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The World Health Organization recognises occupational burn-out.

On 28 May 2019 - The World Health Organization (WHO) has included Burn-out in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon. It is not classified as a medical condition.

Burn-out is defined as follows:

“Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:

  • feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
  • reduced professional efficacy.

Burn-out refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.”

Burn-out was also included in ICD-10, in the same category as in ICD-11, but the definition is now more detailed.

The WHO is about to embark on the development of evidence-based guidelines on mental well-being in the workplace.

To download an Infographic for your workplace click the following link - Identifying Burn-out.

Source: The World Health Organization

What's New


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Optus Single Service Desk
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NBN roll-out reaches halfway mark
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Silcar Communications: EA arrangements close to finalisation
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Wind up USO scheme by 2020 says Productivity Commission
Government calls for tenders for Triple Zero
RBA wants workers to earn more
CWU slams Telstra's shock job cuts announcement
Telstra field workforce cuts to hit regional areas
Telstra restructure creating uncertainty says CWU
CWU meets with Telstra on Design redundancies
Broadcast Australia: bargaining continues
Minimum wage decision adds to penalty rates pain
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Silcar Communications: long service leave alert
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Silcar Communications: EA update
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CWU meets with Optus on job cuts
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Broadcast Australia: EA negotiations to begin
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Vodafone's fixed broadband play
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ACTU turns 90
Wanted: transmission technicians
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CFW grading dispute: FWC to arbitrate
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Silcar Communications Enterprise Agreement
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Government announces head of new union-monitoring body
TPG makes splash with spectrum purchase
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Calls for NBN write-down continue
CWU meets with Telstra on Design reorganisation
Silcar Telecommunications employees vote YES to new EA
Visionstream announces job cuts
Telstra reports on NBN training
Optus 2G shutdown begins
Unions push for $45 minimum wage increase
Senate moves to protect penalty rates
Behind the Samsung Galaxy: union busting and worker exploitation
Penalty rates: employers test the waters
Telstra flags reorganisation, redundancies in Design and Service Delivery
Employees vote YES to Lend Lease agreement
Silcar Communications: negotiations continue
Silcar Telecommunications EA: ready for ballot at last
Telecoms training short-cuts must be stopped, says CWU
Turnbull comes out of the long grass on penalty rates
The super-rich are getting richer
Telstra banding dispute goes to FWC
Optus Single Service Desk: FWC hearing
Telstra redundancies: National Fibre Networks Team
Silcar Communications to make revised EA offer
ACMA Enterprise Agreement update
Telstra's plans for Network of the Future take shape
Telstra, nbn to automate more processes
Women still working for less, report shows
CWU notifies dispute over Optus pay rates
Silcar Communications EA negotiations
ACMA: enterprise bargaining resumes
Safety Alert: Telstra exchanges
A "disastrous decision": FWC cuts penalty rates
NBN HFC roll-out "a mess" says TPG
Carriers call for NBN write-down
International Women's Day: 8 March
CWU disputes CFW banding
Telstra: new Travel Allowance rates
Silcar (Visionstream) Telecommunications EA update
Silcar Communications EA
Lend Lease: negotiations continue
NBN: CWU fights pyramid contracting
Optus needs to review pay levels, says CWU
Telstra showcases Gigabit mobile services
Visionstream flags redundancies
Silcar Telecommunications EA goes to ballot
Lend Lease negotiations continue
Employees to vote on ACMA agreement
End of an era: Telstra switches off 2G
Telstra, Optus winners of latest "black spots" funding
The telco future: mobility and data
Senate passes Turnbull government's anti-union legislation
Unions back Labor move for 457 visa review
Is your employer paying your super?
An (early) end-of-year greeting
Telstra jobs to go to IBM?
Telstra riggers: grading issues
Call centre scams predictable says CWU
Silcar Communications : EA update
CWU meets with Telstra on NBN training
Government to fund NBN debt
Telstra launches Smart Home products
Wage growth falls below 2%
White Ribbon Day: unions campaign for paid domestic violence leave
Telco customer privacy breaches disgracefully predicable: Union
CWU to lodge dispute on CT grading.
Silcar Telecommunications: EA goes to ballot.
Silcar Communications: management puts improved offer.
Visionstream: the case of the missing super.
Lend Lease EA update.
Optus profits plunge despite mobile growth.
Majority of NBN users still only want modest speeds.
Unions to launch Make Australia Asbestos Free campaign.
CWU meets with Telstra on Wideband Design redeployment
CWU to monitor new CSD workforce management system
Silcar (Visionstream) Telecommunications: proposed EA close to finalisation
Silcar Communications: EA rethink?
ACMA negotiations grind on
Telco industry veterans call for NBN write-down
Google Fiber winds back planned roll-out
Victoria moves to regulate labour hire
Gender pay gap: no improvement in Australia in 20 years
Telstra trials new workforce management system
CWU disputes Telstra Wideband redundancies
Leave 000 with Telstra, says union
Networks Delivery redundancies: Telstra gets its 120 volunteers
Visionstream, Fulton Hogan win new NBN contracts
Lend Lease: EA discussions continue
Silcar Communications: EA update
One Nation shows its anti-union colours
CWU's Ed Husic gets new digital economy role
Unions seek protections for digital economy workers
Triple zero tender raises serious questions about reliability and community health and safety
Network blues: Vodafone suffers outage
Telstra to boost field workforce
Job losses: Telstra Operations shake-up continues
Telstra destroying secure regional jobs, says CWU
CWU wins upgrade for Telstra member
What next? Telstra sends HR jobs offshore
Lend Lease: EA negotiations begin
Silcar Communications employee consultations
nbn junks Optus HFC in favour of FTTdp
TPG results highlight NBN pricing issues
Wideband Design: Telstra job cuts hit already depressed areas
Overtime: is Telstra being "reasonable"?
Optus cuts network jobs
Silcar Telecommunications: employee consultations conclude
Lend Lease initiates bargaining
ACMA negotiations get formal reset
Telstra exchanges a disgrace says CWU
Telstra exchange buildings: know your rights
New wireless challenges to NBN
Workers' compensation scheme failing employees, says report
Telstra seeks voluntary redundancies in Networks Delivery
Telstra overtime: don't be misled
Silcar Telecommunications: ballot delay
Mirait Technologies: parties closer to agreement
ACMA negotiations to resume
nbn corporate plan: less HFC more FTTN/FTTB
NBN external workforce needs to double
TPG launches challenge to NBN
Anytime, anywhere: Telstra boosts entertainment offerings as mobile video traffic surges
Australian men's earnings outstrip women's by as much as 20%
CUB dispute: labour hire firm quits
50 years since the Wave Hill walk-off
Scheduled overtime: know your rights
Silcar Communications: negotiations ongoing
Silcar Telecommunications: company prepares for new ballot
Telstra to spend extra $3 billion on networks, digitalisation
Telstra profits should go to job creation, not job destruction, says union
NBN hits roll-out targets...but storm clouds loom
CWU meets with Telstra on nbn training
Wages growth hits new low
Border protection: asbestos let in, refugees kept out
CWU seeks clarification on Telstra's scheduled overtime plan
Scheduled overtime in Telstra: an admission of poor workforce management
Road to recovery? CWU urges caution on Telstra rewards programme
Telstra profit a slap in the face for customers and sacked workers
Former Telstra staffer questions offshoring
