escort visitors on ship, and so on.

你能描述一下作为一名船舶保安员对保安等级 2 的总体安排和反应吗?


13. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 3 as a ship security officer ?  Yes,  I  can. Such as: Set  up  additional restricted  areas, leave only  one accessing  point,   stop cargo operations, and so on.

你能描述一下作为一名船舶保安员对保安等级 3 的总体安排和反应吗?


14. Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit ? Yes, I can. Such as: the ship’s name, call sign, course, speed, and so on. 你能列举一些 AIS 能够收到和发送的关于保安的信息吗?


15. If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship, where should he be stopped? He should be stopped at the gangway.



16. What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?

Patrol the ship and check all the possible places.


17. What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?

Sound the alarm to muster all the crewmembers to fight the pirates according to ISPS.

如果船舶受到海盗袭击,你应该首先做什么?---鸣放报警,集合所有船员根据 ISPS 抵抗海盗。

18. How do you oversee and ascertain the implementation  of SSP?

By periodic inspections and audits and strict reporting  procedures.


24.A visitor in a car asks access to a ship. He has an unidentified parcel which is not pre-announced. How will you react?

Refuse to accept the parcel on board and report to the master or SSO to verify the parcel.



25.How do you carry out a thorough risk assessment prior transiting to a high-risk piracy area?

We will carry out risk assessment according to the ship’s type, speed and freeboard and information on the area.



 28.What are the different security levels referred to in the ISPS Code?

They include security level 1,level2,level3. Different precautions and measures should be taken at  different levels.

在 ISPS 规则里不同的保安等级指的是什么?

---  保安等级包括保安等级 1、等级 2、等级 3.在不同的保安等级,采取不同的预防手段和措施。

30.How can you find out if a port is compliant with ISPS Code?

When there is a port facility security plan for the various security levels, the port is compliant with ISPS Code or ask the port.

你怎样弄清楚港口是否符合 ISPS 规则要求?

---当港口设施有不同保安等级的保安计划,港口符合 ISPS 规则要求,或者问港口。

31. What are your tasks when the security level is upgraded?

All the crew should be more vigilant and act strictly according to particular procedures of the appropriate security level.


---所有船员应该更加警惕,严格按照相应保安等级的特定程序行动。 33.

34.How do you promote awareness and vigilance on security onboard?

By carrying out mandatory training and drills.






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