
【英语单词】彻底解释“expend”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“expend”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“expend”」的含义 (verb)




You expend so much effort for so little return.
Governments expend a lot of resources on war.
政府 在战争上 花费了大量资源。
【英语单词】彻底解释“expend”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


It is prone to misinterpretation since location is fundamental to measurement (given the energy expended on transport).
Perennial grain plants should be selected to expend less energy on competition and more on seed production.
应选择多年生谷物植物,以 消耗 更少的能量竞争并产生更多的能量种子。
Many participants felt that they were expending ever greater efforts at work, but receiving ever decreased feedback in terms of their achievements.
【英语单词】彻底解释“expend”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The idea of diminishing returns to effort expended upon the land became generally accepted in economics.
Thus, the force distribution created by an activated motile flagellum will be affected by fluid viscoelasticity, as will the hydrodynamic power expended.
The total amount of output produced is determined by the least effort expended by any member of the team, which creates a bottleneck.
【英语单词】彻底解释“expend”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It is important to expend effort carefully and according to our own capabilities.
认真 工作并根据自己的能力进行工作 非常重要。
During this period the communality and continuity of the community is probably expressed by the effort expended on the boundaries that surround the settlement.
The computing power available per dollar expended is currently doubling each 18 months.
目前,每花费一美元,可用的计算能力每 18 个月就会翻一番。
【英语单词】彻底解释“expend”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Few empiric studies have directly measured the amount of time patients expend participating in healthcare interventions.
很少有实证研究直接测量患者 参与 医疗干预的时间。

“expend”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • ante up
  • consume
  • disburse
  • dispense
  • dissipate
  • put out
  • use up
  • blow
  • distribute
  • employ
  • finish
  • give
  • pay
  • splurge
  • dish out
  • foot the bill
  • fork out
  • go through
  • lay out
  • outlay
  • pay out
  • shell out
  • spring for
  • throw money at
  • wash up


  • accumulate
  • collect
  • gather
  • hoard
  • save
  • hold
  • keep
  • maintain
  • store

“expend”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(日文翻译) 详细解释!
expend 用光了 (资源、能源:用完
expend 花费,浪费 (钱:消耗、花费) 资金等

expend是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

On the one hand, divided payment will only increase unnecessary expend for you.
另一方面,分期付款只会导致您不必要的 支出 增加。
Cost – the value of currency required to obtain a product or service, to expend labor and use equipment and tools, or to operate a business.
成本 – 获取产品或服务、 花费 劳动力、使用设备和工具或经营业务所需的货币价值。
In fact, we are warned not to expend excessive effort on those who are clearly disinterested in any honest discussions (Matthew 7:6).
事实上,我们被警告不要在那些显然对公开讨论不感兴趣的人身上 花费 太多精力。
Note that this is the description of a perfect hash algorithm; if the algorithm is less than perfect, an attacker can expend less than the full amount of effort to find two messages with the same hash value.
请注意,这是对完美哈希算法的描述。如果算法不完美,攻击者将需要 花费 更少的精力来找到具有相同哈希值的两条消息。
Despite the arrival bearers of the iceberg as far as can be, and there is some distance away from the foot and is first up to the Peak Zaiqu to the tip of the foot, up and down still have to expend a lot of physical strength, but the overall mileage, there is only need two hours.
尽管旗手只要能到达冰山一角,仍然不需要 花费 很大的体力来抬高和降低脚尖,再去到最高峰,稍微远一点从徒步出发,但总体里程,只需要两个小时。
Being able to access Interoperability information and best practices reduces the amount of effort that a customer must expend on testing and thus minimizes risk, shortens the time to market and accelerates the realization of the benefits of virtualization.
访问互操作性信息和最佳实践可以减少您的测试和风险 最小化 工作,缩短上市时间,并加速实现虚拟化优势。
I think we should expend more effort on other cities.
我认为真正需要 做的 是其他城市。
Let’s expend the basic example to add some data and methods.
让我们向这个基本示例 添加 一些数据和方法。
Unable to find food, they expend large amounts of energy, and eventually starve to death.
如果找不到食物,它们 就会耗尽 能量,最终饿死。
Ideally, alpha particles will expend their energy in the plasma, further heating it.
理论上,阿尔法粒子在等离子体中 释放 能量,有助于维持其温度。
The amount which is no longer necessary to expend due to the arising of said reasons.
(ii) 因该事件的发生而不再 需要 支出 的金额;
The conventional response has been to repeatedly increase server and storage capacity and expend scarce resources for tuning.
传统的应对措施是反复增加服务器和存储容量, 大部分稀缺资源用于这种协调。
But this consistently good weather means your body doesn’t have to expend energy adapting to climatic extremes.
然而,这种持续的好天气意味着您的身体不必 消耗 能量来适应极端气候。
However, these systems expend the most energy, and as such, are closely related to environmental footprint.
然而,由于它 消耗的 能源最多,因此与环境负担密切相关。
Even experts, however, expend much effort and time identifying minerals and determining proportions by optical properties.
然而,即使对于专家来说,根据矿物的光学性质来识别矿物的类型并确定其含量比也是 一项费力 且耗时的任务。
In the past, it was necessary to expend time importing urine analyzers from abroad, but by switching over to local production, quick provision will now be possible.
此前,尿液检测设备都是从海外进口,供应 需要 时间,但通过转为本地生产,将可以快速供应。
Do not, he is saying, expend all your enthusiasm solely on watching the videos at the show.
不要 太热衷于仅仅观看现场录像。
If you choose to minimize bandwidth, the system will always expend as little bandwidth as needed to meet the RPO.
如果您选择最小化带宽,系统将始终消耗满足 RPO (恢复点目标)所需的最小带宽量。
Claims could be a thing of the past Both providers and payers expend massive resources on submitting and paying insurance claims.
保险索赔可能已成为过去 提供者和付款人都花费 大量 资源来计费和支付保险福利。
Exercise Do some physical exercise especially if your job is one where you have to expend a lot of mental energy.
锻炼 如果你的工作特别 需要 脑力劳动,那就锻炼身体。

听“ expend ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ɪkˈspend】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ɪkˈspend】。





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