Telstra prepares to send more jobs offshore
CWU to meet with Telstra on GPS monitoring
Visionstream (Silcar) Telecommunications: EA update
Silcar Communications: bargaining continues
Lend Lease negotiations to begin
nbn offers first services on Telstra HFC
NBN wholesale market: what happened to competition?
Modern slavery: unions call for action
Pubs support sacked CUB workers
Telstra: additional leave
Telstra redundancies: unions challenge Telstra on redeployment
CWU meets with Telstra on performance pay
nbn announces construction contracts for HFC upgrade
ISGM expands Foxtel role
Workers made to sign anti-union contracts
Australia tops poll for mobile connectivity
Black lung: report finds "major system failures" in mining industry
Redundancies flagged by Telstra Business
Telstra slashes contact centre jobs in Perth, Melbourne
Telstra ramps up for HFC contract
Optus to offshore more jobs
Offshoring or automation: lose-lose for workers
Silcar Communications: employee consultations
Telstra to spend $250 million on networks
Collective punishment: Telstra outages to hit staff bonuses
Consolidation continues as Vocus acquires Nextgen
Unions played major role in federal election result says analyst
Federal election: PUT THE LIBERALS LAST
Visionstream Telecommunications redundancies
Visionstream EA discussions continue
Silcar Communications: EA negotiations begin
Telstra to launch new "Smart Home Platform"
Telstra buys into mining services sector
Labor NBN policy: up to 2 million more fibre connections, ongoing mobile blackspots funding
Labor will crack down on labour hire
Coalition backs small business on "unfair" domestic violence leave
Youth employment: Coalition's PaTH a dead end, say unions
Jobs and growth … for Ireland … on Australia’s NBN
Labor’s NBN plan a big step forward but Aussie jobs plan urgently needed
Telstra: CWU challenges Design banding decisions
Visionstream Telecommunications to cut staff numbers
Visionstream Telecommunications: survey pinpoints EA problems
Bargaining begins at Visionstream Communications
Optus invests in cyber security training
No change to existing NBN contracts, says ALP
Unions welcome Labor stance on trade agreements
Foxconn replaces workers with robots
Verizon strike ends with major wins for union members
Visionstream Telecommunications EA: employees vote NO
Overtime or emergency work?
More outages: Telstra's woes continue
ACMA negotiations to continue, but vote on hold
Health and Safety training: know your rights
Wages growth at historic lows, youth unemployment high
Employer group wants awards gutted
Charges dropped against CFMEU's O'Connor
Verizon strike starts to bite
Telstra workers to be pawns in Turnbull's Medicare privatisation plan
Premier League rights: has Optus kicked own goal?
Visionstream Telecommunications EA goes to ballot
Telstra Wideband design review
Telstra commits extra 50 million dollars to mobile network
Cabling registry seeks feedback on compliance
Budget 2016: government NBN funding winds down...
..and mobile subsidies increase
Budget 2016: intern plan "just about the worst idea ever"
Verizon strike enters fifth week
Visionstream Telecommunications Enterprise Agreement 2016
Wideband Design review: more questions for Telstra
ETT in Service Delivery
Telstra Drug and Alcohol policy: have your say
nbn training programme gets underway
Productivity Commission to review USO
Verizon workers strike for job security
May Day 2016
Optus confirms job cuts, offshoring
Telstra Wideband: design review
Telstra signs 1.6 billion dollar HFC contract
Labor to retain "hybrid" NBN: Shorten
Mirait Technologies: EA update
NBN fatality highlights contracting problems
Telstra to implement new drug and alcohol policy
NBN contractors left out of pocket
Services, jobs at risk as Optus sacks 480 nationwide
Employees say Yes to Kordia Maritime agreement
CWU wants answers on Telstra Wideband review
Visionstream Telecommunications: EA Update
CWU meets with Telstra on NBN training
Telstra mobiles: another day, another outage
Vehicle Safety Concerns: Let Us Know
Going up: TPG posts bumper results
nbn trials Fibre to the Distribution Point (FTTdp)
Domestic violence: a union issue
CWU meets with Optus on company restructure
Telstra flags redundancies in Defence Engagement
Visionstream Telecommunications: EA report
ACMA employees say NO to wage offer
Silcar Communications: EA consultations begin
Tech company wants 40 hour week
Workers' compensation: know your rights
Health and Safety training: know your rights
Optus: more job losses in the wind
Telstra performance principles: quarterly consultation
Telstra redeployment processes: Review Period coming up
CWU meets with nbn on training, contractor payments
CWU queries Telstra on 457 visa workers
CWU meets with Telstra on workforce planning
Telstra travelling time policy: no change for "itinerant" workers
Canberra CSIRT members have win on rosters
Visionstream (Silcar Telepower) agreement update
Telstra contractor dies after fall from tower
REMINDER: Health and Safety Training
nbn lifts run rate, revenues
NBN worth only half its build costs, say analysts
Social media: employee's posts sink chances of reinstatement
Kordia Maritime agreement close to finalisation
CWU seeks clarification of new Telstra/nbn contracts
Telstra voluntary redundancies: what is the proper payout?
Silcar Telecommunications (Visionstream) EA negotiations underway
nbn employees get further wage increase
Leighton's restructure complicates bargaining
Attention Health and Safety Representatives
Still no agreement on ACMA EA
Telstra flags decision to end Network Construction travel time policy
CWU meets with Telstra on redundancy processes
ACMA bargaining: no good news for Xmas
Cybersecurity centre will create 700 jobs, says nbn
Telstra to increase contractor workforce
Unions welcome Innovation Statement
Top executives now paid 50 times average earnings
The holiday season: bring it on!
Telstra seeks voluntary redundancies in GES
Annual leave and long service leave entitlements: know your rights
Telstra proceeds with planned redundancies
ACMA: still no agreement on pay rise
Unions lobby rural MPs on penalty rates
Labor states introduce paid domestic violence leave
Black lung: Queensland goes back to the 19th century
New trade agreement threatens jobs say unions
Telstra redundancies: know your rights
Telstra to shed more call centre jobs
CWU meets with Telstra on consultation processes
Customer Service Delivery: Assurance
Customer Service Delivery: Asset Management
Telstra's Global Service Model: more redundancies, more offshoring
Optus EPA approved
Contract change means Optus job losses
"Broadband TV" challenge needs urgent attention, Ziggy says
Private sector wage growth the lowest on record
Superannuation: workers being cheated of $2.6 billion a year
Further Telstra job losses flagged
CWU meets with Telstra on redundancies
CSD Asset Management: all staff facing redundancy should be offered retraining
CSD Assurance: CWU challenges centralisation
Telstra EA certified
nbn looks to school leavers for new recruits
Unions say NO to GST rise
Telstra flags new round of redundancies
ACMA negotiations: still no agreement
Optus agreement voted up
Bargaining: federal government relaxes wage rise cap
NBN roll-out plans released
Technology update: nbn G.Fast trials hit 600Mbps
Labor wins changes to China trade deal
Three workplace deaths a week in 2015
Sweden experiments with 6 hour working day
Telstra EA: still no full agreement
Redeployment: what is a "suitable" job?
Optus EPA: negotiations progress
Telstra flags DA call centre closures
nbn plan projects increased costs
nbn to trial G.Fast for high speed broadband
Optus Employment Partnership Agreement 2015 - Bargaining Bulletin #1 - 21 August 2015
Telstra EA Update
Telstra keeps grip on mobile market
Optus EPA discussions begin
David Thodey to head CSIRO
Contracting out: Australia Post scam points to wider problems.
Cut Sunday penalty rates says Productivity Commission
Unions condemn proposed UK anti-union laws
Optus: enterprise bargaining negotiations to begin
Telstra to outsource more jumper running
Fair Work Commission makes Optus modern award
iiNet shareholders back TPG takeover
Labor conference resolves to protect Australian jobs
Labor to move on FIFO conditions
CWU national election results declared
Optus flags new redundancies
nbn agreement approved by FWC
Telstra reports on NBN training
Free Trade Agreements mean fewer Australian jobs say unions
UK government introduces new anti-union laws
Plebiscite: CWU members reject rule change
Optus: EPA discussions due to commence
Senate hears of 457 visa abuse
