【论文翻译】Task Difficulty Aware Parameter Allocation & Regularization for Lifelong Learning

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Task Difficulty Aware Parameter Allocation & Regularization for Lifelong Learning



Recently, many parameter regularization or allocation methods have been proposed to overcome catastrophic forgetting in lifelong learning. However, they treat all tasks in a sequence equally and solve them uniformly, ignoring differences in the learning difficulty of different tasks. This results in significant forgetting in parameter regularization when learning a new task very different from learned tasks, and also leads to unnecessary parameter overhead in parameter allocation when learning simple tasks. Instead, a natural idea is allowing the model adaptively select an appropriate strategy from parameter allocation and parameter regularization according to the learning difficulty of each task. To this end, we propose a new lifelong learning framework named Parameter Allocation & Regularization (PAR) based on two core concepts: task group and expert. A task group consists of multiple relevant tasks that have been learned by the same expert. A new task is easy for an expert if it is relevant to the corresponding task group, and we reuse the expert for it by parameter regularization. Conversely, a new task is difficult for the model if all task groups are not relevant to it, then we treat it as a new task group and allocate a new expert for it. To measure the relevance between tasks, we propose a divergence estimation method via Nearest-Prototype distance. To reduce the parameter overhead of experts, we propose a time efficient relevance-aware sampling-based architecture search strategy. Experimental results on 6 benchmarks show that, compared with SOTAs, our method is scalable and significantly reduces the model redundancy while improving the model performance. Further, qualitative analysis shows that the task relevance obtained by our method is reasonable.


Figure 1: In lifelong learning, the learning difficulty of each task is different and depends not only on itself but also on tasks the model has learned before. A natural idea is to allow the model adaptively select an appropriate strategy to handle each task according to its learning difficulty. For example, task𝑇2 (Reptiles) is easy for the model that has learned task𝑇1 (Large carnivores) and parameter regularization is sufficient to adapt to it. On the contrary, task 𝑇3 (fruit and vegetables) is still difficult for the model that has learned tasks 𝑇1 and 𝑇2 and parameter allocation is necessary for it.    在终身学习中,每个任务的学习难度是不同的,不仅取决于任务本身,还取决于模型以前学习过的任务。一个自然的想法是允许模型根据学习难度自适应地选择适当的策略来处理每个任务。例如,任务𝑇2(爬行动物)对于学习过任务的模型来说很容易𝑇1(大型食肉动物)和参数正则化足以适应它。相反,任务𝑇3(水果和蔬菜)对于学习过任务的模型来说仍然很难𝑇1和𝑇2.参数分配是必要的。 


Recently, the lifelong learning[11] ability of neural networks, i.e.,learning continuously from a continuous sequence of tasks, has been extensively studied. It is natural for human beings to constantly learn and accumulate knowledge from tasks and then use it to facilitate future learning. However, existing classical models [17, 22] suffer catastrophic forgetting [15], in which the model’s performance on learned tasks deteriorates rapidly after learning a new one.


To overcome the catastrophic forgetting, many lifelong learning methods have been proposed (more details in Section 2). Parameter regularization methods [12, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32] try to alleviate forgetting by introducing a regularization term in the loss function and perform well when the new task does not differ much from learned tasks. Parameter allocation methods based on static models [9, 19, 36, 42] and dynamic models [2, 24, 28, 30, 34, 35, 40, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53] allocate different parameters to different tasks and can adapt to new tasks that are quite different from the tasks learned before.

为了克服灾难性遗忘,人们提出了许多终身学习方法(更多细节见第2节)。参数正则化方法[12,20,23,25,27,29,32]试图通过在损失函数中引入正则化项来缓解遗忘,并且在新任务与学习任务没有太大差异时表现良好。基于静态模型[9,19,36,42]和动态模型[2,24,28,30,34,35,40,44,45,47, 50,53]的参数分配方法为不同的任务分配不同的参数,并且能够适应与之前学习的任务有很大不同的新任务。

However, they treat all tasks in a sequence equally and try to solve them uniformly, and ignore differences in the learning difficulty of different tasks in the sequence. This results in significant forgetting of parameter regularization methods when learning a new task that is very different from learned tasks, and also leads to unnecessary parameter overhead of parameter allocation methods when learning some simple tasks.


Instead, a natural idea is to allow the model to adaptively select an appropriate strategy from parameter allocation and parameter regularization for each task according to its learning difficulty. In this paper, we propose a new lifelong learning framework named Parameter Allocation & Regularization (PAR) based on two core concepts: task group and expert, where a task group consists of multiple relevant tasks that have been learned by the same expert. Based on the above two concepts, we adaptively tackle different tasks with different strategies according to their difficulty. Specifically, a new task is easy for an expert if it is relevant to the corresponding task group of the expert, and we reuse the expert for it by parameter regularization. Conversely, a new task is difficult for the model if all task groups are not relevant to it, then we treat it as a new task group and allocate a new expert for it.


The main challenges of our method are (1) how to measure the relevance between tasks and (2) how to control the parameter overhead associated with parameter allocation. For challenge (1), we measure the relevance between two tasks by the distance between their feature distributions. Since only the data of the current task is available in the lifelong learning scenario, we cannot measure the distance between the feature distributions of two tasks directly by similarity functions that requires data from both tasks, such as cosine, KL divergence or 𝐿𝑝 norm. To solve this problem, we propose a divergence estimation method based on prototype distance. For challenge (2), we control the overall parameter overhead by reducing the number of parameters per expert model. Specifically, we search the appropriate model architecture for each expert to make sure it is compact enough. Because lifelong learning algorithms need to deal with a sequence of tasks, in this scenario, the low time and memory efficiency of architectural search algorithms is a great obstacle. To solve this problem, we propose a relevanceaware sampling-based architecture search strategy, which is time and memory efficient.

