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时间:2022-08-30 17:10:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
【# 英语资源# # 开学第一天英语作文【精选十篇】#】将笑容挂脸上,将自信揣心里,与假期说再见,跟学业道加油,开学日,背好书包,将心态调整为学习模式,为美好的明天读书,加油!®无忧考网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today is the first day of school. Since last night, I have been extremely excited, excited and nervous. I am excited that I will become a middle school student. I am excited because I have a lot of illusions about junior high school and I can finally experience them. I am nervous because there are many strangers in my class. How can I communicate with them?

  Finally, I found the classroom and got what I wanted. I was in the same class with my good friends Tingting and Xiaoxiao. I met our foreign language teacher, our head teacher. The first impression she gave me was that she was very kind. The teacher asked us to introduce ourselves, but the effect was not good. I didn't know a few people, and I will get familiar with them gradually in the future. Our class motto is: one family, one heart, one effort. This reminds us to be united at all times. I feel warm in my heart.

  In order to get to know us, the teacher talked alone and encouraged us. The teacher said to me, "you are very beautiful and you study well, but you have to find a chance to show yourself. The teacher can't take care of all the students." My heart is sweet. I will always remember the teacher's words and take them as my motivation. I haven't seen any other teachers, but if there is a good class teacher, other teachers will be great!

  In the afternoon, it rained after school. I didn't bring an umbrella, and I had to protect my schoolbag. As a result, I was drenched. I thought I was my father when I got home. My mother would let me have a warm meal, but I opened the door and there was no one. Only then did I remember that today, my mother was on the night shift for others. I immediately went to my father and called my cell phone. I didn't come back from the classmates' party. I let myself eat.

  It's really annoying. I'm not at home when I need to care. I'm in the rain and nobody takes care of me. I cried. I usually rely on my parents too much. Now I'm really at a loss and regret it! However, I am already a middle school student, I can!


  After two months of long summer vacation, we finally ushered in September 1 - the beginning of school! Excited, I got up early. As soon as it was time for school, I picked up my schoolbag and ran to school.

  My primary school life has come to an end with my efforts. Today, I stand on a new starting line. Standing on the campus, I looked around with expectation. I am so familiar with every tree and grass here! Look! They are smiling at me! "Cha Cha" a little sparrow flew around me for several times, as if saying: "welcome back!" I looked up at the sky. White clouds and marshmallows were dotted in the blue sky, and the sun was like a big fireball... I could no longer restrain my excitement and ran to the classroom.

  WOW! The classroom is beautifully decorated! The tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and the glass is clean! Eh? Who is that? A very strong middle-aged man stood in front of the blackboard newspaper, smiling and talking to the onlookers. Is he our new head teacher? At this time, he said: "Hello everyone, I'm your head teacher and Chinese teacher." So my guess is right.

  New classrooms, new students, and new subjects! In junior high school, we have added several interesting courses, such as geography. Geography class will tell us the topography and landscape of different countries. The geography teacher said that our motherland has many beautiful scenic spots. For example, the Taklimakan Desert, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River... The first geography class taught me a lot of geographical knowledge, and made me feel how proud it is to live on the land of China. In the future, I must study hard, understand every part of China, and travel around China in the future!


  Junior high school life is like a boy's stride, full of endless passion and never fading style. In my eyes, my junior high school life is like a symphony. The main melody is only six words: practice, test and challenge.

  Training is always accompanied by opportunities. After six years of hard study in a cold window, it was not in vain. Until September this year, I finally stepped into the door of Qiuzhen middle school and stepped onto the second stage of my life.

  On the first day of school, I was nervous, happy and excited. I couldn't wait to come to school as soon as possible and come to my study career where I will live with many friends. This can not only improve my many things, but also include many principles of learning to be a person. When I came to the knowledge land full of the sound of reading in junior high school, I knew that I should get rid of some things. I should learn to grow up. I should learn to become a little adult instead of being naughty and reckless in primary school. When I think of these assumptions, don't mention how excited and happy I am, because I will contact more guides at the second crossroads of my life, Light up another successful sower for me.

  Junior high school life is rich and colorful. Before I entered the campus in my early years, I heard many older brothers and sisters say that this is a happy feast. This feast contains many unexpected surprises and successes. Of course, we have to explore and challenge ourselves. However, on the stage of junior high school life, we all display ourselves heartily.

  On the stage of junior high school life, we all showed ourselves heartily. Among the stars, I may not be the most dazzling, but I will still emit my own unique light. My junior high school life will be full of rain and sunshine! Wait for me.


  Enter the new campus, clean and tidy classrooms, tall and imposing teaching buildings. There are also lush trees and a wide playground. Learning in such a comfortable environment will make us feel relaxed and happy!

