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    Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1. Section B 教案 初中英语仁爱版八年级下册(2022年)
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    Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1.  Section B 教案 初中英语仁爱版八年级下册(2022年)01
    Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1.  Section B 教案 初中英语仁爱版八年级下册(2022年)02
    Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1.  Section B 教案 初中英语仁爱版八年级下册(2022年)03
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    初中英语仁爱科普版八年级下册Unit 5 Feeling excitedTopic 1 You look excited教学设计

    这是一份初中英语仁爱科普版八年级下册Unit 5 Feeling excitedTopic 1 You look excited教学设计,共15页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学准备,教学过程,作业布置等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.Learn sme new wrds and phrases:
    seem, film, be prud f, smell, set the table
    2.G n learning sme sentences shwing feelings:
    He feels disappinted because he culdn’t get a ticket t The Sund f Music.
    He seems a little unhappy.
    Did she sund upset?
    I’m sure Mr. Lee will be surprised!
    3.G n learning the structure f “linking verb+adj.”
    It’s s funny and interesting.
    It’s s mving.
    It smells terrible.
    The leaves turn green.
    The fd smelt nice and tasted delicius.
    4.Talk abut mvies and peras.
    Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)
    1.(教师检查上节课布置的作业,复习系表结构,导出本课的目标语言。要求学生理解生词upset,掌握短语be prud f。)
    T: Nw let’s check the hmewrk. S1: when yu are late fr class, hw d yu feel?
    S1: I always feel wrried and afraid.
    T: S2, if yur pet dg is dead, are yu sad?
    S2: Yes, I must be very sad.
    T: Oh, yu mean yu must be very upset.
    T: When yu heard Zhang Yining wn the first in the Olympic Games, hw did yu feel?
    S3: I felt excited.
    S4: I felt very pleased.
    T: We are all prud f her, right?
    Ss: Yes.
    Step 2 Presentatin 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)
    1.(通过谈论京剧,引入本课重点活动1。要求学生掌握film,理解Beijing Opera,了解mving。)
    T: What music are yu listening t?
    S5: Jing Ju.
    T: Yes, It’s Beijing Opera.What d yu think f it?
    S5: It’s wnderful. I like it.
    S6: I dn’t like it at all. It’s bring.
    T: OK, S7, which d yu like better, Beijing Opera r mvies?
    S7: I like mvies better.
    T: Oh, yu mean yu like films. I like films, t. Lve Me Once Mre, Mm is my favrite. It’s very mving.
    T: What abut Kangkang? What is his favrite? Let’s listen t 1 and find ut which film Kangkang likes best.
    T:Which film des Kangkang like best?
    Ss:He likes Lve Me Once Mre, Mm.
    T: Why?
    Ss: …
    2.(呈现3a。学习并掌握短语set the table和be able t。)
    T: Lk at the picture in 3a.What’s Kangkang ding? Is he setting the table?
    Ss:Yes, he is.
    T: What’s he setting the table fr?
    Ss: His friends are cming fr supper.
    T: Yes, but Michael can’t cme because he is ill. That’s t say he isn’t able t cme and Michael’s mther has t lk after him at hme. Is Michael’s mther able t g t the mvie?
    Ss:N, she isn’t.
    T: Right. I’m sure she will be very disappinted.Then, is Mr. Lee able t g t the mvie? What’s Mr. Lee’s feeling? Nw let’s listen t 3a and find ut the answers.
    T: Can yu catch the dialg? Wh can answer my questins?
    S1:Mr. Lee is able t g t the mvie and he will be surprised.(可帮助学生回答。板书并理解画线生词。)
    Step 3 Cnslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间: 11分钟)
    T: Read 1 and cmplete the table.
    T: Read 3a in rles, and then discuss and finish 3b.
    T: Retell 3a accrding t the key wrds and sentences in 3b.
    Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)
    1.(以幻灯片或所提供词造句的形式描述图片, 并完成2, 由此引出并掌握生词seem和smell。)
    T: Nw lk at 2 and describe the pictures.
    T: Listen t the tape, and then finish the blanks in 4.
    T: Please sum up the linking verbs and feeling wrds in Sectin A and B.
    T: Suppse yu were Kangkang’s mther, yu are talking with Michael’s mther n the phne. What are yu talking abut? Please make a dialg abut this.