我们的方法面临的主要挑战是:(1)如何测量任务之间的相关性;(2)如何控制与参数分配相关的参数开销。对于挑战(1),我们通过两个任务的特征分布之间的距离来衡量它们之间的相关性。由于终身学习场景中只有当前任务的数据可用,因此我们无法通过需要两个任务数据的相似性函数(如余弦、KL散度或方差)直接测量两个任务的特征分布之间的距离𝐿𝑝 标准。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于原型距离的散度估计方法。对于挑战(2),我们通过减少每个专家模型的参数数量来控制总体参数开销。具体来说,我们为每位专家搜索合适的模型体系结构,以确保其足够紧凑。由于终身学习算法需要处理一系列任务,在这种情况下,体系结构搜索算法的低时间和内存效率是一个很大的障碍。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于相关软件采样的架构搜索策略,该策略既节省时间又节省内存。

Our main contributions are summarized as follows:
(1) To adaptively select an appropriate strategy from parameter allocation and parameter regularization for each task according to its learning difficulty, we propose a new lifelong learning framework named Parameter Allocation & Regularization (PAR) based on two core concepts: task group and expert. With these two concepts, our method can flexibly reuse an existing expert or assign a new expert for a new tasks according to the relevance between the new task
and existing task groups.
(2) To measure the relevance between tasks and control the overall parameter overhead, we propose a divergence estimation method based on prototype distance and a relevance-aware sampling-based architecture search strategy.
(3) Experimental results on multiple benchmarks, including CTrL, Mixed CIFAR100 and F-CelebA, CIFAR10-5, CIFAR100-10, CIFAR100-20 and MiniImageNet-20, show that our method is scalable and significantly reduces the redundancy of the model while improving the performance of the model. Exhaustive ablation studies show that each component in our method is valid. Further, analyses of divergence estimation show that task relevance obtained by our method is reasonable.

(1) 为了根据每个任务的学习难度,从参数分配和参数正则化中自适应地选择合适的策略,我们基于任务组和专家两个核心概念,提出了一个新的终身学习框架参数分配与正则化(PAR)。有了这两个概念,我们的方法可以灵活地重用现有专家或根据新任务之间的相关性为新任务指派新专家
(2) 为了测量任务之间的相关性并控制总体参数开销,我们提出了一种基于原型距离的散度估计方法和一种基于相关性感知采样的架构搜索策略。
(3) 在CTrL、Mixed CIFAR100和F-CelebA、CIFAR10-5、CIFAR100-10、CIFAR100-20和MiniImageNet-20等多个基准上的实验结果表明,我们的方法具有可扩展性,显著减少了模型的冗余,同时提高了模型的性能。详尽的烧蚀研究表明,我们方法中的每个成分都是有效的。此外,对散度估计的分析表明,该方法得到的任务相关性是合理的。

2  相关工作

2.1 Lifelong Learning

Many methods have been proposed to overcome catastrophic forgetting. Replay methods try to replay samples of previous tasks when learning a new task from an episodic memory [37, 46] or a generative memory [3, 33, 43]. Parameter regularization methods [12, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32], including prior-focused regularization and data-focused regularization, try to alleviate forgetting by introducing a regularization term in the loss function of new tasks. Parameter allocation methods based on the static model [9, 19, 36, 42] or dynamic model [2, 24, 28, 30, 34, 35, 40, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53] overcome catastrophic forgetting by allocating different parameters to different tasks. In addition, [18, 39] propose to directly learn a model that performs well in the lifelong learning scenario by meta-learning methods. [10, 51] focus on the problem of data imbalance during lifelong learning. [31] focuses on the effect of training regimes in lifelong learning. Further, the problem of lifelong learning is studied in richer scenarios [4, 16]


2.2 Cell-based NAS

Neural architecture search (NAS) [14, 38] aims to search for efficient neural network architectures from a predefined search space in a data-driven manner. To reduce the size of the search space, cellbased NAS methods [26, 54, 55] try to search for a cell architecture from a predefined cell search space, where a cell is defined as a tiny convolutional network mapping an 𝐻 ×𝑊 ×𝐹 tensor to another 𝐻 ′×𝑊 ′×𝐹 ′. The final model consists of a predefined number of stacked cells. The cell in NAS is similar to the concept of residual block in the residual network but with a more complex architecture, which is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Since operations in the search space are parameter efficient, the architectures obtained by NAS are usually more compact than hand-crafted architectures. In this paper, we adopt cell-based NAS to search compact cell architectures for experts, which reduces the parameter overhead in the parameter allocation phase.

神经架构搜索(NAS)[14,38]旨在以数据驱动的方式从预定义的搜索空间中搜索高效的神经网络架构。为了减少搜索空间的大小,基于单元的NAS方法[26、54、55]尝试从预定义的单元搜索空间中搜索单元架构,其中单元被定义为映射𝐻 ×𝑊 ×𝐹 张量𝐻 ′×𝑊 ′×𝐹 ′. 最终的模型由预定义数量的堆叠单元组成。NAS中的单元类似于剩余网络中剩余块的概念,但具有更复杂的体系结构,即有向无环图(DAG)。由于搜索空间中的操作具有参数效率,NAS获得的体系结构通常比手工构建的体系结构更紧凑。在本文中,我们采用基于小区的NAS为专家搜索紧凑的小区体系结构,这减少了参数分配阶段的参数开销。

2.3 Comparison and Discussion

Methods with task relevance. ExpertGate [2] and CAT [19] also consider task relatedness but with a different focus than ours. (i) The calculation of task relevance in our method is different from them; (ii) We focus on the relevance between the new task and each existing task groups, but ExpertGate focus on the relatedness between the new task and each previous task; (iii) ExpertGate assigns a dedicated expert to each task, but each expert in our method are shared by tasks in the same group; CAT [19] defines the task similarity by the positive knowledge transfer. It focuses on selectively transferring the knowledge from similar previous tasks and dealing with forgetting between dissimilar tasks by hard attention.

