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高三英语 动词归类复习 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学. 一、连系动词 一、连系动词 二、使役、感官动词 二、使役、感官动词 三、主动表被动 三、主动表被动 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 六、接动名词、不定式意义不同.

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Presentation on theme: "高三英语 动词归类复习 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学. 一、连系动词 一、连系动词 二、使役、感官动词 二、使役、感官动词 三、主动表被动 三、主动表被动 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 六、接动名词、不定式意义不同."— Presentation transcript:

1 高三英语 动词归类复习 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学

2 一、连系动词 一、连系动词 二、使役、感官动词 二、使役、感官动词 三、主动表被动 三、主动表被动 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 六、接动名词、不定式意义不同 六、接动名词、不定式意义不同 七、不带不定式作复合宾语 七、不带不定式作复合宾语八、宾语不同、语态不同、但意义相同九、接宾语和宾补、形式不同十、接虚拟语气的词十一、表计划、愿望未能实现的动词十二、瞬间非延续性动词十三、情感动词类十四、否定前移类十五、省略替代类

3 一、连系动词类 ①变化类 : 典例: go fall 1. One of his children _________.( 病了) 2. He __________( 睡着了 )while studying his grammar book. become, get, turn, grow, make, come, go, fall bad / hungry / mad / wrong (fell-fallen) fell ill fell asleep

4 ②感官类 : 1. Della stood there, looking _______(sad\ sadly) at herself in the mirror. 2. Della looked very______, for her pet dog died last night. 3.The flowers ___ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt 4. _______(taste) so delicious, the food in this market was sold out soon. sadly sad look, sound, feel, taste, smell Tasting

5 Conclusion: 1. 连系动词后面跟形容词作表语。 2. 连系动词无被动语态。

6 ③ “ 显得 ” 类 : ④状态类 : 1.The weather will_____hot for another two weeks. A. last B. remain C. get D. turn 2.The hot weather will _____another two days. seem, appear, look keep, stay, remain, lie, sit, stand It looks as if … It seems as if / that … It appears that … last

7 ★ prove, turn out 1.We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it _____ easy. A. turnedB. came C. appearedD. proved 2.The actress who had been thought highly of ____ (to be ) a great disappointment. A. turned outB. seemed C. lookedD. became

8 注 be, become, turn, remain, make 可带名词 He remains a teacher.=He is still a teacher. 1. He became _____ teacher. A. a B. the D. / 2. He turned _______ teacher. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. I think John will ____ a good monitor, so I ’ d like to vote for him. A. turn B. change C. elect D. make

9 二、使役、感官动词类 see, look at, watch, notice, observe let, make, have\ get ; hear, listen to, feel 1.The boss made them _____12 hours a day. A. work B. to work C. worked D. working 2.They were made_______12 hours a day. work C.worked D.working ( 吾看三室两厅一感觉 ) 这类动词在主动语态中用不带 to 的不定式作补语,但在 被动语态中保留 to, get 除外。

10 1.My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself _____ of what she is to do in the day. A. remind B. to remind C. reminded D. reminding 2. I can ’ t see my old grandma ________alone in the country, so I ’ ll have her ___ with me in the city. A. leave, stay B. left, stay C. leaving, to stay D. left, to stay 3. When we saw the sun ____ above the surface of the sea, the students let out a cry of joy. A. to raise B. to rise C. raising D. rising

11 1.see, look at, watch, notice, observe have \ get ; hear, listen to ; feel + 宾语 + V-ing \ V-ed, ※ make 不带 V-ing 作宾语补足语 ; ※ let sb do sth. 2. 此外: find, leave, keep + 宾语 + V-ing \V-ed; catch + 宾语 + V-ing

12 1.The boy was caught ____ in an examination and had to face the music A. to cheatB. cheating C. cheat D. cheated 2.Mrs Smith found her husband ____ by letters and papers and _____ very worried. A. surrounded, look B. surrounded, looking C. surrounding, looking D. surrounding, look 3. All the teachers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ in the next school year. A. carry out B. carried out C. to carry out D. be carrying out