NBN: Morrow says skill shortages persist
ACCC endorses revised Telstra/nbn deal
Telstra EA negotiations
Telstra goes cold on NBN construction contracts
At the bottom of the heap: 457 visa workers on the NBN
457 visa employers should take on apprentices, say unions
Fixed line in decline: ACMA releases new mobile usage numbers
iiNet/TPG deal still on hold
Unions alarmed by China - Australia trade agreement
Telstra EA negotiations report
Shift work in Service Delivery
Telstra moves more technical work offshore
nbn technical agreement voted up
Optus Business targets non-traditional markets
Telstra: big data to underpin proactive network diagnostics
Rest breaks: Telstra digs in
EA negotiations: unions table issues
Optus sheds more jobs, signals cost restraint
Optus award discussions continue
nbn puts new agreement out to vote
Telstra still sending jobs offshore
Telstra Enterprise Agreement 2015 - Bargaining Bulletin #1 - 12.05.2015
Directory Assistance rest breaks: CWU notifies dispute
Telstra EA: bargaining to begin 12 May
Membership plebiscite advice
Optus award update
nbn pay offer not good enough, says CWU
NBN Co rebadges - to nbn
Bidding war for iiNet heats up
Telstra EA negotiations underway soon
Telstra wants new shift work system for Workflow employees
Shift loadings or overtime? Optus wants two bob each way
NBN Co preparing to bypass unions on EA
Telstra Business Support and Improvement (BS&I) redundancies
Optus award discussions
NBN Co agreement update
ACMA negotiations enter 9th month
Vodafone renews offshoring contract
Insecure workers need better protections, say unions
NBN adds a further 550,000 premises to roll-out schedule
Reminder: Telstra EA survey
CWU opposes rest break changes
Optus award modernisation
NBN agreement still on hold
Telstra reports on NBN training
CWU meets with Telstra on performance principles
Vodafone next takeover target?
One award should fit all, says big business
Then there were three: TPG makes bid for iiNet
Telstra rest breaks: discussions continue
Telstra wins major Hong Kong cloud contract
NBN Co announces timetable for gigabit speeds over HFC
David Thodey departs from Telstra
New Telstra CEO to continue push into Asia - but at what cost to jobs?
CWU meets with Telstra on call centre rest breaks
NBN Co negotiations slowed by government interference
Arris beats Cisco for NBN Co HFC contract
Telstra moves on domestic violence leave
CWU secures key Telstra award conditions
Telstra award creates new redundancy entitlements
Telstra reports record profit for half year 2015
Optus reports drop in profits but healthy increase in revenues
Overtime or emergency duty? Telstra drops attempt to short change employees
Coalition government stymies NBN Co. pay rise
Telstra NBN design contract means jobs for Telstra employees
ACMA EA stalemate continues
Overtime or emergency duty? CWU and Telstra in dispute
Know your rights: Telstra end of day arrangements
Full Bench to consider Telstra modern award
Telstra increase mobile market share
NBN Co negotiations resume
Government responds to Vertigan inquiry recommendations
More Telco workers needed says industry group
CWU meets with Telstra on workforce management
Telstra announces domestic violence policy
NBN Co releases new corporate plan
NBN EA negotiations update
NBN Co confirms roll-out strategy
More job cuts to come says Telstra
Telstra Xmas close down know your rights
Telstra award modernisation update
CWU meets with Telstra on classifications pay
NBN Co freezes agreement negotiations
CWU meets with Telstra on Wideband issues
GES redundancies continue
Optus succeeds in award application
Visionstream EA voted up
Telstra confirms focus on Asia
NBN FTTN trial expanded
CWU disputes Telstra Wideband reorganisation
Telstra implements GES redundancies
Unions at loggerheads with ACMA over EA
New industry body to address telco skill needs
Telstra Super wins Fund of the Year award
Telstra/NBN agreement unlikely to be finalised this year
Telstra's "While You're There" Initiative
Optus - outsourcing and off-shoring continues
Visionstream jumps the gun with EA ballot
ACMA bargaining update
Telstra flags further Service Delivery redundancies
Telstra sends more jobs offshore
Unions meet to consider joint campaign against off-shoring
NBN Co flags ongoing cost problems
TPG fibre roll-out gets green light
Optus - under new management
Telstra ramps up 4G offerings
Telstra proceeds with GES job cuts
Automated dispatch - Telstra agrees to discuss impact on AWA staff
ISGM unfair dismissal: when is a subbie really an employee?
ACMA enterprise bargaining starts
CWU takes anti-offshoring message to Canberra
Visionstream contract loss raises redundancy fears
ACMA Enterprise Agreement up for renegotiation.
Telstra says it will go ahead with Global Services job cuts.
Optus announces more redundancies
Telstra copper, HFC to go to NBN Co.
CWU queries Telstra on new NBN plans
Telstra posts 14.6% profit rise
Optus continues to tread water with 1st quarter result
Optus award modernisation case heard
ISGM subbies meet over Telstra automated dispatch system
NBN Co to take over Telstra copper, HFC.
CWU meets with Telstra on Global Enterprises offshoring
Reminder: offshoring petition
Automated dispatch: what ISGM subbies think
Performance pay: unions meet with Telstra on pay matrix
Telstra Field Improvement Programme
Optus award modernisation update
Metadata: government seeks to expand surveillance powers
NBN Co prepares for HFC product offer
Telstra proceeds with dispatch reorganisation - with modifications
Telstra Super offers options to Defined Benefit members
Telstra to outsource fleet roles
FWC to conciliate Telstra award modernisation issues
NBN contracts to encourage direct employment
Desperate times - Telstra mobilises engineers to clean exchanges
Vertigan reports may spell trouble for TPG
CWU meets with Telstra on NBN training
Telstra leads the skill drain says union
CWU meets with Telstra on scheduling and dispatch redundancies
Customer Service Delivery restructure continues
NBN Co to launch second major FTTN trial: report
Telstra introduces new on-line performance management system
Customer Service Delivery performance measures
Reminder: annual leave loading in Telstra
Telstra flags scheduling and dispatch redundancies
Telstra to undertake major FTTN trial
Telstra automated despatch trial
Telstra flags redundancies in Billing and Credit Management
Visionstream EA discussions continue
CWU meets with NBN Co on new agreement
Award modernisation update
NBN Co renews Service Stream contract
Vodafone report reveals scope of global surveillance
Telstra to trial new automated dispatch system
NBN Co Telstra to conduct 1000 node FTTN trial
Third of NBN connections faulty
NBN Co enterprise agreement talks begin
CWU queries Telstra on vehicle monitoring
Visionstream agreement: negotiations continue
Visionstream greenfields contract extended
Service Stream gets more NBN work.
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - #8
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - # 7
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - # 6
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - # 5
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - # 4
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - # 3
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - #2
Telco e-Bulletin 2014 - #1
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - # 23
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - # 22
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #21
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #20
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #19
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #18
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #17
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #16
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #15
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 - #14
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 13
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 12
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 11
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 10
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 9
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 8
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 7
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 6
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 5
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 4
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 3
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 2
Telco e-Bulletin 2013 # 1