具有任务相关性的方法。 ExpertGate〔2〕和CAT〔19〕也考虑了任务关联性,但与我们的关注点不同。(i) 我们的方法对任务相关性的计算不同于它们;(ii)我们关注新任务与每个现有任务组之间的相关性,而ExpertGate关注新任务与每个先前任务之间的相关性;(iii)ExpertGate为每项任务指定一位专门的专家,但我们方法中的每一位专家都由同一组中的任务共享;CAT[19]通过正向知识转移定义了任务相似性。它侧重于有选择地转移以前类似任务中的知识,并通过硬注意处理不同任务之间的遗忘。

Methods with NAS. [9, 36] try to search a sub-model for each task with NAS methods. [24, 47, 52] adopt NAS approaches to select the appropriate model expansion strategy for each task and face the high GPU memory, parameter, and time overhead. Different from the above methods, we adopt the cell-based NAS to search a compact architecture for each expert with the lower GPU memory and parameter overhead. We also adopt a cell sharing strategy among experts to reduce the time overhead.


3 方法

3.1 Problem Formulation and Method Overview

There are two scenarios for lifelong learning: class incremental learning and task incremental learning. In this paper, we focus on the task incremental scenario, where the task id of each sample is available during both the training and inference. Specifically, given a sequence of N tasks, denoted as T = {𝑇1, . . . ,𝑇𝑡, . . . ,𝑇𝑁 }, a model needs to learn them one by one. Each task 𝑇𝑡 has a training dataset, 𝐷𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = {(𝑥𝑖𝑡,𝑦𝑖𝑡 );𝑖 = 1, . . . , 𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛}, where 𝑦𝑖𝑡 is the true label and 𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 is the number of training examples. Similarly, we can denote the validation and test dataset of task 𝑇𝑡 as 𝐷𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑 and 𝐷𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡 .

终身学习有两种场景:类增量学习和任务增量学习。在本文中,我们关注任务增量场景,其中每个样本的任务id在训练和推理期间都可用。具体来说,给定N个任务的序列,表示为T = {𝑇1, . . . ,𝑇𝑡, . . . ,𝑇𝑁 }, 模型需要一个接一个地学习。每项任务𝑇𝑡 有一个训练数据集,, 其中是真正的标签和是训练示例的数量。同样,我们可以表示任务的验证和测试数据集𝑇𝑡 如 .

The key idea in our method is to allow the model to adaptively select an appropriate strategy from parameter allocation and parameter regularization according to the learning difficulty of each new task to overcome the catastrophic forgetting. Our method consists of two core concepts: task group and expert. A task group consists of multiple relevant tasks that have been learned by the same expert. Based on above concepts, we can measure the learning difficulty of each task according to the relevance between the tasks and existing task groups. A new task is easy for an expert if it is relevant to the corresponding task group of the expert, and we reuse the expert for it by parameter regularization. Conversely, a new task is difficult for the model if all task groups are not relevant to it, then we treat it as a new task group and allocate a new expert for it.


Specifically, for each new task, we measure the relevance between the new task and existing task groups by a divergence estimation method based on prototype distance and select an appropriate strategy from parameter regularization and parameter allocation according to the relevance (Sect. 3.2). For parameter regularization, we allow the new task reuse the expert of the most relevance task group. Depending on the scale of the new task and previous learned tasks, knowledge distillation and parameter freezing are used to mitigate forgetting, respectively. For parameter allocation, we build a new task group for the new task and allocate a new expert. To reduce the parameter overhead of experts, we propose a relevanceaware sampling-based architecture search strategy, which is time efficient and ensures the architecture of each expert is compact. Each expert in our method is stacked with multiple modules of the same architecture. Following the common practice in NAS, we call such a module a cell. Therefore, searching the appropriate architecture for the expert is equivalent to searching the appropriate cell.


3.2 Task Relevance and Strategy

In our method, we use the relevance between the new task and existing task groups to measure the task learning difficulty. Specifically, we adopt the distance between the distribution of data of two tasks as the relevance score between two tasks. However, in the lifelong learning scenario, only the data of the current task is available. So we cannot measure the distance directly by similarity functions that requires data from both tasks, such as cosine, KL divergence or 𝐿𝑝 norm. To solve this problem, we propose a divergence estimation method via prototype distance, which is inspired by the divergence estimation via 𝑘-Nearest-Neighbor distances [49].

在我们的方法中,我们使用新任务和现有任务组之间的相关性来测量任务学习难度。具体来说,我们采用两个任务的数据分布之间的距离作为两个任务之间的相关性得分。然而,在终身学习场景中,只有当前任务的数据可用。因此,我们无法通过相似性函数直接测量距离,而相似性函数需要来自两个任务的数据,例如余弦、KL散度或距离𝐿𝑝 标准。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于原型距离的散度估计方法,该方法受到了基于原型距离的散度估计的启发𝑘-最近邻距离[49]。

Before getting into the details, we denote the new task as 𝑇𝑡 and the set of existing task groups as G. Then, the 𝑖-th task group is denoted as G𝑖 and the 𝑗-th task in group G𝑖 is denoted as 𝑇𝑗𝑖. The details of relevance calculation and task difficulty aware strategy is as follows:

在讨论细节之前,我们将新任务表示为𝑇𝑡 ,现有任务组的集合为G。然后第𝑖个任务组被表示为G𝑖 ,G𝑖的第𝑗个任务表示为. 相关性计算和任务难度感知策略的细节如下:

Robust data representation. To enhance the stability of relevance calculation, we use a extractor, i.e. ResNet18 pre-trained on ImageNet, to generate a robust feature 𝑋𝑖𝑡 for each image 𝑥𝑖𝑡 . Note that the pre-trained extractor is only used for relevance calculation and does not affect the learning of tasks. The extra parameters introduced by this extractor are fixed and do not increase with the number of tasks, so it does not affect the scalability of our method .