13 1.The cat is the only one of her pets she will have ______ on her bed. A. it sleep B. it sleeping C. slept D. sleeping 2.The TV set he ____ works well now. A. has repairing B. having repaired C. has been repaired D. has had repaired 3.Who would you rather ____ charge of this job, George or Jack? A. have to take B. to have take C. have take D. have taken

14 Conclusion: 1. 感官动词 see, look at, watch, notice, observe, hear, listen to, feel 等,常考查 : 例如: see sb \ sth do see sb \ sth doing see sb \ sth done be seen to do be seen doing be seen done

15 2. 使役动词 make, let, have, get 等常考查 : make sb\sth do sth make oneself done let sb do sth have sb \ sth do have sb \ sth doing have sb \ sth done 3. 绿色通道:这类动词经常在定语从句中设疑 be made to do be made done get sb\ sth to do get sb \ sth doing get sb\ sth done 考查

16 三、主动表被动类 1.sell, wash, burn, cook, cut, drive, dress, play, last, open, write, start, run, read, act, draw, clean, wear, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink, burn +adv. (well, poorly, easily, smoothly, badly) 1.Dry wood _______________( 容易燃烧) 2.The cloth _____________( 好洗). 3. Your composition ___________( 读起来 很好) except for a few spelling mistakes. (主语的特点、性质、状态) burns easily washes well reads well

17 1.--Have you got a ticket for the concert? --No, the tickets______well and they _______out last week. A. sell; were sold B. sell; sold C. sell; have been sold D. are sell; sold 2.It is said that the pen ____, so I bought one yesterday. A. writes well B. writes good C. is well written D. is good written

18 四、只接动名词做宾语的词 / 词组 consider, suggest\advise, look forward to, excuse\pardon admit, delay\ put off \postpone, fancy avoid, miss, keep\keep on, practise\ practice, deny, finish, enjoy\ appreciate, forbid, imagine, risk, can ’ t help,mind, allow\permit, escape 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。 避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡。

19 get down to devote … to lead to be\get \ become used to pay attention to go back to object to “ to ” 用作介词

20 give up, dislike, feel like, insist on, can ’ t stand, understand succeed in, spend/waste time (in), be busy (in), have a good/hard time (in), have difficulty /trouble (in) It is no use\ good, it is of little use \ good, it is useless be worth=deserve, be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done

21 1.She looked forward every spring to_____ the flower-lined garden. A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D. walking in 2.I would appreciate ______back this afternoon. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you ’ re calling 3.The day he has looked forward to______ at last. A. coming B. came C. come D. comes

22 五、只接不定式作宾语的词 / 词组 decide\determine, learn, want, expect\ hope\ wish, refuse, manage, care, pretend, offer, promise, choose, plan agree, ask \ beg, help seem, attempt, fail, happen, afford, strive make up one ’ s mind to, be determined to would like/love to=should like/love to 决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装。 主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。

23 1.I would love______to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone 2. She pretended _______me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen

24 六、接动名词、不定式意义不同 1) forget to do / forget doing 2) regret to do / regret doing 3) remember to do / remember doing 4) go on to do / go on doing 5) mean to do / mean doing 6) stop to do / stop doing 7) try to do / try doing 8) can ’ t help (to) do / can ’ t help doing

25 ★ can ’ t help but do=can ’ t but do = can ’ t choose but do =do nothing \ have nothing to do but do = have no choice but to do =have to do I can ’ t help but tell him the truth. 1.--I usually go there by train. --Why not______by boat for a change? try going B.trying to go try and go D.try going 2.--The light in the office is still on. --Oh,I forgot_______. A.turning it off B.turn it off turn it off D.having turned it off

26 3.He didn ’ t remember______him before. A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met 4.Go on______the other exercise after you have finished this one. A. to do B. doing C. to be doing D. to be done 5.--You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. --Well, now I regret_______that. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done

27 七、不带不定式作复合宾语 hope, agree, suggest, demand, imagine, 1.I ______________( 希望 ) him to come. =I ______________________. 2. 霍金教授建议我们搬迁到其它的星球上去。 wish \ expect hope that he will come Pro. Hawking suggests us\ our moving to other stars. Pro. Hawking suggests we (should) move to other stars. Pro. Hawking advises us to move to other stars. Pro. Hawking suggests to us to move ….