EBA11 - RRR Agreement Locked In
Australia Post Bargaining Update: Log of Claims
Australia Post Bargaining Update
Bargaining commences with Australia Post
Australia Post: letter of contract dispute
CWU posties secure improved services and job security as Federal Government announces significant reform
Landmark CWU deal sends wages up by 6% at Australia Post
Postal Services Modernisation - CEPU/CWU Submission
5.75% wage lift to LPO EMPLOYEES - 1 July 2023
Wages at Decipha to increase by 6.1%
Van safety checks - meal breaks
Update: contactless delivery to cease
Union intervention sees withdrawal of unreasonable and unsafe scanner signature directions
Aus Post Tech Review: Union wins significant classification upgrades
Australia Post wages to rise by 6.1% under landmark Union inflation-busting deal
APSS merger education webcast to follow successful on-site sessions
Securing Decipha workers' wage rises against cost of living pressure
APSS merger with Australian Retirement Trust
Recent letter from the APSS about an increase in costs
CEPU/CWU Statement on Australia Post Pandemic Leave Policy changes for unvaccinated employees
Increase to Christmas celebrations contribution
Securing your hard-won pay rises in our rebounding economy
Members' overwhelming endorsement of new EBA10
Union wins paid vaccination leave at Australia Post - governments ignore workers' vaccine pleas
Union calls for priority vaccination of essential postal and telecommunications workers
Agreement In-Principle
Bargaining Update: Talks continue despite lockdowns
Week 2 & 3 bargaining: TRR & ADM to end June 30
Post’s start times tantrum sets tone for day one of bargaining
Help us stop the Postal pandemic
Union calls on Communications Minister Paul Fletcher to rule out break up and privatisation of Post by stealth
MEDIA RELEASE - Government must reject secret Australia Post privatisation report
Senate Inquiry into Australia Post
EBA10 Survey: member survey closes tomorrow
Review into possible merger between APSS and SunSuper
Agreement reached on ADM Functional Allowance
1.75% wage lift to LPO employees
MEDIA RELEASE - Postal workers union warn resignation of Christine Holgate does not fix serious, systemic issues with management at Australia Post
Problems at Post run much deeper than luxury watches, union submission to Regulatory Review
MEDIA RELEASE - National survey of posties show serious delivery bottle necks and vindicates regulation concerns
MEDIA RELEASE - Problems at Australia Post go Deeper than Luxury Watches - Union
ADM: Daily smartphone survey is live, 15% now payable across most sites, understaffing causing fatigue and workplace stress
Further service impacts imminent with Australia Post's latest band-aid for resourcing failures, union warns
Workers deserve fair share of profit outcome as Senate moves to lock-in ADM reforms
Temporary change to long service leave at Australia Post
Post's Authorised Holiday shame
Senate establishes inquiry in to Australia Post; members force privatisation commitment
CEPU/CWU Submission to Senate Inquiry into the future of Australia Post's service delivery
Australia Post members nationwide online briefing
Protecting your jobs, your conditions, your EBAs
MEDIA RELEASE: Federal Government must put on emergency supply flights for regional/rural Australia: posties
COVID-19: Safety advice for postal members
Keeping you safe, fighting for your jobs. A statement from your Union leadership team
Union welcomes Woolies partnership to deliver Basics Boxes
Aust Post Pharmacy Home Delivery announcement a welcome move: Union
EBA10 - Bargaining Process - Employee Representational Rights
Coronavirus Update: 11 March 2020 - New Delivery Procedures
Australia Post's strong six-month performance - workers must not be forgotten
AustralianSuper default fund transfer will proceed on 20 February
Changes to 2019 Australia Post Authorised Holiday
EDVs to return following engineer's review and recommendations
Public awareness campaign to ensure members make it home for Christmas
"Indoor Planner" - Back to the Future
How the Australia Post Grinch is changing your Christmas Authorised Holiday
AEC declares 2019 national election results
Superannuation default fund review concludes: Australian Super selected
Aggressive customers will be asked to leave post offices following landmark win
Safety Commission slams intentional Australia Post workers' comp delays
Australia Post Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy Roll-Out
Retail members win significant improvement to important allowances
SAFETY FIRST. PDOs: Don't Overload
NEW $250 SHOE ALLOWANCE - payable to walking PDOs from this month
Super review continues - AMP fees reduced in meantime
One Network Trial - We're at the halfway mark
Decipha EBA approved
Decipha EBA Update - approval process delayed
APSS Death and TPD benefits explained
Australia Post moves to seek alternative to AMP Super Fund
Westpac, NAB join CBA and Australia Post to deliver a win for jobs and local communities
95% Yes for Decipha EBA
Re-employment Policy Relaxed
Decipha EBA talks conclude in Agreement - members urged to vote YES
One Network, equal pay trial to commence within weeks
"One Network Structure" PDO retention trial extends 15% penalty rates to all posties
Your Authorised Holiday — not theirs
Concerns around use of contractors
Full-time still the preferred mode of employment
Reps training
Workers across the country march to Change The Rules
Pizza and garlic bread - no substitute for a mealie
Major uniform changes: members win
50 years - congratulations Noel Saffy!
Consultation continues on alternate modes of delivery
The boss cannot sit in on your medical appointment
A clean, safe work environment? Pigeon Poo!
Landmark equal pay victory for Canadian postal workers
What do you know about journey cover?
Consultation continues on Alternate Modes of Delivery
Members Urged to Seek Urgent Financial Advice Re: AMP Super
Post seeking drug and alcohol testing across workforce
Identity security of 1.9 million guaranteed as Australia Post continues to provide passport services
Headcount reduction project underway
How do you solve a genuine safety issue at Australia Post? By spying on posties, of course
Reasonable overtime
Delivery fixed-termers across the country celebrate permanency win
Accessing long service leave
Wet Weather Gear - the saga continues
eCommerce Delivery 2018 uniform ordering now open
Centricity program Retail members are not cleaners
Technical workforce already under-staffed
How long should you have to wait for an accurate group certificate?
Post's disgraceful disrespect for the Board of Reference
2017 Authorised Holiday
NDMT gathering momentum
Peak period approach
StarTrack (Messenger Post) Courier Mail Call dispatch merger dispute avoided
Transitioning to retirement
Road rage and altercations with the public - it just isn’t worth it
Retail members get sick, too
Overweight and oversized articles in post offices
Australia Post's new employee assistance provider
EBA9 pay rise and One Team Reward bonus coming
Wet weather gear – fair wear and tear replacements
Considering a transfer but worried about penalty rates?
Government bargaining policy a “slap in the face” for workers off the back of profit announcement
Excessive executive remuneration continues at Australia Post
StarTrack (Messenger Post) Courier to absorb Mail Call Courier dispatch operations
Underwood Parcel Facility shift realignments boost full-time employment
Reminder: what to do if you’re injured at work
Non-machineable product conveyer may be the answer to manual bullring woes
Retail now processing Mail Redirection applications
Union meets with management on marriage survey
Union congratulates workers on Australia Post profit announcement
Union seeks protections for postal workers on marriage survey
Fair Work Commission approves EBA9
Posties' Union reminder to keep your pooches and your posties safe
TWU - The Weakest Union
MEDIA RELEASE: Posties' Union welcomes Australia Post's first female Chief Executive
Ahmed Fahour's resignation
Union welcomes decision to reveal Australia Post CEOs $5.6 million salary
Union expresses safety concern for Australia Post workers
It's time to unite - one Communications Union state Branch for NSW/ACT and Victoria
EBA9: Authorised Holiday under attack ... Again!
EBA9: Attack on Authorised Holiday - what you said
EBA9: Membership survey extended to 30 September