稳健的数据表示。为了增强相关性计算的稳定性,我们使用了一个提取器,即在ImageNet上预训练的ResNet18,来生成一个健壮的特征对于每个图像 . 请注意,预先训练的提取器仅用于相关性计算,不影响任务的学习。这个提取器引入的额外参数是固定的,不会随着任务数量的增加而增加,因此它不会影响我们方法的可伸缩性。

Divergence estimation via 𝑘-Nearest-Neighbor distances. Suppose that the robust features 𝑋𝑖 = {𝑋1𝑖, . . . , 𝑋𝑛𝑖 } and 𝑋 𝑗 = {𝑋1𝑗, . . . , 𝑋𝑚𝑗 } of two task 𝑇𝑖 and 𝑇𝑗 , where 𝑛 and 𝑚 are the number of samples, are drawn independently from distributions 𝑞𝑖 and 𝑞𝑗 respectively, [49] shows that KL divergence between two distributions can be estimated as follows:

发散度估计𝑘-最近邻距离。假设健壮的特征两个任务中的一个𝑇𝑖 和𝑇𝑗 , 其中𝑛 和𝑚 是独立于分布提取的样本数𝑞𝑖 和𝑞𝑗 [49]分别表明,两个分布之间的KL差异可以估计如下:

where 𝜌𝑘 (𝑙) is the Euclidean distance from 𝑋𝑙𝑖 to its𝑘-NN in {𝑋𝑧𝑖 }𝑧≠𝑙 , 𝜈𝑘 (𝑙) is the distance from 𝑋𝑙𝑖 to its 𝑘-NN in 𝑋 𝑗 , and 𝑑 is the dimension of features. Readers can refer to [49] for more details such as convergence analysis. However, the calculation of formula (1) involves data of two tasks, which is not consistent with the lifelong learning scenario. We adapt formula (1) into lifelong learning by replace 𝑘-NN distances with Nearest-Prototype distances.

其中𝜌𝑘 (𝑙) 是的欧几里得距离到它中的𝑘-NN  , 𝜈𝑘 (𝑙) 距离是 到它 𝑋 𝑗中的𝑘-NN , 𝑑 是特征的维度。读者可以参考[49]了解更多细节,如收敛分析。然而,公式(1)的计算涉及两项任务的数据,这与终身学习情景不一致。我们通过替换将公式(1)调整为终身学习𝑘-NN距离与最近的原型距离。

Divergence estimation via Nearest-Prototype distances. For each class 𝑐 of task 𝑇𝑖, we maintain a prototype feature 𝑋𝑐𝑖, which is the mean of features of samples that belong to this class. Suppose the set of classes in task 𝑇𝑖 is 𝐶𝑖, then the Nearest-Prototype distance of 𝑋𝑖 𝑙 to 𝑋𝑖 is defined as follows:

通过最近的原型距离进行散度估计。每个类别𝑐 任务范围𝑇𝑖, 我们维护一个原型功能, 这是属于这个类别的样本特征的平均值。假设任务中有一组类𝑇𝑖 是𝐶𝑖, 那么最接近的原型距离到𝑋𝑖 定义如下:

where || · || is the Euclidean distance. Similarly, we the NearestPrototype distance of 𝑋𝑙𝑖 to 𝑋 𝑗 is denoted as

其中| |·| |是欧几里得距离。同样地,我们也得到了 到𝑋 𝑗 表示为

where 𝐶𝑗 is the set of classes in task 𝑇𝑗 . By replacing 𝑘-Nearestdistances in formula (1) with Nearest-Prototype distances, we estimate KL divergence between two distributions as follows: 

其中𝐶𝑗 是任务中的一组类𝑇𝑗 . 通过替换𝑘-在公式(1)中,利用最近的原型距离,我们估计两个分布之间的KL散度,如下所示:

For simplicity, we omit some constant terms, because we are only concerned with the relative magnitude of KL divergence.


Task distance. We directly use the divergence between two task 𝑇𝑖 and 𝑇𝑗 estimated by formula (4) as the distance between them.

任务距离。我们直接使用两个任务之间的差异𝑇𝑖 和𝑇𝑗 通过公式(4)估算为它们之间的距离。

The more relevant the two tasks are, the smaller the task distance is; otherwise, the larger the task distance is. Then, the distance between a task 𝑇𝑖 and a task group G𝑔 is calculated as follows:

两个任务的相关性越大,任务距离越小;否则,任务距离越大。然后,任务之间的距离𝑇𝑖 和一个工作组G𝑔 计算如下:

 where 𝑞𝑖 and 𝑞𝑗 represent feature distributions of task 𝑇𝑖 and the 𝑗-th task in group G𝑔.

其中𝑞𝑖 和𝑞𝑗 表示任务的特征分布𝑇𝑖 还有第𝑗组的第四项任务G𝑔.

Adaptive learning strategy for new task 𝑇𝑡 . We denote the task group most relevant to the new task 𝑇𝑡 , i.e. the task group with the lowest task distance with task 𝑇𝑡 , as G𝑔∗ and the corresponding relevance score is denoted as. To select a strategy for task 𝑇𝑡 , we introduce a hyper-parameter 𝛼. When ≤ 𝛼, the new task is sufficiently relevant to the task group G𝑔∗. Then, we add the new task into group G𝑔∗ and reuse the expert of this group, denoted as 𝐸𝑔 ∗, for the new task by parameter regularization (Sect. 3.3). On the contrary, when > 𝛼, the new task is not relevant to all existing task groups. Then, we create a new task group for it and adopt parameter allocation to learn it (Sect. 3.4).

适应新任务的学习策略𝑇𝑡 . 我们表示与新任务最相关的任务组𝑇𝑡 , 也就是与任务距离最小的任务组𝑇𝑡 , 作为G𝑔∗ 相应的相关性得分表示为. 为任务选择策略𝑇𝑡 , 我们引入了一个超参数𝛼. 什么时候 ≤ 𝛼, 新任务与任务组G有足够的相关性𝑔∗. 然后,我们将新任务添加到G组中𝑔∗ 重复使用该组的专家,表示为𝐸𝑔 ∗, 对于通过参数正则化的新任务(第3.3节)。相反,当 > 𝛼, 新任务与所有现有任务组无关。然后,我们为它创建一个新的任务组,并采用参数分配来学习它(第3.4节)。

Failure of task distance. When the number of samples in a task is very small, such as only several samples, the task distance obtained by our method may not be accurate enough. The reason is that bias and variance in formula (1) vanish as sample sizes increase [49]. To avoid the above problem, we directly use parameter regularization for tasks with small data, regardless of task distance.


