來搞懂英文 Yes/No 疑問句架構 + 如何回答!

You are currently viewing 來搞懂英文 Yes/No 疑問句架構 + 如何回答!

Hi, everyone~ 歡迎來到英文庫的文法系列!😍 我是 Gloria~✌🏻

今天要帶大家認識英文裡的「Yes/No 疑問句」!雖然這個名字聽起來很陌生,但是你對這個疑問句的用法一定很熟悉,因為它很常在生活中出現!

那英文的 Yes/No 疑問句架構到底是什麼呢?今天就來一次搞懂吧!Let’s go~😉


Yes/No 問句是什麼?

Yes/No 問句就是用 Yes 或 No 作為回答的問句,通常是用「助動詞」開頭的疑問句。這類問句是比較封閉的問題,答案只有「是」或「不是」,常用來確認資訊是否正確:

Are you sleeping?   (Yes / No)

Does she like fast food?   (Yes / No)

Will they come tomorrow?   (Yes / No)

如何形成 Yes/No 問句?

要怎麼把一般的句子變成 Yes/No 問句呢?很簡單!主要有幾個方法:

1️⃣ 句子有「be 動詞」時

首先,如果句子裡有 be 動詞的話,把它們移到句子的最前面,然後在句子後面加上問號,就能形成 Yes/No 問句。

I am happy. ➡️  Am I happy?

He is a student. ➡️  Is he a student?

You are sad. ➡️  Are you sad?

2️⃣ 句子有「助動詞」時

如果句子裡有助動詞的話,也一樣把它們移到句子的最前面,就可以形成 Yes/No 問句。

👉🏻 be 動詞當助動詞:

He is sleeping. ➡️  Is he sleeping?

She was playing basketball. ➡️  Was she playing basketball?

You are eating. ➡️  Are you eating?

They were watching TV. ➡️  Were you watching TV?

👉🏻 完成式的助動詞:

She has finished her work.  ➡️  Has she finished her work?

They have joined the school team.  ➡️  Have they joined the school team?

He had gone to Japan.  ➡️  Had he gone to Japan?

👉🏻 其他助動詞:

He can swim. ➡️  Can he swim?

She will call you. ➡️  Will she call you?

That could be your bus. ➡️  Could that be your bus?

3️⃣ 句子有「一般動詞」時,在前面加 Do / Does
如果是「一般動詞的過去式」時,在前面加 Did

當句子出現一般動詞時,如果主詞是:I / You / We / They 的話,就在句子前面加上 Do

I know you.  ➡️  Do I know you?

You like cats.  ➡️  Do you like cats?

We need to stop.  ➡️  Do we need to stop?

They speak English.  ➡️  Do they speak English?

如果主詞是:He / She / It 或是單一個人的時候,就在句子前面加上 Does,記得 Does 後面的動詞要用原形動詞,不用加 s:

He knows you.  ➡️  Does he know you?

Gina wants some coffee.  ➡️  Does Gina want some coffee?

It starts at 8:30.  ➡️  Does it start at 8:30?

那如果句子裡有「一般動詞的過去式」,只要在句子前面統一加上 Did 就可以了!
但一樣要注意,Did 後面的動詞必須改回原形動詞,不再用過去式動詞。

He cleaned the room.  ➡️  Did he clean the room?

The girl saw a dog.  ➡️  Did the girl see a dog?

They went to the party.  ➡️  Did they go to the party?

Yes/No 問句的回答

Yes/No 問句的回答方式很簡單,可以很簡短,也可以很完整,我們先來看例句了解:

Do you have pets?

👉🏻 簡答:
Yes, I do.  /  No, I don’t.
有 / 沒有

👉🏻 詳答:
Yes, I have a dog and a cat.  /  No, I don’t have pets.
有,我有養一隻狗和一隻貓  /  沒有,我沒有養寵物



1️⃣ 句子有「be 動詞」時

用 be 動詞開頭的問句,就用 be動詞回答:

Am I happy?

👉🏻 Yes, you are happy. / No, you aren’t happy.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.  (簡答)
你很開心 / 你不開心

Is he a student?

👉🏻 Yes, he is a student. / No, he isn’t a student.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.  (簡答)
他是學生 / 他不是學生

Are you sad?

👉🏻 Yes, I am sad. / No, I am not sad.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, I am. / No, I am not.  (簡答)
我很難過 / 我不難過

2️⃣ 句子有「助動詞」時


Have you found your bag?

👉🏻 Yes, I have found it. / No, I haven’t found it.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.  (簡答)
我找到了 /  我還沒找到

Can you cook?

👉🏻 Yes, I can cook. / No, I can’t cook.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.  (簡答)
我會 / 我不會

Will she call you?

👉🏻 Yes, she will call you. / No, she won’t call you.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, she will. / No, she won’t.  (簡答)
她會打給你 / 她不會打給你

3️⃣ 句子有「Do / Does / Did」時

用 Do / Does / Did 開頭的問句,就用一樣的字回答:

Do you like summer?

👉🏻 Yes, I like summer. / No, I don’t like summer.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.  (簡答)
我喜歡 / 我不喜歡

Does she eat fish?

👉🏻 Yes, she eats fish. / No, she doesn’t eat fish.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.  (簡答)
她吃 / 她不吃

Did they go to the party?

👉🏻 Yes, they went to the party. / No, they didn’t go to the party.  (詳答)
👉🏻 Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.  (簡答)
他們有去 / 他們沒去

否定形式的 Yes/No 問句

除了一般的 Yes/No 問句以外,還有一種用「否定形式」的 be 動詞或助動詞開頭的問題,像是:

Isn’t it your book?

Don’t you like pop music?

Hasn’t she come back?

要怎麼把 Yes/No 問句變成否定形式呢?其實只要把最前面的 be 動詞或助動詞改成否定就可以了!

Is it your book?  ➡️  Isn’t it your book?

Do you like pop music?  ➡️  Don’t you like pop music?

Has she come back?  ➡️  Hasn’t she come back?


Isn’t it your book?
這不是你的書嗎?(👉🏻 我覺得這是你的書,但我想再確認一下)

Don’t you like pop music?
你不喜歡流行音樂嗎? (👉🏻 我認為你喜歡,但我想再確認一下)

Hasn’t she come back?
她還沒回來嗎? (👉🏻 我覺得她已經回來了 ,但我想再確認一下)


💡 答案是:只要按照事實回答就好!👌🏻

也就是說,跟一般問句的回答一樣,肯定的回答就用 Yes ✅、否定的回答就用 No ❌,不要因為否定形式的提問而影響你的回答。

Isn’t it your book?

👉🏻 Yes, it’s my book.  /  No, it’s not my book.

Don’t you like pop music?

👉🏻 Yes, I like it.  /  No, I don’t like it.

Hasn’t she come back?

👉🏻 Yes, she has.  /  No, she hasn’t.

That’s All for Today!

希望看完這篇文章能讓你更認識英文的 Yes/No 疑問句。相信只要你常常練習、反覆運用,以後就更能活用這些知識在生活中囉!


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我是一位喜歡到處冒險的英文老師~✌🏻 我相信學習是一場沒有終點的旅行,我也相信夢想不會虧待每個認真對待它的人!希望每一位來到這裡的朋友,都能找到實用的資訊,幫助你成為更好的自己!✨😎