EBA9: Stronger together - building strength
Abuse of employment arrangements - it's just not on
Box sorters are not second-class workers
Post's greedy attack on take-home pay and fifth-week leave for shift-workers
Hold a CUB-free grand final BBQ in support of sacked CEPU members
Parcel prices set to increase again, drawing public anger and criticism
Management "had rocks in their head" on sick leave, says senior Qld Official
Management manipulation of Retail transfer list: "they just can't help themselves" says PSO.
Retail security concerns
Honda NBC110 stalling issues - your safety may be at risk
Australia Post's return to profit an opportunity to invest in the future
"Call and check" trial about to kick off in WA
Aggressive Customer Training
Extended hours delivery trial
Delivery equipment update
Injured at work? Be ready - not 'Work Ready'
Vale Jojie Vivar
Sacked workers continue to picket Carlton & United Breweries as scab labour pulls up stumps
Phase 2 of call centre 24x7
Australia Post's return to profit an opportunity to invest on the future
2.4% wage lift to RETAIL EMPLOYEES
Post fails to get own house in order before slogging customers
Northern Contact Centre goes 24x7
Ex-temporary staff, remain vigilant: check your entitlements
New, fair Retail transfer process to enable better work/life balance
Flood stranded Queensland drivers settle their dispute
Decipha members lock-in job security and fair pay
Security at risk under Government plan to outsource passport ID verification
The grass is always greener...in Finland
"Bring it on" - Australians will head to the polls on or around July 2
End charges for paper bills: Keep Me Posted
Decipha members secure job security & fair pay in EBA
Changes to Bulletin
Latest updates within Retail
CWU wins FWC hearing for LPO worker
Decipha EA Agreement
Your rights when calling in sick
Guidelines for workplace injuries
Delivery equipment updates
Tasmanian postie hailed hero
Half year result confirm letters decline
Australia Post 'genie in a bottle' thought bubble not a real plan
Turnbull plays chicken with workers' rights
Security concerns over passport processing being sold off
Post profit belies lack of long term planning
Australia Post ‘genie in a bottle’ thought bubble not a real plan
Decipha Agreement Ballot
Drivers left shaken after incidents
Large parcel sorting system forces staffing review
CFMEU rallies to defend Vic officials against 'blackmail'
Christmas pay rises
PDC2 Team leader program
Dispute over access to overtime at Xmas 2015 resolved
Australia Post approach to training out of hours unfair
Shift workers and rostered days off falling on a public holiday
Unions campaign to secure local jobs
Trial of waterproof gloves for posties
CWU member pleased with AAT outcome
Dispute over Xmas arrangements
Decipha EA breakthrough
Unions to fight for fair tax reform
Post sell off franchised Post Offices
Union members earn more money
Productivity Commission no fan of workers or unions
Mail officer states Post's breach of OHS caused physical injuries
CWU calls on Decipha to ensure fair pay and shift penalties
Update on wet weather gear, boots and hats
CWU and Post Reform Accord
Delivery equipment trials
Problems with Swaps register
Decipha EA negotiations stalled
Decipha Enterprise Agreement - Union Bargaining Bulletin #4
Postal reform
Summer and skin cancer
Tea breaks - What are you entitled to?
Purchased leave arrangements changed
Facebook bullying
China free trade agreement will cost local jobs
Australia Post can adapt with sensible reform
Post told to set up working group of industry stakeholders
"Top line" issues in Decipha enterprise bargaining
Post Call Centre dispute
Change in leader won't change Liberal's anti-worker agenda
Decipha Enterprise Agreement - Union Bargaining Bulletin #3
Mail officers at MGF concerned about changes to work
Recognition of previous employment in Post
Supervisor overreacted but worker gets formal counselling
CWU asks Decipha to pay women more in superannuation
Decipha Enterprise Agreement - Union Bargaining Bulletin #2
Decipha Enterprise Agreement - Union Bargaining Bulletin #1 - 28 August 2015
Mail network Workwear uniform gets colour change
Behaviour based safety - a union perspective
EA bargaining begins at Decipha
Posties and dogs - a long-standing problem
Changes to work on LPSS of concern
Pay increase for Post workers under EA
CWU shines spotlight on Post's major contractor underpaying workers and running immigration racket
Decipha EA bargaining due to start
Work health and safety incidents at Post
Star Track and TWU wrangling in FWC over terms of new agreement
Workers sacked by midnight texts and emails
Contracting out: Australia Post scam points to wider problems.
CWU calls on Communication Minister to sack Australia Post CEO Ahmed Fahour
Union rallies over proposed changes to Australia Post
CWU demands protection from bad decisions
Truly shocking act by Post management
Post must provide facilities for printing payslips
CWU member finds a union that fights for its members can make a difference
Hicks v CEPU - Federal Court Application
100 obvious reasons for signing up to the digital mailbox but a service sought by postal workers is not one of them
Our campaign continues
Motorcycle boots late but here next week
Post in Senate Estimates hearing
Post CEO talking down mail - what next?
Job security biggest issue for CWU members
Understaffing big issue in Post Offices
Letter to CEO on $100 gift card and member petition
Post says no to alternatives to outsourcing EUC
CWU and EUC members put alternative proposals to outsourcing Post jobs
CWU opposes cuts to benefits for injured workers in SRC Bill
Redundancies arise from relocation from Mt Waverley to city
Letter to householders declares letters are dead
Post confirms new mail processing equipment
$100 for workers while Post boss pockets a tidy salary
Can we have the rest of our pay Mr Fahour? Pretty please?
Watch out for the WorkReady trap
Extreme rain and flooding disrupts mail services in Sydney and NSW
Radical attack on Comcare scheme by Abbott government
PostConnect workers overloaded as people exit for ABNote
CWU posts help page for HSRs and DHSRs
Capalaba DC site of previous occurrence of cluster of cancers
Post to outsource jobs in EUC and ETS
Observe Workers Memorial Day on 28 April
ALP moves closer to saving Australia Post
Postal Reform - it's time to fight
Postal Reform - unity needed
PDO delivery e-Trike trial to commence soon
Postal Reform - Is this consultation?
Postal Reform - how it hits your job
Postal Reform - The National Office Position
CWU win for members at Townsville mail centre
CWU National challenges Australia Post at FWC on reforms
Australia Post CEO disappointed, sad: The price you pay for standing up for members
Post agree to CWU National's demands
CWU National takes Australia Post to court to protect your rights
Unpaid entitlements recovered for CWU members
More problems for Post digital mailbox
Protection of 5 day letter delivery will save jobs
ALP member in House of Reps speaks out against Government changes to mail delivery services
Calls for Post boss to step aside
More on PDO motorcycle boots
Post owed duty of care to sub-contractor to ensure safe work conditions
Thousands rally for national day of action
Introduction of waterproof motorcycle boots for PDOs
Post's cynical attempt to justify regulation changes
Senators grill Post boss
Post should focus on finding new parcels business as it faces competition from Japan Post's acquisition of Toll
Head of PostConnect gets job with ABnote
CWU demands protection from bad work practices
Police raid Australia Post parcel depot in NSW
Calls for Australia Post chief to step aside
Work-related stress hazards up at Australia Post Customer Contact Centre
Outsourcing part of Australia Post deal with ABnote
Increased manual processing work causes concern in Parcel land
What happens on the dock stays on the dock
FWC finds no transferring employees at ABnote
Latest news on CWU & Australia Post - Award Modernisation
Printers and mail houses condemn price increases saying it will cut mail volumes
Australia Post reaffirms no MDCS assessments in NDMT sites
Revenue protection by PDOs?
Phase 3 of Post's 900 job cuts
NBC110 clutch cover heat shield testing
Not everybody buys claim for Post deregulation
Brisbane Postie is doing his bit to grow mail volumes