 3.3 Parameter Regularization

When new task 𝑇𝑡 is easy for the expert 𝐸𝑔∗, we reuse the expert to learn the new task by parameter regularization.

新任务何时开始𝑇𝑡 这对专家来说很容易𝐸𝑔∗, 我们通过参数正则化重用专家学习新任务。

Inspired by LwF [25], we adopt a data-focused parameter regularization method based on knowledge distillation. Specifically, the loss function consists of two parts: training loss L𝑛𝑒𝑤 and distillation loss L𝑜𝑙𝑑 . The training loss, i.e. the cross-entropy for classification, encourages expert 𝐸𝑔∗ to adapt to the new task 𝑇𝑡 and is as follows:

受LwF[25]的启发,我们采用了一种基于知识蒸馏的以数据为中心的参数正则化方法。具体来说,损失函数由两部分组成:训练损失L𝑛𝑒𝑤 蒸馏损失L𝑜𝑙𝑑 . 训练损失,即分类的交叉熵,鼓励专家𝐸𝑔∗ 适应新任务𝑇𝑡 详情如下:

The distillation loss encourages the expert 𝐸𝑔∗ to maintain its performance on previous tasks in the same task group. Specifically, we hope that for the same sample, the value on the output head of each previous task in expert 𝐸𝑔∗ will remain unchanged as far as possible before and after the learning of task 𝑇𝑡 . Before training, we record the value of the output head of each previous task 𝑇𝑗 for each sample 𝑥 of task 𝑇𝑡 and denote it as y𝑗 . So the distillation loss is as follows:

蒸馏损失鼓励了专家𝐸𝑔∗ 保持其在同一任务组中以前任务的性能。具体来说,我们希望对于同一个样本,专家组中每个前一个任务的输出头上的值𝐸𝑔∗ 学习任务𝑇𝑡 前后尽可能保持不变。在训练之前,我们记录每个之前任务的输出头值𝑇𝑗 对于每个样本𝑥 任务范围𝑇𝑡 并表示为y𝑗 . 因此,蒸馏损失如下:

where y𝑗 and are vectors with lengths equal to the number of categories of the previous task 𝑇𝑗 . The total loss is

 其中y𝑗 和是向量的长度是否等于上一个任务的类别数𝑇𝑗 . 全部损失是 

where 𝜆 is a hyper-parameter to balance training loss and distillation loss. Not that our method is without memory and does not require storing samples for previous tasks.

其中𝜆 是平衡训练损失和蒸馏损失的超参数。并不是说我们的方法没有内存,也不需要存储以前任务的样本。 

Although the new task 𝑇𝑡 is relevant to the task group G𝑔∗, when the number of samples of the new task is far less than tasks in the group, it may cause the over-fitting of expert 𝐸𝑔∗, leading to interference with previously accumulated knowledge in the expert. Therefore, we record the maximum number of samples of tasks in a task group. Suppose the maximum number in group G𝑔∗ is 𝑄, then, if the number of samples in the new task is less than 10 percent of 𝑄, we fix the parameters of expert 𝐸𝑔∗ and only the task-specific classification head is learnable. Since the new task is sufficiently relevant to the task group, by transferring the existing knowledge in expert 𝐸𝑔∗, updating only the the classification header is sufficient to adapt to the new task.

虽然新任务𝑇𝑡 与工作组G𝑔∗有关, 当新任务的样本数远远少于组中的任务时,可能会导致专家𝐸𝑔∗的过度拟合, 导致干扰专家先前积累的知识。因此,我们记录任务组中任务的最大样本数。假设G𝑔∗组中的最大数是𝑄, 然后,如果新任务中的样本数小于𝑄, 我们确定专家的参数𝐸𝑔∗ 只有特定于任务的分类负责人是可学习的由于新任务与任务组有足够的相关性,因此可以通过专家系统转移现有知识𝐸𝑔∗, 仅更新分类头就足以适应新任务

3.4 Parameter Allocation

When all task groups are not relevant to the new task 𝑇𝑡 , suppose the number of existing task groups is 𝑀, we regard the new task as a new task group G𝑀+1 and assign a new expert 𝐸𝑀+1 for it. We adopt the cross-entropy for the classification problem and the loss function of task 𝑇𝑡 is as follows:

所有任务组与新任务不相关时𝑇𝑡 , 假设现有任务组的数量为𝑀, 我们将新任务视为一个新的任务组G𝑀+1.指派新的专家𝐸𝑀+1。我们采用交叉熵来处理分类问题,任务的损失函数𝑇𝑡 详情如下:

In our method, the number of experts and parameters are proportional to the number of task groups, mitigating the growth of parameter overhead. To further reduce the overhead of each expert, we adopt NAS to search for compact architectures for experts. Each expert in our method is stacked with multiple cells and the search for architecture is equivalent to the search for the appropriate cell. Since the time overhead of NAS becomes unbearable as the number of tasks increases, to improve the efficiency of architectural search in lifelong learning, we propose a relevance-aware sampling-based architecture search strategy. Specifically, as shown in Figure 2, we construct a hierarchical search space. The coarse-grained search space contains cells used by existing experts and an unknown cell which will be searched from the fine-grained search space. Following the common practice [26, 54], the fine-grained search space is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with 7 nodes (two input nodes 𝑖1,𝑖2, an ordered sequence of intermediate nodes 𝑛1, 𝑛2, 𝑛3, 𝑛4, and an output node). The input nodes are defined as the outputs in the previous two layers and the output is concatenated from intermediate nodes. Each intermediate node is connected to all of its predecessors by directed candidate edges, which are associated with several candidate operations that are efficient in terms of the number of parameters.