  Junior high school is a brand-new beginning. Although I was prepared psychologically when I came, it would be different from the life of primary school. However, I felt unprepared in the face of the sudden addition of courses and classes. Middle school life will be full of trials, challenges and tests. Only those who work hard can stand out. I don't know if I have the ability to face these. But I firmly believe that kungfu is worth the effort. As long as I work hard, I will not waste my previous efforts. In junior high school, we can't go back to the days of fighting and laughing in primary school. It will be the intense competition filled with gunpowder smoke in junior high school that will usher in three years of ups and downs. I must work hard to enrich myself and not do anything that I regret. Never wait until high school to lament that I didn't study well in junior high school. I will never leave such a regret in my junior high school career.

  Learning is a mixture of bitterness and happiness. Only when you have a hard time now can you enjoy it for a long time. First of all, the primary task of coming to junior high school is to study. We should listen to lectures on time in class, complete homework on time, and carefully prepare and review. I believe this can make my study more planned and orderly. It is my study plan and my goal to strive for the top 20 in each examination.

  The extracurricular activities outside Shandong Province are also rich and colorful. I joined the folk band, hoping to enrich my study life and cultivate my interests.

  I hope I can become myself under the guidance of Lu Wai's fitness education!


  Today is August 30, the first day of school. I was so excited that I put on new clothes, new shoes, and a new car to go to a new school. Seeing the new students, I think this will also be a new beginning. Let me brave to welcome the new school, new class and new beginning!

  A new beginning is also a new starting point. When you come to the school, you see our beautiful new school and many, many new faces... A familiar face is coming, ah! I found my primary school classmate... Ah! I found the last deskmate in my primary school, Geng Zexiu. We put down the car and stood aside for a while, saying something we hadn't said in a long time

  I'm looking forward to it. Where is my new class? Which class am I in? I'm looking forward to my new classmates. Who are they? I'm looking forward to my new teacher? Is it an old teacher or a new teacher? I am really looking forward to it. After a while, several teachers came over with red paper, then gathered around a group of students, and I followed them. I saw my name, Xie Ze. I was in class 1, grade 1, junior high school. The second name on the first line of the list was me.

  I see that there are 19 people in our class who graduated from our Dazhang school, but I am still very satisfied because there are still many old friends. I'm glad that our teachers are very good and our new classmates are very lively and lovely. I see that the boys in our class are particularly lively and hardworking. The girls in our class are all very beautiful!

  On the first day of school, this is a new starting point, a new beginning. I can't lose at the starting line of my life. Xie Ze, come on!


  Happy days are always short. In a blink of an eye, the unforgettable winter vacation has passed, and a new semester and new campus life are ushered in.

  When the school started, I walked into the campus and classes where I had been separated for one month. I saw familiar smiling faces. I got together in twos and threes. The students were chatting with each other about interesting things in the winter vacation. My heart can't help getting excited. I can study and play with my classmates again. At the same time, I also secretly determined that in the new semester, I would change the bad habits of the previous semester, carry forward my own advantages, and show a new look in the new semester.

  I remember that I had two shortcomings in last semester: inattention in class and poor discipline of the road team. I'm easily distracted in class because I don't integrate into the class. For this reason, my parents and teachers have not spared no effort in educating me to concentrate on my work in class. It is easier said than done. If I did not change it last semester, I must change this bad habit this semester.

  When the road team left school, everyone should have expected to go home soon, but at this time, I was busy. I could not control my mouth and whispered with my friends. I must change this problem, otherwise, I would definitely be criticized by the teacher.

  In this new semester, I will listen carefully in class, speak boldly, write more and do more exercises, so that I can better remember the knowledge.

  Sixth grade is the most important period in primary school, because sixth grade is the most critical moment of junior high school entrance. I must learn well and enter an ideal middle school.


  Today, I walked into the classroom of class 63 with a happy mood and started a new learning life.

  At about seven o'clock, I came to the school. I thought I should be early, but I didn't expect that most of my classmates had come. Our head teacher's surname is Feng, and the math teacher's surname is Feng. The head teacher said to us with a smile: "if you see only one teacher, call me Mr. Feng. If you also see a math teacher, call me Mr. Xiao Feng. Call me Mr. Da Feng." The students all laughed.

  It's unexpected that there are so many learning tasks at the beginning of the school year. For example, each student must have a copy of 80 ancient poems and essays for primary school students; Learn five idioms, one allegorical saying, one proverb and one famous saying every day; Each person should take two extra-curricular books and put them in the library corner of the classroom; Everyone must have a regular sc ript. Take it to the classroom for practice

  Also, the teacher asked us to write our own speeches, speak on the stage, and then select the monitor according to the number of votes. I was the first to speak, but I still didn't act as the monitor, and I was still a study committee member. In addition, the teacher also appointed "sports committee member", "life committee member", "Labor Committee member" and other large and small "officials".