PostConnect employees impacted by Post's transition deal with ABnote
CWU tells Post discriminatory conduct of HSR's is not on
Trouble in parcel-land
NBC110 motorcycle checks
Post modern enterprise award update
CWU gets better outcome for members transferring to ABnote
Year in review
Ask Dan - Reduction in salary - Superannuation
Happy holidays from CWU National Office
Ask Dan - Part time - impact on Superannuation
CWU concerns for Post's End User Computing services employees
Post to review licensed post office payments
Post washes its hands of PostConnect employees
No Christmas bonus will be paid this year
Trial run in Sydney of AOD testing
CWU requests Christmas bonus for Post workers
Post confirms PostConnect sold to ABnote
PDOs delivering parcels and Express Post on Saturday started last week
Recent job cuts compromise security
UNI Apro Post and Logistics / APPU Joint Seminar - Hanoi Vietnam
Revenue from letters up in US in 2014
FWC Recommendation of PostConnect - how things will happen now the business has been sold
Sale of PostConnect to ABnote
PDOs delivering parcels and Express Post on Saturday starts this week
How safe is Australia Post?
'Bad Santa' robs post office
Stamp price increase?
Application for Post modern enterprise award
'Permission to pause' more Post spin
Staffing for Saturday trading
Compensation claims in Post
'Go home on time day' - not at Townsville DC
Post introduces Alcohol and other Drug Policy (AOD)
CWU notifies dispute in FWC on PostConnect
MPF / SPF expansions
Workers health to be monitored at MPF and SPF
Fitness for duty declaration
Saturday trading in Post Offices
FWC finds formal counselling for absence without medical certificate unfair
CWU members say sale of PostConnect already decided
Integration of Post and Startrack employees
Post trials mobile van in Business Hubs
Truckies and posties top the list of Australia's deadliest jobs
Australia Post has become no friend of printers
Australia Posts Annual Report shows mail volumes are not falling off a cliff and Post is not going broke
Carving up the business - Information Digital Technology
More carving up the business - PostConnect
Post work health and safety policy fundamentally flawed
Australia Post unveils Alexandria Business Hub
Union sues Canada Post over plan to end doorstep delivery
PDOs to deliver small parcels and Express Post articles on Saturdays
Regions fearful of postal cutbacks
Job losses from small and large parcel delivery deep sort
CWU wants health monitoring at new / expanded parcel facilities
Australia Post computer systems in an extensive cyber attack
Post's Safety Kaizen really a time and motion exercise with safety banged on the end of it
StarTrack Courier allegedly lays off pregnant employee about to go on maternity leave
Swaps register information is wrong
Australia Post looks at outsourcing and offshoring jobs
Comcare tells Post to review risk assessments for manual handling
Risks to Post workers from traffic management problems
Australia Post told to review its training to managers on WHS Act
Senate report slap in the face for Post
PostConnect in South Australia is to be shut down
New Award coverage for LPO workers
Senate Report slap in the face for Aussie Post CEO Ahmed Fahour
Ensuring the future of postal services in this country continue
A decline of 5 per cent is not the crisis that the Australia Post CEO would like the community to believe it is
Public consultations on the future of Post
Australia Post digital mailbox setback
Post uses poor methods to determine staffing in post offices
Ahmed Fahour says 'pay's fair and relationships wonderful'! But only for Ahmed!
Post Annual Report Undermines Mail Crisis Claims - 4 September 2014
Australia Post CEO Fahour unites big unions, small business to oppose service reductions
Stop Think Do in action
Australia Post job cuts, latest update
Thousands of workers injured at Post each year
Balancing work and family still key issue for women
Trial of new method to capture time for non-EPOS counter work
Modified tropical wet weather gear trial
Business and Union Alliance to Oppose Changes to Mail Delivery
CWU convinces Post that loss of a weeks pay is not on
Monitoring workers' health and safety at MPF and SPF
New tender on mobile material handling equipment
Union conducted HSR training
Australia Post provider of casual employees (Bluestone Global) goes into receivership
Licensed Post Office casual loading now 25% for all
Loss of pay not on says CWU
Parcel lockers for home
378 jobs set to be cut as early as September 2014
Workers angry at Australia Post proposed pay changes
Offshoring of member records and the Australian publics personal data
Australia Post wants you to work for nothing for 5 days
Update on 900 jobs cut from Australia Post
No Crisis at Aussie Post says The Australia Institute Report
Strong opposition to Australia Post's proposed pay changes
Changes to the NBC110 cc Motorcycle for Delivery Operations
Union Raises Smaller Seat for NBC110 with Post
Australia Post wants to change how you are paid
When did a 312 Million Dollar Profit Become a Crisis
CWU has met with Post on Retail Saturday work
CWU demands consultation over job cuts
Making a modern Australia Post award
Deeper sort breaks will impact on jobs in smaller States
Honda NBC110 - Member feedback on tyres and block pattern tyres
Is Australia Post serious about health and safety?
Trial for Honda NBC110 Intermediate Block Pattern Motorcycle Tyre
Your Union, Holding Aussie Post to account.
Post Job Cuts - Update
CWU lobbies federal politicians on importance of Community Service Obligations
Posts regional commitment part of softening up campaign for reduced mail services
Cutting mail services will hurt workers
Extension of weekend trading wont suit all retail workers
Demotion provision unfair says CWU
Last mile parcel delivery by PDO observations
Why have senior executives walked out at Post?
Digital Post shuts down
Critics of Australia Post's decision to sack 900 staff questioning CEO Ahmed Fahour's $4.8 million salary
Review of forms and process for recording actual ROM times
Australia Posts OHS performance how safe are your jobs?
Lifting and carrying in the Post Office
Action plan for Health and Safety Representatives
Australia Post to slash 900 Job’s according to media reports
Manual handling risks at top of union agenda in parcels expansion facilities
Household parcel boxes hailed as "greatest development" since mailbox
UK Logistics company launches evening delivery service
MPF/SPF expansion well underway
Federal Budget - who wins, who loses
Changes in Federal Budget to superannuation
Most Canadians want to keep door-to-door delivery
Meeting With Australia Post Senior Management Regarding Saturday Services
National Delivery Forum: Delivery of new equipment and concerns of the Honda NBC 110 Motorcycles
Major expansion of Australia Post services into the weekend
Audit Commission calls for Post privatisation
Vale Jim Armstrong
Members criticise changes to APSS - FAS freeze for many for years
Postal e-Bulletin 2014 - #6
Postal e-Bulletin 2014 - #5
Special Postal e-Bulletin
Postal e-Bulletin 2014 - #4
Postal e-Bulletin 2014 - #3
Postal e-Bulletin 2014 - #2.
Postal e-Bulletin 2014 - #1
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #22
Postal eBulletin 2013 - #21
Postal eBulletin 2013 - #20
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #19
Postal Special e-Bulletin 2013
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #18
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #17
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #16
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #15
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #14
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #13
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #12
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #11
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #10
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #9
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #8
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #7
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #6
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #5
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #4
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #3
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #2
Postal e-Bulletin 2013 - #1


