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Elision, Assimilation & Length of a Sound

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1 Elision, Assimilation & Length of a Sound

2 Elision Definition: The omission of a sound or sounds, either within the body of a word or at the junction of words.

3 Warming up activity Read the following words and phrases. meet
Meet you good Good day And Mary and John

4 Do you think there are changes for the three words when they are put with other words? Why or why not?

5 Definition of assimilation
The process by which a sound is modified so that it becomes similar or identical to an adjacent or nearby sound. For example, the prefix in- becomes im- in impossible by assimilation to the labial p of possible.

6 Practice Reading the following sentences, paying attention to assimilation in each sentence. Nice to meet you. Would you do it? Don’t you think so?

7 1. Progressive Assimilation
The assimilated sounds are influenced by the preceding sounds. 前面的音影响后面的音,叫顺向型同化。这种现象多见于单词读音中,如当名词后加-e(-es)变成复数,动词单数第三人称加-s(-es),或规则动词后加“-ed”变成过去式或过去分词,由于受前面的音的影响,这些后加成分的读音各不相同。如cats和beds其复数形式同样是加“-s”但前者念[s],而后者念[z],原因是他们前面的音一个是清辅音[t],另一个是浊辅音[d]。加“-ed”情况相同,其读音规律是清清浊浊,即清辅音后读清音,浊辅音后读浊音。如:looked念[lukt],而pulled念[puld]。

8 For Example: It raining cats and dogs.
 He stopped reading and looked up.                “On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine.”                           He pulled a tired smile when he stepped out of the room.

9 2. Regressive Assimilation: the sound is influenced by the following sound.
前面的音受后面的音影响,叫逆向型同化。 如news的单独读音是[nju:z],但在复合词newspaper中却读[ `nju:speipә],[ nju:z]中的[z]在复合词[ `nju:speipә]中由于受后面清辅音[p]的影响而清化变成了[s]。又如:used to 短语本该读成[ ju:zd tu],但受后面[t]的影响,浊辅音[d]变成了[t],而[t]又影响[z]的读音,使其清化为[s],所以现在应念成[ ju:s tu]。

10 For Example: Before I eat dinner, I read the newspaper for a while. We read the newspaper every morning. We used to go there every year. Our company used to do business with theirs. 

11 3. Reciprocal Assimilation: Two neigh-boring sounds influence each other and become a new sound.
相互同化 相互同化就是前后两个连在一起得音念起来不太方便,于是连在一起的两个音就互为影响而混合成一个新的、折衷的、比较好念的音,使之念起来顺口.

12 /s/ + /j/ = /ʃ/ God bless you.
IPA: / gɔd bles﹀ju:/ — / s /+/ j /= / ʃ / Now look what a mess you've made.             Do you miss your family?                             I shall miss you very much.   

13 / t /+/ j /= / tʃ / How about you?
IPA:  / hau ə`baut﹀ju:/ — / t/+/j/=/tʃ/ Take care that you don't spoil your new clothes. I'm sorry to tell that you've been dismissed. A: I'm very glad to meet you. B: It's a pleasure to meet you.

14 /d /+/ j /= /dʒ/ Could you tell me where the bus stop is?
IPA: [ kud﹀ju:] — [ d ]+[ j ]= [ dʒ ] Did you go to the park yesterday? Would you care to go for a walk with me?      Could you do me a favor? Could you possibly give me a lift home? 

15 因发音部位的影响而发生的同化 当很快地说 This ship 或 horseshoe 时,this 或 horse 的词尾的齿龈音[s],受后面的 shield 或 shoe 词头的硬颚音[ʃ]的影响,也变为[ʃ]了。因而就念成了[ðɪʃ ʃip]、[hɔːʃ-ʃuː]。 [s]之后跟[ʃ]或[j]时,[s]常被同化为[ʃ]   

16 [z]之后跟[j]或[ʃ],常被同化为[ʒ]。如:
Has she come? [hæz ʃi: kʌm]--[hæʒ ʃi: kʌm] He tells you the truth.

17 当齿龈鼻音/n/出现在软颚音/k/或/g/前面时,它就变成软颚鼻音/ŋ/. /n/+/k/或/g/=/ŋ/
Thank you.PA:   /θæŋk ju:/ /n/+/k/=/ŋk/ I take a walk along the river bank every morning. I think I can learn to speak good English in one month. Hunger is best sauce.

18 / p / + / n / = /m/ 把 open ,happen 分别念为/ `əupm/,/ `hæpm/,一般是在快速的谈话中比较随便、含糊的发音。按照比较正规的念法, open , happen 应分别念为/əupən/,/hæpən/,轻音节中都有一个模糊的元音/ə/。但在前面有减音和同化现象的注音里,元音/ə/完全省去,由此而剩下的辅音群/pn/,两个辅音的发音部位不同。/p/是双唇音,/n/是齿龈音,念起来不太方便。所以就发生了同化作用。/p/把/n/同化为双唇音/m/,这样就形成了两个双唇音的辅音群/pm/,念起来就方便多了。

19 For Example: He lives by his pen. All of his dealings are in the open.
Let's be open with each other. I want you to be open with me about your money problems, so I can help you. Do you happen to know his new telephone number?

20 "清"与"浊"之间的同化 当 north, south, worth 三个词变为形容词时,这些词原来词尾的[θ]因为受了后面元音的影响,就变成了浊音[ð]: north /nɔːθ/      northern /`nɔːðən/ south /sauθ/      southern /`sʌðən/ worth /wəːθ/      worthy  /`wəːði/ She has traveled in northern countries. The southern half of the country is a desert. She says to help only the worthy poor. This book is worthy of being read (to be read ).

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