Figure 2: The architecture of Parameter Allocation & Regularization (PAR). Given a new task 𝑇5, we first calculate the distance between it and existing task groups. Each task group has a expert shared by tasks in this group. Then we select a strategy from parameter regularization and parameter allocation according to the task distance. For parameter regularization, we add the new task into a task group and reuse the corresponding expert for it. For parameter allocation, we propose a architecture search strategy based on a hierarchical search space. The coarse-grained search space contains cells used by existing experts and an unknown cell which will be searched from the fine-grained search space. 


To search a cell for the new task, at first, we introduce a hyperparameter 𝛽. When ≤ 𝛽, we directly reuse the cell of expert 𝐸𝑔∗ for the task 𝑇𝑡 . A task distance greater than 𝛼 and less than 𝛽 indicates that the new task is not enough to share the expert with group G𝑔∗, but can use the same architecture. When 𝑠𝑡,𝑔∗ > 𝛽, we assign the unknown cell to the new expert and adopt an samplingbased NAS method MDL [54] to determine it. Specifically, for each candidate edge, we denote the probability, sampling epochs, and most recent performance of its candidate operations as 𝑃, H𝑒, and H𝑎 respectively, each of which is a real-valued column vector of length 8. We update them through multiple epochs of sampling to obtain a compact cell. In each epoch, to update H𝑒 and H𝑎, we sample an operation for each edge to form a cell and evaluate it by training a model stacked by it one epoch. Then, to update the probability 𝑃, we define the differential of sampling epochs as a 8×8 matrix ΔH𝑒 where. Similarly, we define the differential of performance as ΔH𝑎. The probability 𝑃 is updated as follows:

为了在单元格中搜索新任务,我们首先引入一个超参数𝛽。 ≤ 𝛽时, 为了完成任务𝑇𝑡 ,我们直接重用专家的单元𝐸𝑔∗。 任务距离大于𝛼 不到𝛽 表示新任务不足以与任务组G𝑔∗共享专家, 但是可以使用相同的架构。当> 𝛽时, 我们将未知单元格分配给新的专家,并采用基于抽样的NAS方法MDL[54]来确定它。具体来说,对于每个候选边,我们将其候选操作的概率、采样时间和最新性能分别表示为𝑃, H𝑒, H𝑎 ,每个都是长度为8的实值列向量。我们通过多次采样来更新它们,以获得一个紧凑的单元。在每个epoch,更新H𝑒 H𝑎, 我们对每条边进行一次操作采样,形成一个单元,并通过训练一个由其叠加的模型来评估它。然后,更新概率𝑃, 我们将采样周期的微分定义为8×8矩阵ΔH𝑒 式中. 同样,我们将性能差定义为ΔH𝑎. 概率𝑃 更新如下:

where 𝛾 is a hyper-parameter and I is the indicator function. The probabilities of operations with fewer sampling epochs and higher performance are enhanced and vice versa. For the final cell, operation with the highest probability in each edge is selected, then edges with top-2 probabilities for each intermediate node are used. The node value is equal to element-wise addition of results of these edges.

𝛾 是一个超参数,I是指示函数。采样周期更少、性能更高的操作概率也会提高,反之亦然。对于最后一个小区,选择每个边缘中概率最高的操作,然后使用每个中间节点概率为 top-2 的边缘。节点值等于这些边的结果按元素相加。 

4 实验

4.1 Experimental Settings

Benchmarks. To evaluate the performance of our method, we conduct experiments on multiple benchmarks for task incremental learning. At first, we evaluate our method on two benchmarks containing a sequence of mixed similar and dissimilar tasks, including CTrL [47] and Mixed CIFAR100 and F-CelebA [19]. CTrL [47] includes 6 streams of visual image classification tasks. If 𝑡 is a task in the stream, CTrL denotes a task as 𝑡− and 𝑡+ whose data is sampled from the same distribution as 𝑡, but with a much smaller or larger labeled dataset, respectively. Moreover, 𝑡 ′ and 𝑡 ′′ are tasks that are similar to task 𝑡, while there are no relation between 𝑡𝑖 and 𝑡𝑗 for all 𝑖 ≠ 𝑗. Then, the 6 streams in CTrl are as follows: 𝑆− = (𝑡1+, 𝑡2, 𝑡3, 𝑡4, 𝑡5, 𝑡1−) is used to evaluate the ability of direct transfer; 𝑆+ = (𝑡1−, 𝑡2, 𝑡3, 𝑡4, 𝑡5, 𝑡1+) is used to evaluate the ability of knowledge update; 𝑆in = (𝑡1, 𝑡2, 𝑡3, 𝑡4, 𝑡5, 𝑡1′) and 𝑆out = (𝑡1, 𝑡2, 𝑡3, 𝑡4, 𝑡5, 𝑡1′′) are used to evaluate the transfer to similar input and output distributions respectively; 𝑆pl = (𝑡1, 𝑡2, 𝑡3, 𝑡4, 𝑡5) is used to evaluate the plasticity; 𝑆long consists of 100 tasks and is used to evaluate the scalability. Similarly, Mixed CIFAR100 and F-CelebA [19] including mixed similar tasks from F-CelebA and dissimilar tasks from CIFAR100 [21]. F-CelebA consists of 10 tasks selected from LEAF [5] that containing images of a celebrity labeled by whether he/she is smiling or not. CIFAR100 is split to 10 tasks and each task has 10 classes. Further, we conduct experiments on classical task incremental learning benchmarks including CIFAR10- 5, CIFAR100-10, CIFAR100-20 and MiniImageNet-20. CIFAR10-5 is constructed by dividing CIFAR10 [21] into 5 tasks and each task has 2 classes. Similarly, CIFAR100-10 and CIFAR100-20 are constructed by dividing CIFAR100 [21] into 10 tasks with 10 classes and 20 tasks with 5 classes respectively. MiniImageNet-20 is constructed by dividing MiniImageNet [48] into 20 tasks and each task has 5 classes.