Vehicle assessments at the Automotive Research Centre in Anglesea, Victoria
Minimum wage increase by 3.75%
ACTU calls for 5% increase to minimum wages
Anzac Day - 25 April 2024
International Women's Day - 8 March 2024
Happy New Year
Season's Greetings from the CWU National Office
Vale - Bernie Clarke
2023 - National Minimum Wage Increase
Zelda monument unveiled - 30 May 2023
ACTU - RBA makes yet another wrong call on rate rise
Anzac Day - 25 April 2023
ACTU calls for 7% increase to minimum wages
International Women's Day - 8 March 2023
RBA must stop rate rises - ACTU
World Compliment Day - 1 March 2023
Happy New Year
Season's Greetings from CWU National Office
Australia Post wages to rise by 6.1% under landmark Union inflation-busting deal
Vale Shane Morse
Amalgamation of CEPU NSW P&T, Queensland and SA/NT Communications Branches and also amalgamation of NSW T&S and VIC T&S Branches
Anzac Day - 25 April 2021
Eastern Australia floods
Australia Day - 26 January 2022
Season's Greetings from CWU National Office
Human Rights Day - 10 December 2021
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Remembrance Day - 11 November
ISGM cowards cut and run from obligations to workers
Injured Workers Day - 1 June 2021
International Women's Day 2021 – 8 March
Season's Greetings from CWU National Office
Telstra Purple Bargaining concludes - employee vote to occur imminently
MEDIA RELEASE - Problems at Australia Post go Deeper than Luxury Watches - Union
CEPU/CWU Submission to Senate Inquiry into the future of Australia Post's service delivery
Aust Post Pharmacy Home Delivery announcement a welcome move: Union
Meeting reminder
Coronavirus Update
Extreme weather – your rights
AEC declares 2019 national election results
Change the Government, Change the Rules: PROTEST APRIL 10
Members urged to carefully consider the impact of My Health Record
Reps training
Workers across the country march to Change The Rules
Health & Safety Representative Training Courses
Malcolm Turnbull has banned the Eureka Flag
10.8% for Malcolm's political foot-soldiers. 2% for everyone else
Keep Senator Cash out of our Unions
Australia wide all Union member survey – Change the Rules
Australians want to back businesses that back their workers
“Make It Fair” campaign briefing tonight – on Facebook Live
Big let-down for Scabby the Rat
Unions have win on casual work
Uber drivers challenge sham contracting
RBA wants workers to earn more
Minimum wage decision adds to penalty rates pain
Workers' share of national wealth at all-time low
AT&T workers win improvements in job security
AT&T workers strike for better conditions, job security
Wages growth now lower than inflation
Penalty rates cuts will hit regional economy says report
ACTU turns 90
Government abolishes 457 visas - but problems remain
Training, permanent employment the keys to skill shortage issues
Government announces head of new union-monitoring body
Unions push for $45 minimum wage increase
Senate moves to protect penalty rates
Behind the Samsung Galaxy: union busting and worker exploitation
Turnbull comes out of the long grass on penalty rates
The super-rich are getting richer
Women still working for less, report shows
Statement on the retirement of former NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch Secretary Jim Metcher
How would a $6000 per year pay cut affect you?
International Women's Day: 8 March
Optus needs to review pay levels, says CWU
Senate passes Turnbull government's anti-union legislation
Unions back Labor move for 457 visa review
Is your employer paying your super?
An (early) end-of-year greeting
Wage growth falls below 2%
White Ribbon Day: unions campaign for paid domestic violence leave
Unions to launch Make Australia Asbestos Free campaign.
Uber drivers employees, not contractors, says UK tribunal.
Australian smartphone penetration now 84%.
Victoria moves to regulate labour hire
Gender pay gap: no improvement in Australia in 20 years
Unions seek protections for digital economy workers
TPG results highlight NBN pricing issues
Hold a CUB-free grand final BBQ in support of sacked CEPU members
ACMA negotiations get formal reset
Workers' compensation scheme failing employees, says report
Australian men's earnings outstrip women's by as much as 20%
CUB dispute: labour hire firm quits
50 years since the Wave Hill walk-off
Vale Jojie Vivar
Wages growth hits new low
Border protection: asbestos let in, refugees kept out
Modern slavery: unions call for action
Pubs support sacked CUB workers
Workers made to sign anti-union contracts
Black lung: report finds "major system failures" in mining industry
Unions played major role in federal election result says analyst
Labor will crack down on labour hire
Coalition backs small business on "unfair" domestic violence leave
Youth employment: Coalition's PaTH a dead end, say unions
Unions welcome Labor stance on trade agreements
Foxconn replaces workers with robots
Verizon strike ends with major wins for union members
ACMA negotiations to continue, but vote on hold
Health and Safety training: know your rights
Wages growth at historic lows, youth unemployment high
Employer group wants awards gutted
Charges dropped against CFMEU's O'Connor
Verizon strike starts to bite
Budget 2016: intern plan "just about the worst idea ever"
Verizon strike enters fifth week
Productivity Commission to review USO
Verizon workers strike for job security
May Day 2016
Domestic violence: a union issue
Turnbull plays chicken with workers' rights
ACMA employees say NO to wage offer
Labor to introduce worker protection Bill
Employees to vote on ACMA agreement
Wage growth hits record low as unemployment rises
Senate to inquire into reappearance of Black Lung
Social media: employee's posts sink chances of reinstatement
Still no agreement on ACMA EA
Attention Health and Safety Representatives
Unions welcome Innovation Statement
Top executives now paid 50 times average earnings
The holiday season: bring it on!
CFMEU rallies to defend Vic officials against 'blackmail'
Unions campaign to secure local jobs
Black lung: Queensland goes back to the 19th century
New trade agreement threatens jobs say unions
Unions to fight for fair tax reform
Private sector wage growth the lowest on record