    (查询资料,了解Sectin C中的影片内容。)
    T: Cllect sme infrmatin abut the films The Sund f Music, Titanic and Lve Me Once Mre, Mm.
    Sectin C
    1.Learn sme new wrds and phrases:
    cry, lnely, lively, cheer up, mad, at first, fall int, in the end
    2.Master sentences expressing feelings:
    Mrs. Vn Trapp died, and the family were very sad and tired.
    The children cried and shuted every day.
    The father was lnely and ften became angry because f the nisy children.
    The father was almst mad at first, but the smiling faces f his children pleased him and made him happy again.
    They were very frightened because they were afraid f lsing each ther.
    3.Learn t describe the main idea f the mvies.
    4.Talk abut yur favrite mvies.
    Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)
    复习Sectin B,
    T: Let’s review what we learned yesterday. Answer my questins, OK?
    Ss: OK.
    T: Hw des Mr. Lee feel?
    Ss: He feels disappinted.
    T: Why is he disappinted?
    Ss: Because he culdn’t get a ticket t The Sund f Music.
    T: What happened t Michael?
    Ss: Michael had a temperature.
    T: Hw abut their tickets?
    Ss: Mr. Lee culd use their tickets since they were nt able t g.
    T: Yes, yu’re right. Nw, Mr. Lee is in the theater. That is the sng he is listening t. Let’s share it tgether.
    T: What d yu think f the sng? D yu think it is lively?
    Ss: Yeah, it’s gd.
    T: Why d yu think it’s gd?
    Ss: Because it makes me happy and relaxed.
    T: I think s. It can cheer us up. I like t listen t this sng when I am sad.It’s the theme sng f The Sund f Music.D yu knw this mvie?
    Ss: Yeah. It’s very ppular.
    T: Wuld yu like t learn the sng?
    T: Nw let’s sing the sng after the tape.
    Step 2 Presentatin 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟)
    T: Well dne! It’s a lively sng. It’s the theme sng f The Sund f Music.D yu knw anything mre abut this mvie? Nw let’s lk at the pster, and discuss the questins in 1a.
    (教师拿出The Sund f Music的海报, 展示给学生,讨论1a中的问题并核对答案。讲解学生可能看不懂的地方,必要时在黑板上写出中文解释。)
    T: Please find ut wh are the starring and the directr.
    Ss:Julie Andrews and Rbert Wise.
    T: Right. This stry happened in Austria.Can yu tell me smething abut this stry?
    S1:It’s a stry abut Maria.
    S2:Maria went t care fr a family with seven children.
    S3: The children cried and shuted every day. The father was lnely.
    S4:Their father was almst mad at their behavirs at first, but their father became happy in the end.
    引出生词和短语:Austria, cry, lnely, mad, at first, in the end并解释。)
    T: Nw we’ve knwn smething abut this mvie. Please read 1a by yurselves, and guess the meanings f the new wrds and phrases accrding t the cntext. Then underline the wrds expressing feelings.
    T: Say ut the wrds expressing feelings, please.
    Step 3 Cnslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间: 13分钟)
    T: Please read 1a carefully and underline the key wrds and sentences.
    2.(现在再读1a, 然后回答1b问题。)
    T: Nw, let’s read 1a again and then find the answers t the questins f 1b.
    T: Excellent. Nw, let’s listen t 1a and find ut the main idea f each paragraph. Please wrk in pairs and discuss them.
    T: Grup 1, what des Paragraph 1 talk abut?
    G1: The Sund f Music is a stry abut Maria.
    T: Grup 2, what abut the secnd paragraph?
    G2: It talks abut the family. The family lked sad and tired.
    T: Grup 3, what’s yur idea abut Paragraph 3?
    G3: Maria cheered up the family in the end.
    T: Very gd, every grup did a gd jb.Nw, wrk in grups f three. Each member sums up ne paragraph, and cmbines them tgether. Understand?
    G1: The Sund f Music is a very ppular mvie. It’s a stry abut Maria.She went t care fr a family with seven children. The family lked sad and tired.The mther died, s the father was ften unhappy. Maria cheered up the family. At last, Mr. Vn Trapp became happy again.
    G2: …
    G3: …

    Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)
    完成2,进一步练习关于系表结构及表示情感的词语。掌握生词: fall int,了解Titanic和frightened。
    1.(播放歌曲My Heart Will G n。)
    T: D yu knw this sng?
    Ss: Yeah.
    T: S yu must knw the mvie Titanic.
    T: What’s it abut?
    S1:It’s a lve stry abut Jack and Rse.
    S2:They fell in lve with each ther in the ship Titanic.
    S3:The Titanic had a serius accident.
    S4:Jack died, but Rse was saved.

    (教师播放歌曲“世上只有妈妈好”并出示Lve Me Once Mre, Mm的海报。)
    T: Yu knw this ne clearly, right?
    Ss: Yeah. It’s a stry abut a mther and her sn. One day, her sn was lst and she culdn’t find him. She was very sad and almst went mad.
    T: Yeah, very gd.Nw let’s learn abut these tw mvies, Titanic and Lve Me Once Mre, Mm.
    T: Finish 2 by yurselves. We’ve just mentined Titanic and Lve Me Once Mre, Mm. Nw, please read thrugh the tw passages and fill in the blanks. Then circle the structure f “linking verb + adj.”
    T: Nw, let’s check the answers tgether
    (1)(每人都要把D Re Mi这首歌学会唱好,可以跟着录音机,MP4等,也可同学互相教唱。)
    (2)(预习Sectin D。了解京剧的信息,可以网上查询或者向喜欢京剧的爷爷、奶奶等人了解。)
    Sectin D
    1.Learn sme new wrds and phrases:
    cme int being, rle, gesture, culture, freigner, make peace with sb., grateful
    2.Learn sme knwledge abut Beijing Opera:
    Beijing Opera’s histry
    fur main rles f Beijing Opera
    3.Review and sum up the structure f “linking verb + adj.”
    Yu lk excited.
    I feel disappinted.
    It tastes s delicius.
    The man seems wrried.
    It smells terrible.
    Did she sund upset?
    She was very sad and went mad.
    The father was lnely and ften became angry because f the nisy children.
    4.Review and sum up the useful expressins in this tpic.
    5.Learn abut Chinese culture and lve ur natinal pera.
    Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)
    复习并处理Sectin A到Sectin C的内容。
    T: Ask and answer the questins using the adjectives t express feelings.
    when yur pet dies?
    when yu have a temperature?
    when yu see smene walking in the rain with a clsed umbrella in the hand?
    when yu listen t wnderful music?