28 八、宾语不同、语态不同、但意义相同 need, require, want The room requires _______________.( 打扫一下) =The room requires__________. 1.This sentence needs_________. A. an improvement B. improve C. improving D. improved 2.The baby needs________. A. looked after B. looking after C. look after D. to look after to be cleaned cleaning

29 九、接宾语和宾补、形式不同 allow, permit, forbid, advise, consider 我们禁止在此吸烟。 我们禁止任何人在此吸烟。 We forbid smoking here. We forbid anybody to smoke here. Anybody is forbidden to smoke here.

30 1.We are considering _______ to the south. A. go B. to go C. going D. gone 2.Charles Babbage is generally considered _______the first computer. A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented

31 十、接虚拟语气的词 1)insist 2)order, command 4)advise, suggest, propose, recommend 4)demand, ask, require, request 一坚持、二命令、四建议、四要求 He ordered that we_____________ (leave) at once. His order that we ____________at once was right. The order was that we____________ at once. That we ___________ at once was his order. (should) leave

32 1.He insisted that his brother_____ there. A.go B.went C.going go 2.He insisted that he______ nothing wrong and ______ set free.;be B.had done;was C.had done;be D.did; was 3.His voice suggested that he______angry. C.was D.were 4.He suggested that the boy _____ to hospital at once. A. was sent B. send C. sent D. be sent

33 十一、表计划 、愿望未能实现的动词 intend, mean,hope, plan, expect, think, want, suppose, promise I ____________( 本希望 ) come here,but I had an unexpected visitor. =I hoped to have come here, …. ★ Would /should+love / like to have done ★ was\ were to have done ★ Would have done, but … ★ was \were going to do had hoped to

34 He wants to meet you at the airport. He wanted to have met you at the airport,but he didn ’ t get there in time. 我本想把这份礼物给他的。 I should (would) like (love) to give her the gift. I should(would) like (love) to have given her the gift. I was to have given her the gift. I would have given her the gift. I was going to give her the gift. I had planned to give her the gift. I had intended to give her the gift. I had meant to give her the gift.

35 十二、瞬间非延续性动词 go, come, leave, start, return, arrive, stop, finish, borrow, lend, open, close, die, become, break, join, kill, marry, graduate, buy marry--be married seat--be seated hide--be hidden engage--be engaged die--be dead begin--be on join--be in borrow--keep come--be/stay leave--be away buy--have=have got

36 1.He died ten years ago,that ’ s to say,he has _____ for ten years. A. been died B. been dead C. died D. been dying 2.When Jack arrived, he learned Mary ____for almost an hour. A. had gone B. had set off C. had left D. had been away

37 He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. The boy is so sick that he is dying fast. The bus is coming. The train is leaving. I am going.

38 十三、情感动词类 encourage, excite, inspire, interest, amaze, satisfy, delight, please, move, frighten, surprise, astonish, shock, disappoint, discourage, puzzle, worry, tire, touch, relax 表示人的内在感受的动词

39 1.The news sounds __________.(encourage) 2.The play was so ___________ that nearly everybody was _________ to tears.(move) 3.Looking at her paper, she nodded with a___________ smile on her face.(satisfy) 4.He looked at me with a__________look. (puzzle) encouraging moving moved satisfied puzzled

40 十四 、否定前移类 1.I don ’ t think he can finish the work,____? A.can ’ t he B.can he I D.don ’ t I 2.Mrs Black doesn ’ t believe her son is able to design a digital camera,______? A.does she B. doesn ’ t she we D. don ’ t we 3.You don ’ t think he can finish it, ______? you B. don ’ t you C.can he D. can ’ t he think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, guess

41 十五 、省略替代类 1 ) believe, think, suppose, expect, guess I think so. I think not = I don ’ t think so 2) hope, fear, be afraid + so / not 3) intend, want, plan, wish, like, love, hate, hope, try, would (should) like / love to

42 1.Do you want to have a rest? Yes, I want to, but I can ’ t. 2.Did you get the new stamps? No, I tried to, but there wasn ’ t any left in that post office. 3.I didn ’ t mean to call you at late night, but I had to as I did have something important to tell you.

43 历 届 考 题历 届 考 题

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