基准。为了评估我们的方法的性能,我们在多个任务增量学习基准上进行了实验。首先,我们在包含一系列相似和不同任务的两个基准上评估我们的方法,包括CTrL[47]和mixed CIFAR100和F-CelebA[19]。CTrL[47]包括6个视觉图像分类任务流。如果𝑡 是流中的任务,CTrL表示任务为𝑡− 和𝑡+ 其数据是从与𝑡, 但分别使用更小或更大的标记数据集。此外𝑡 ′ 和𝑡 ′′ 是与任务类似的任务𝑡, 虽然两者之间没有关系𝑡𝑖 和𝑡𝑗 ,𝑖 ≠ 𝑗。然后,CTrl中的6个流如下所示:𝑆− = (𝑡1+, 𝑡2.𝑡3.𝑡4.𝑡5.𝑡1.−) 用于评估直接转移的能力;𝑆+ = (𝑡1.−, 𝑡2.𝑡3.𝑡4.𝑡5.𝑡1+)用于评估知识更新能力;𝑆in=(𝑡1.𝑡2.𝑡3.𝑡4.𝑡5.𝑡1′)和𝑆out=(𝑡1.𝑡2.𝑡3.𝑡4.𝑡5.𝑡1′)分别用于评估向类似输入和输出分布的转移;𝑆pl=(𝑡1.𝑡2.𝑡3.𝑡4.𝑡5) 用于评估塑性;𝑆long由100个任务组成,用于评估可伸缩性。类似地,混合的CIFAR100和F-CelebA[19]包括F-CelebA的混合相似任务和CIFAR100的不同任务[21]。F-CelebA由从LEAF[5]中选择的10个任务组成,其中包含一个名人的照片,该名人的标签是他/她是否在微笑。CIFAR100分为10个任务,每个任务有10个类。此外,我们还对经典的任务增量学习基准进行了实验,包括CIFAR10-5、CIFAR100-10、CIFAR100-20和MiniImageNet-20。CIFAR10-5将CIFAR10[21]划分为5个任务,每个任务有2个类。类似地,CIFAR100-10和CIFAR100-20是通过将CIFAR100[21]分为10个任务(10个类)和20个任务(5个类)来构建的。MiniImageNet-20将MiniImageNet[48]划分为20个任务,每个任务有5个类。

Baselines. We compare our method with: two simple baselines including Finetune that learns tasks one-by-one without any constraints and Independent that builds a model for each task independently; parameter regularization methods including EWC [20], LwF [25], IMM [23], and MAS [1]; memory based methods including iCaRL [37], ER [8], GCL [46], GPM [41], ACL [13], and OS (OrthogSubspace) [6]; parameter allocation method with static model: HAT[42], RPSnet [36], InstAParam [9], and CAT [19]; parameter allocation method with dynamic model: PN [40], Learn to Grow [24], SG-F [28], MNTDP [47], LMC [34], BNS [35], and FAS (Filter Atom Swapping) [30].

基线。我们将我们的方法与以下两个简单的基线进行比较:一个是Finetune,它在没有任何约束的情况下一个接一个地学习任务,另一个是独立的Finetune,它独立地为每个任务建立模型;参数正则化方法包括EWC[20]、LwF[25]、IMM[23]和MAS[1];基于内存的方法包括iCaRL[37]、ER[8]、GCL[46]、GPM[41]、ACL[13]和OS(正交子空间)[6];静态模型参数分配方法:HAT[42]、RPSnet[36]、InstAParam[9]和CAT[19];具有动态模型的参数分配方法:PN[40],Learn to Grow[24],SG-F[28],MNTDP[47],LMC[34],BNS[35]和FAS(滤波器原子交换)[30]。

Metrics. Denote the performance of the model on 𝑇𝑗 as 𝑟𝑖,𝑗 after learning task 𝑇𝑖 where 𝑗 ≤ 𝑖. Suppose the current task is 𝑇𝑡 , we adopt average performance (AP) and average forgetting (AF) to evaluate lifelong learning methods. The formulas are as follows:

度量标准。当𝑟𝑖,𝑗 再学习任务𝑇𝑖后表示在模型上的性能𝑇𝑗 ,其中𝑗 ≤ 𝑖. 假设当前任务是𝑇𝑡 , 我们采用平均成绩(AP)和平均遗忘(AF)来评估终身学习方法。公式如下:

To evaluate the parameter overhead, we denote the initial and total number of model as M0 and M. The number of extra parameters for all new tasks is denoted as ΔM. The average number of extra parameters for each new task is denoted as ΔM.


Implementation details. Our implementation is based on PyTorch and we provide the source code in the supplement. Without special instructions, we adopt a modified ResNet18 [17] with multiple output heads as the backbone network for baselines following MNTDP [47]. For our method, we set the number of cells of each expert as 4 for all tasks. The 𝛼 is set to 0.5 and 𝛽 is set to 1 for all tasks. We adopt the SGD optimizer and the initial learning rate is set to 0.01 and will be annealed following a cosine schedule. The momentum of SGD is set to 0.9 and the weight decay is searched from [0.0003, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01] according to the performance on valid data. Due to limited space, we provide detailed settings about dataset and experiments in the supplement.