    Hw will yu feel
    T: What d yu call this music?
    Ss: We call it Beijing Opera.
    T: Yeah. Beijing Opera is an imprtant part f Chinese culture. S we think it’s ur natinal pera.
    (板书生词culture, 并要求学生掌握。)
    T: D yu want t knw anything mre abut Beijing Opera? Let’s learn abut it frm 1a.
    Step 2 Presentatin第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)
    1.(教师依次拿出“生”、“旦”、“净”、“丑”的脸谱或图片,呈现并理解生词facial, 掌握gesture。对京剧中“生”、“旦”、“净”、“丑”的角色做解释。通过这个环节检查学生的预习情况。)
    T: Lk at this facial painting. Its name is“Sheng”.
    T: What des“Sheng”usually stand fr? Just Guess!
    Ss: It stands fr Xiucai(秀才).
    T: Yeah, very gd.There are three kinds f “Sheng” (分别呈现“生”的图片). They are Wenxiasheng, Wenlasheng and Wusheng. Wenxiasheng usually stands fr Xiucai. Wenlasheng stands fr peple in high psitins. Wusheng stands fr ancient sldiers. They all make wnderful gestures, and Wusheng als makes wnderful fighting.
    T: D yu knw this ne?
    Ss: Yeah, it’s “Dan”.
    T: Are they all wmen?
    S1:Yes, they are.
    T: D they wear beautiful clthes?
    S2:Yes, they d.
    T: “Dan” has Huadan and Ladan. They are all wmen. They usually wear beautiful clthes.
    T: Hw abut this ne? In Beijing Opera, there are “Sheng”,“Dan”,“Jing” and“Chu”. Can yu guess this ne?
    S1:It’s “Jing”.
    T: What’re their faces like?
    S2: They usually have black and red faces.
    S3: They als have black and white faces.
    T: Yes. Peple with black and red faces are gd, but peple with black and white faces are bad.
    T: What is this ne called?
    Ss: “Chu”.
    T: What’re their faces like?
    Ss: They usually paint their nses white.
    T: D yu like them?
    Ss: Yeah. They are s funny.
    T: I like them, t. They ften bring us happiness and laughter.
    T: Hw many main rles are there in Beijing Opera?
    T: OK, yu have knwn much abut Beijing Opera.But d yu knw hw many years f histry it has? Let’s listen t the tape and find ut the answer t this questin.
    T: Hw many years f histry des it have?
    Ss: It has ver 200 years f histry.
    3.(让学生读1a的短文,在重点词、短语下画线,鼓励学生在语境中猜词义,然后适当讲解。学习并掌握cme int being,理解nwadays。)
    T: Bys and girls, please read this passage and underline the key wrds and phrases. Try yur best t catch the meanings in the cntext.
    Step 3 Cnslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间: 7分钟)
    T: Read 1a again and mark True r False in 1b accrding t the passage.
    T: Let’s check the answers tgether.
    T: Beijing Opera is full f famus stries. D yu knw the stries in it? Let’s learn abut them. First, please read thrugh the passage and then underline the new wrds and phrases in it.
    (让学生听1c的录音, 完成1c。)
    T: Listen carefully and cmplete 1c.
    T: Let’s check the answers tgether.
    Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)
    (方案一) (全班分为四个小组,每组选出两名学生,到前面表演双簧。此活动主要目的是巩固系表结构。)
    T: Nw I’ll divide the class int fur grups, and then ask tw students frm each grup t cme t the blackbard and act.
    A (表演) B (说句子)
    1.I lk s excited.
    2.I feel disappinted.
    3.The fd tastes s delicius.
    4.It smells terrible.
    5.The by seems wrried.
    6.He becmes angry.
    (方案二) (教师提供表演线索。)
    T: Accrding t the clue, act ut the stry.
    T: He seems s wrried.
    T: He is s grateful and says thanks t the by.
    (B表演紧握C的手连说Thanks a lt。C领盲人过马路找到饭店。)
    T: He feels s happy and excited.
    T: The fd tastes s delicius.
    (B表演吃饭时因可口而高兴的表情,并连说Hw nice! Hw delicius! )
    T: Nw, bys and girls, please find ut the sentences shwing feelings with the pattern f “linking verb + adjective” as many as yu can. The winner will get a wnderful facial painting as a prize. G!
    Yu lk s excited.
    I feel disappinted.
    Did she sund wrried?
    T: Please sum up the target languages in this tpic by yurselves. Check them with 3b.
    Then practice and master them in grups.
    T: Nw, fur students in ne grup. Each grup makes a dialg with the useful expressins. And then act it ut. The best grup can get a facial painting as a prize.
    G1: …
    G2: …
    G3: …
    T: I think Grup 3 is the best. D yu think s?
    Step 5 Prject 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)
    (完成4, 让学生收集他们喜爱的电影、戏曲、故事或歌曲,然后讨论并向全班汇报结果。教师给出评价。)
    T: Please cllect yur favrite mvie, pera, stry r sng, and discuss it with yur partners. Then reprt t the class. The fllwing questins may help yu: What’s yur favrite mvie/play/stry? Are the peple in it happy r sad? Why? What happens in the end?
    (1) (让学生课后根据2中的图片和单词,写一篇短文,提示学生注意系表结构的用法。完成2。)
    T: Write a passage accrding t the pictures and the wrds given in 2.Pay attentin t the structure “linking verb+adjective”.
    (2) Review and cnslidate the cntent f this tpic.upset, be prud f
    Beijing Opera, film, mving
    set the table
    be able t
    Is Mr. Lee able t g t the mvie?
    What’s Mr. Lee’s feeling?
    1.He is pleased with his new bike.
    2.The man seems wrried.
    3.It becmes cludy.
    4.It smells terrible.
    5.The leaves turn green.
    lively, cheer up
    Austria, cry, lnely, mad,
    at first, in the end=at last
    sad and tired—lnely—angry—mad—happy
    ppular, mvie, stry abut a yung wman, Austria, the Vn Trapp family, care fr, died, sad and tired, father, angry, lively, perfrm, play, cheer up, mad, pleased
    1.What did Maria g t the Vn Trapp family fr?
    2.Why were the family sad and tired?
    3.Hw did Maria cheer up the children?
    4.What d yu think f Maria?
    They were happy t be…
    …the Titanic had a serius accident…
    were afraid f lsing each ther.
    Rse was very sad.
    She felt s lnely!
    Her sn was very cute.
    The mther was s wrried that…
    She was sad and went mad.
    culture 文化
    facial 面部的
    natinal pera, cme int being, main rles, music and singing, facial paintings, gestures and fighting, an imprtant part f Chinese culture, be ppular with, nwadays
    peace, make peace with sb.
    盲人 过马路 寻找饭店 吃饭

    仁爱科普版八年级下册Topic 2 I’m feeling better now.教案: 这是一份仁爱科普版八年级下册Topic 2 I’m feeling better now.教案,共6页。教案主要包含了教学重难点,教学目标,教学准备,教学过程,作业布置等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.教学设计: 这是一份初中英语Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.教学设计,共6页。教案主要包含了教学重难点,教学目标,教学准备,教学过程,作业布置等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语仁爱科普版八年级下册Topic 2 I’m feeling better now.教学设计: 这是一份初中英语仁爱科普版八年级下册Topic 2 I’m feeling better now.教学设计,共5页。教案主要包含了教学重难点,教学目标,教学准备,教学过程,作业布置等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    仁爱科普版Topic 1 You look excited教学设计及反思

    仁爱科普版Topic 1 You look excited教学设计及反思

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