  To be honest, although it will be very tired, it will be very happy!


  Today is the first day of school. In the morning, I was woke up by my mother early. I really can't bear the warm quilt, but I still have to get up because school starts today.

  I have ushered in a new semester. At a new starting point, I hope that tomorrow's I will be more wonderful. Therefore, I must show myself the new atmosphere to welcome the new semester in the hope of a better future. Under the influence and encouragement of the clean, lively, peaceful and upward new atmosphere in the classroom, I must make new progress in the new semester.

  In the new semester, I have a new goal - not to be a giant of language, but to be the master of action. Success is not achieved by dreams, but by actions. Of course, in the new semester, I will make unremitting efforts to make new achievements in my studies. Pay a hard work in exchange for a harvest. Learning is not an interest, but a responsibility. It is something I should do and must do well. At the same time, learning must have a burden. Without the process of hardship and tiredness, there will be no progress and promotion. Isn't it true that learning is all like this? I turn my joy and sadness into power and power to advance, and constantly overcome difficulties and make new progress. Success is our joy. Behind success is our hard work. There is no harvest without hard work, and there is no gain without hard work.

  There is a road in the mountain of books. Diligence is the path, and learning is endless. I will strive for my goal. New semester, new journey, new sail. I want to refuel and study hard in the colorful primary school life. This is a sprint, this is a journey. There may be bumps and dangers. I want to overcome all difficulties to reach the other side of success.

  On the first day of school, there are too many ideas and plans. I hope that the new semester will be a new beginning. Let's work together to advance towards our goals.


  Carrying a long lost schoolbag, a long lost schoolbag, and a good friend Chen Yuming, he set foot on the familiar path and walked to the school.

  At the end of the summer vacation, I returned to school again. I had the same pen, the same schoolbag, the same students, the same teacher, but the difference was the new teaching building.

  From the previous first floor, we moved to the third floor of the new teaching building, which has not even been completed. To be honest, I have great dissatisfaction with this new teaching building. In the previous teaching building, we can run out of the classroom and play in the open square after class on the first floor. But now on the third floor, only the big break can go downstairs, and even if we go downstairs, it is also the construction site, so we can only walk casually, I can't play after class as before.

  The least we can do in school is to have a class. In the Chinese class, the teacher asked us to talk about the holiday life. At that time, the class was noisy, and every student seemed to be unable to shut his mouth and keep talking. It seems that everyone had a good time this summer vacation!

  When it comes to physical education, we can't play now because we have gone to the new teaching building. We can only hope for physical education to be active. Physical education is my favorite class. It seems that we haven't had much activity in the summer vacation. Suddenly, a physical education class startled us and made us run much slower than before.

  The last two classes are self-study classes. It seems that I forgot what I did in my homework. It seems that many students are shocked to hear that there are still Chinese and English homework and an 800 word essay tonight. There are so many homework on the first day of school!

  In the evening, the first class starts at eight o'clock, and the article "after watching" keeps me busy until after ten o'clock. Alas, this is the first day of school! Why is there so much homework?

  I saw familiar classmates and familiar homework again. I spent the first day of school laughing


  Today is the first day of school. In the morning, I went to school early.

  When I got to the classroom, there were already some people coming, so I found a seat at random and sat down, quietly waiting for the teacher to come. Later, there were more and more people, and the classroom became lively. Everyone was very excited, and also chatted and played games with other students.

  After a while, teacher Xu came and everyone was quiet. Mr. Xu seemed very happy. Mr. Xu first asked us to move the old desks and chairs downstairs, and then move the new desks and chairs to the classroom. After the arrangements are made, we'll start work. Let's move the old tables and chairs first. Everyone worked hard. It was not long before I finished moving. Then, the girls cleaned the classroom and the boys moved new desks and chairs. After a while, the boys brought up new tables and chairs one after another. Every table and chair is very new and shiny. Everyone is very excited.

  After we put these tables and chairs in order, we sat down. Then the teacher asked us to get the new book. As soon as they heard about getting new books, the students all ran out to get them. I was not willing to be outdone, and took a large number of arms to the class. After the book was collected, it began to be distributed. In a short time, the book was all gone. Looking at the colorful books, we were all happy. Then, we'll finish school.

  In the afternoon, at three o'clock, the students came to the classroom. Soon, Mr. Xu came. This afternoon is to check and compare the summer homework. So everyone brought their summer homework. We first checked each other, then wrote the evaluation, and finally handed it in. In this way, the students happily checked and compared. In the blink of an eye, the afternoon passed and it was time to finish school.

  Today is the first day of school. The students are very happy, and so am I. I must study hard this semester and finally get good results!

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