实施细节。我们的实现是基于PyTorch的,我们在附录中提供了源代码。在没有特殊说明的情况下,我们采用了改进的ResNet18[17],带有多个输出头,作为MNTDP[47]之后基线的主干网络。对于我们的方法,对于所有任务,我们将每个专家的单元数设置为4。这个𝛼 设置为0.5和𝛽 对于所有任务都设置为1。我们采用SGD优化器,初始学习率设置为0.01,并将按照余弦计划进行退火。SGD的动量设置为0.9,根据有效数据的性能,从[0.0003,0.001,0.003,0.01]搜索权重衰减。由于篇幅有限,我们在附录中提供了关于数据集和实验的详细设置。

4.2 Performance on Benchmarks

Performance mixed similar and dissimilar tasks. As shown in Table 1, parameter allocation methods via dynamic models perform better since they have enough new parameters to accommodate new tasks. Our method outperforms baselines on all six streams in CTrL. One reason is that our method allows knowledge transfer among relevant tasks while preventing interference among tasks not relevant. For example, performance on stream S+ show that our method can update the knowledge of expert for small task 𝑡1− by the large task 𝑡1+. Performance on streams S− and Sout shows that our method can transfer knowledge from experts of tasks that are relevant to last tasks. Another reason is that a task-tailored architecture helps each expert performs better. Moreover, performance on stream Slong shows that our method is scalable for the long task sequence. Similarly, results in Table 2 show that our method outperforms parameter allocation methods with static models.

性能混合了相似和不同的任务。如表1所示,通过动态模型的参数分配方法表现更好,因为它们有足够的新参数来适应新任务。我们的方法在CTrL中的所有六个流上都优于基线。一个原因是,我们的方法允许相关任务之间的知识转移,同时防止不相关任务之间的干扰。例如,在stream S+上的性能表明,我们的方法可以更新小任务的专家知识𝑡1.− 大任务𝑡1+. 流上的表现S−和 Sout表明,我们的方法可以从专家那里转移与最后一个任务相关的任务的知识。另一个原因是,任务定制的体系结构可以帮助每位专家更好地执行任务。此外,流Slong上的性能表明,我们的方法对于长任务序列是可伸缩的。类似地,表2中的结果表明,我们的方法优于静态模型的参数分配方法。


Performance on classical benchmarks. Experimental results in Table 3 and Table 4 show that our method outperforms baselines on 4 classical benchmarks. Thanks to the knowledge transfer and task-tailored architecture described above, despite slight forgetting, our method can achieve better performance on many tasks.



Parameter overhead. We analyze the parameter overhead of our method on CIFAR100-10 and Slong in CTrL. The number of initial parameters (M0) in our method is large due to the extra feature extractor (ResNet18) for task distance calculation, but it is fixed and does not grow with the number of tasks. Compared with baselines, the total and average number of extra parameters for new tasks ΔM and ΔM in our method are small. Performance on stream Slong show that our method is scalable and the total parameter overhead in our method is less than baselines.


4.3 Ablation Studies

To analyze the effects of parameter allocation with relevance-aware architecture search and parameter regularization, we conduct ablation study on CIFAR100-10 and results are in Table 6. Compared with strategy Fixed, i.e. using a fixed cell from DARTs [26] in allocation, relevance-aware hierarchical search can improve the performance and reduce the parameter overhead. Moreover, the coarsegrained search based on relevance can further improve performance while reduce time overhead. We also find that the parameter regularization helps reduce parameter overhead, but it also degrades performance. Overall, our method achieves a balance among performance, parameter overhead, and time overhead.


 We also analyze the effect of an important hyper-parameter 𝛼 on CTrL and CIFAR100-10. Results in Table 7 show that, on most tasks, the value of 𝛼 does not cause great performance changes, except the case that 𝛼 = 1.0 in CIFAR100-10.

我们还分析了一个重要的超参数的影响𝛼 在CTrL和CIFAR100-10上。表7中的结果显示,在大多数任务中𝛼 不会引起很大的性能变化,除非𝛼 = CIFAR100-10中的1.0。

 4.4 Relevance Analysis

 Analysis on CIFAR100-coarse. In this section, we analyze the task relevance obtained by our method. At first, as shown in Figure 3, we visualize the tasks and experts in CIFAR100-coarse, which is obtained by dividing CIFAR100 into 20 tasks according to the coarsegrained labels in it. We find that Vechicles 1 and Vechicles 2, and Large man-made outdoor things share the same expert. The Aquatic mammals, Fish, Large carnivores, Large omnivores, herbivores, Medium-sized mammals, and Reptiles share the same expert. The People The containers and Household electrical devices share the same expert because they both contain cylindrical and circular objects. Non-insect invertebrates and Insects share the same expert because insects are invertebrates.

CIFAR100-coarse分析。在这一部分中,我们分析了通过我们的方法获得的任务相关性。首先,如图3所示,我们在CIFAR100粗略中可视化任务和专家,这是通过根据其中的粗粒度标签将CIFAR100划分为20个任务获得的。我们发现Vechicles 1和Vechicles 2,以及大型人造户外物品共享同一个专家。水生哺乳动物、鱼类、大型食肉动物、大型杂食动物、草食动物、中型哺乳动物和爬行动物都有相同的专家。容器和家用电器的使用者都是同一位专家,因为它们都包含圆柱形和圆形物体。非昆虫无脊椎动物和昆虫拥有相同的专家,因为昆虫是无脊椎动物。

Analysis on CTrL. As shown in Figure 4, we visualize the heatmaps of task distances obtained by our method on 4 streams in 𝐶𝑇𝑟𝐿. Results on streams S−, 𝑆+ and Sout shot that our method can capture the similarities between tasks. 

对CTrL的分析。如图4所示,我们将通过我们的方法获得的任务距离热图可视化为𝐶𝑇𝑟𝐿. 关于流的结果−, 𝑆+ 我们的方法可以捕捉到任务之间的相似性。

5  结论

Instead of treating all tasks in a sequence equally and trying to solve them uniformly, in this paper, we propose a new lifelong learning framework named Parameter Allocation & Regularization (PAR) that allows the model to adaptively select an appropriate strategy from parameter allocation and parameter regularization for each task according to its learning difficulty. Experimental results on multiple benchmarks show that our method is scalable and significantly reduces the model redundancy while improving the model performance. Further, the relevance analyses show that the task relevance obtained by our method is reasonable and the model can automatically adopt the same expert to handle relevant tasks.


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