Superannuation: workers being cheated of $2.6 billion a year
Unions say NO to GST rise
Three workplace deaths a week in 2015
Labor wins changes to China trade deal
Sweden experiments with 6 hour working day
Facebook bullying
China free trade agreement will cost local jobs
Change in leader won't change Liberal's anti-worker agenda
Rail, tram and bus workers strike over poor pay
Workers sacked by midnight texts and emails
Cut Sunday penalty rates says Productivity Commission
Unions condemn proposed UK anti-union laws
Labor conference resolves to protect Australian jobs
Labor to move on FIFO conditions
Free Trade Agreements mean fewer Australian jobs say unions
UK government introduces new anti-union laws
China-Australia trade agreement poses safety risks say unions
Members vote for strong, independent union
Unions alarmed by China - Australia trade agreement
Hicks v CEPU - Federal Court Application
Unions to campaign against Abbott's agenda
Minimum wage rise not enough say unions
No jobs in federal budget, unions say
Temporary visas - a front for "slave labour"?
Victorian government to set up inquiry into labour exploitation
Government moves to sideline unions from national training bodies
Remembering injured workers
May Day 2015
Two years since the Rana Plaza tragedy: victims still waiting for compensation
BHP wants new limits on industrial action
Apple watch to arrive next month
Unemployment stuck above 6%
Thousands rally for national day of action
Back to the stone age: Abbott government threatens research funding
Fight for our Rights National Protest March 4th
Unions to rally against Abbott government policies
Abbott government attack on rights at work
International Women’s Day
A tale of two leaders
International Women's Day: March 8
ACMA bargaining recommences
Broadcast Australia: ABC cuts produce redundancies
Working In Heat
Xmas has (almost) come
Global wage report: productivity up, wages down
Gap between rich and poor growing under Abbott Government
Asbestos: unions will challenge James Hardie on compensation
China free trade agreement raises job concerns
Australian women earn 25% less than men
Work/life balance gets harder
Australian Unions Our Living Standards, Our Voice survey
Abbott government shows its hand on pay
Workers want compensation for unsocial hours study shows
Loose Load goes wrong
Asbestos awareness week: November 24 - 28
Stop Abbotts anti-worker laws!
Comcare highlights risks of remote and isolated work
USA today: wages fall while profits rise
Abbott government proposes new bargaining rules
Wireless No.1 threat to NBN says Switkowski
Unions resist employer push on annual leave
Government issues draft response to TPG broadband roll-out
Will we ever close the gap?
Bear at door: Canadian postman has fair excuse for failing to deliver parcel
Women of Influence award a reminder of issues Australian women still face at work
Government to investigate 457 visa fraud
Sol Trujillo in bid to buy Telecom Italia
Telstra reports on NBN training
SingTel in the spotlight over taxes
Government review opens door to more overseas labour
Up to 40 per cent of 457 visa holders underpaid or wrongly employed says Ombudsman
Government announces changes to VET sector
Unions campaign against government changes to labour laws
Tony Abbott wants to change the FWA and bring back Workchoices style laws
Help stop Tony Abbott from getting his changes and hurting millions of Australian workers
Coalition notched up its first 12 months in government
Is your employer paying you super?
Asbestos in customer premises - are you at risk?
Government moves to reduce redundancy entitlements
CWU member nominated for Comcare award
Team briefs used as evidence in disciplining workers
Charges laid in relation to ACT workplace fatality
Government must address 457 visa fraud allegations
Burnout linked to performance management
BHP worker wins record compensation for asbestos exposure
Danny Nickerson wanted cards for his birthday — he got 100,000
Off-shoring Campaign Press Release
Penalty rates: unions launch “Save Our Weekends Campaign”
CWU Members Re-instated 3 and a Half Years After Dismissal
Union-won wage and superannuation rises flows through to millions of workers
Tasmanian anti-protest legislation a threat to labour, civil rights
Unpaid overtime threatening productivity, report warns
Unpaid superannuation: a billion dollar problem
An Injury To One Is An Injury To All - RTBU
CWU refresher training for HSRs
Unions to continue fight for weekend penalty rates
CWU President calls for community action against Abbott budget
Involuntary redundancy - always contact your branch
Government cant promise equality says Hockey
Rising income and wealth inequality, a central economic truth of our time.
Restaurant owner paid young employees in pizza and soft drink
Unions march against Hockey budget
Bust The Budget Protest in Melbourne
3 percent minimum wage rise inadequate, say unions
Unions call for clarity on asbestos agency future
Telstra targets Asia for expansion
Telstra throws lifeline to ICT research organisation
Abbott government rules out privatisation of Australia Post while Royal Mint is up for sale
Telstra to build major Wi-Fi network
Optus increases profits on back of staff cuts.
Slash and burn: Abbott releases Commission of Audit Report
457 review: Stand up for Australian jobs and training opportunities
Your Union Petition
Changes to Australia Post superannuation – AWOTE indexation
Telstra throws down fibre challenge
Would you support or oppose privatisation?
Mixed messages on Telstra jobs.
Telstra results pose questions for the future.
Telstra to outsource more network functions
Hands Off Aussie Post Rally at Geelong North Victoria
Clive Palmer speaks out strongly about Australia Post privatisation
Clive Palmer condemns 'secret' Australia Post sale plan
Napthine's Silencing Act
Australia Post 3 Day Proposed Service
Turnbull and Australia Post Must Rule Out Service Cuts
Save our Posties
Sensis Sell Off
Be Careful in Heatwave.
CWUnion launch their new website


The World Health Organization recognises occupational burn-out.
What is a Work Health and Safety Entry Permit Holder?
Powers of a Health and Safety Representative

Website Design by MODD

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